Chapter 27- The Cruel Truth

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Back on top of the roof Eliana grunted as she fell on her knees as the hooded figure roller beated her up. The rain poured on top of them. One of her dualies was swept away from her a few feet away, while the other one was in her hand. Trying to reach out for the other dualie, the coated figure stopped in front of her as he pointed his roller so close to her nose, she thought that if she reached out her hand for the other dualie, her life would end. "....." The hooded figure still didn't say a thing as Eliana stared at him. She had blood flowing down on a few scratches on her face, but the rain washed it down her face.
…I can't…I can't defeat him…who is he, really…? Is he really Lenard…? That roller of his…it has to be him…but…why isn't he saying a word…!?
Eliana shakily started to get up. "L-Lenard…! Why are you…doing this to me…!? It's me, Eliana! C-Can't you see…!?" She yelled tiredly and sighed right after. Tears started in her eyes as the hooded figure put his roller down. "...Eliana, tell me why he picked…you." He said as he jumped with his roller, which was going to land in a vertical swing. The purple inkling's eyes widened as she couldn't dodge roll without her other dualie, so the vertical hit her against the wall and fell back onto the ground. Her eyes were tightened, her teeth were gritted, and she panted tiredly. 
It's definitely Lenard…that deep voice…I know that's him…he even reacted to me…
"L-Lenard…" She started. However the hooded inkling stepped on her hand with his foot tightly. Eliana winced in pain. She remembered she felt that way before long ago, as the vision suddenly came clear to her. She saw the Black octoling stepping on her hand while she was hit badly on the plains of Inkopolis.
…Master stepped on my hand before and told me to admit defeat in the Great Turf War. It feels…just like how I'm being treated right now…don't tell me…Master brainwashed him…?
"...W-Why are y-you doing…this, Lenard…? J-Just tell me…" "That's his hatred towards you." Master said from behind the hooded inkling with an evil grin. The hooded inkling silently stepped aside with his hero roller, leaning on his shoulders. Eliana looked above and saw the black octoling who bent his knees and looked at her in the eyes. "M-Master…why are you…doing this…?" "Why, you ask Miss captain Eliana, is because…I'm going to make you suffer. You and Flynn betrayed me and now your friend has stabbed you back. It's what you deserve." He smiled at the purple inkling. Eliana put on an angry face, but she didn't have the strength to keep it up. "Heheheh. Your anger surely amuses me. I'll make sure your death is going to be nice and slow. For a special inkling like you, your friend will do the honors of killing you. After all, his hatred towards you is what makes him has this grudge." Master said as he got up and turned his back on her. "...W-What do you mean…? Lenard hates me…? T-That can't be possible…I thought we're friends…and allies…!" Eliana said back in confusion. Master turned around and grinned again. "Ah, tut, tut. You're just too blind, aren't you, little inkling captain? You see, Lenard has always envied you. You think we don't know, but we've seen all of your relationships before the Great Turf War. That day when you, out of all the other inklings, were chosen by the Legendary Squidbreak Splatoon, to take position as leader of one of the greatest inklings warriors of  Inkopolis. Your friend wanted that title and position, but he always tried to hide his anger and emotions towards you, captain Eliana." He grinned. Eliana's eyes widened and started to shake as she heard that from Master. She turned to the hooded inkling who stared at her silently. The purple inkling started shaking her head in fear and sadness.
N-No…n-no…it can't be true…Lenard…hates me…because I was captain…? Why…? 
Tears started coming from eyes. The black octoling smirked. "How sad. Heheheh. That's why we made use of him. We knew that his hatred and anger would eventually be put to use. Now that grudge of his will end you and all of your pathetic allies. After all, he has become now one of the most powerful cephalopods. Even stronger than me. It's all you're fault anyways, Eliana. Now, number 8, end her." He told the coated inkling. Eliana glanced at the inkling in the black coat who was about to swing his roller again. Eliana shut her eyes closed in fear as she couldn't do anything else.
…Well…I guess…everything really is my fault, isn't it…Lenard hates me…that friendship we had and shared with Flynn…I guess…that was all a lie. This sadness has been the most painful one I ever felt…now I will die with that grief in myself. Everything has always been my fault anyways.

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