Chapter 17- Memories Found

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Eliana, Dalia, Flynn and Jakob were panting tiredly as they fought.
...It's tough, but I can't give up. Flynn wants to bring me back, but I won't let him so easily. Dalia and Jakob look tired too...
Jakob shot Dalia as she ran out of ink and she was hurt easily as she had no energy to fight. Eliana rushed to protect Dalia. "Eliana! Just give up and come back with me. Your fussing isn't going to help." Flynn told the purple inkling as he shot the side of her cheek. Eliana flinched a little bit as she had a little bit of blood falling from her cheek but she still remained with a serious face. "...I'm not going to give up. This is my life, Flynn...! You or anyone can't tell me what to do!" Eliana said back to him as tears started to go down her face as well. Dalia was watching the two of them argue. "...Wait...! Where's that kid...!?" She asked herself quietly as she couldn't get up. Jakob was about to hit Eliana from behind with his blaster. "W-Watch out!" Dalia screamed at Eliana. As Eliana turned around, he was about to hit her, but Dalia got up and went in front of her to take the hit. Jakob shot her and she fell back again. Eliana held Dalia in her arms as she was bleeding on her forehead. "...D-Dalia...! Why'd you do that...!?" Eliana asked the yellow inkling girl. Jakob backed away behind Flynn. "I didn't mean to get the yellow one-" "...Shut up..." Flynn interrupted as his eyes widened. He looked at the yellow inkling.
"...I had faith in you just when I was filled with so much doubt."
Eliana started shaking her head. "...N-No...Dalia..." She mumbled as she hugged her. Dalia didn't say a thing as she turned her head towards Flynn. The charger in her hand disappeared and suddenly replaced Flynn's eliter with the hero charger. Flynn looked at the charger in shock as it transformed. "...What...? Why did it-" Jakob looked at Flynn's charger. "Flynn, why do you have that weapon?!" Jakob asked. Eliana's attention was focused on Flynn as the charger. Dalia started to cry. "...Flynn, promise me something." She started. Flynn looked at her and without thinking, he dropped the charger and ran to her. "What is it?" "...It's alright. I trust take it as you are the new hero charger wielder now. Promise me you'll use it for justice." She smiled. Flynn had a disappointed face as he heard her say those words. Eliana hugged Dalia as she couldn't get up. "...Dalia...I'm sorry I couldn't protect you-" "Eliana, it's fine. I'm going to be okay. Just know that our entire team relies on you. Do the right thing, and I'm sure everything will be alright." Dalia said again as she smiled, but her smile slowly faded away as her eyes closed. "But...why?" Flynn mumbled as a tear went down his face. Eliana looked at him in frustration. "Why did you have to this!?" She yelled at the two male octolings who were staring at the yellow inkling who was gone. Flynn wiped his tear and put a serious face. "...Stop your whining. Let's go back. NOW." He said to her back. Jakob folded his arms and he looked at them worriedly. Eliana backed away as she couldn't hold her dualies anymore. It disappeared in her hands.
I can't take it anymore...Flynn killed Dalia...and I can't believe Dalia would entrust her weapon to a jerk like him...!
"...Take me." A voice said behind the church door. Eliana, Flynn and Jakob paid their attention towards the door as it opened. Lenard came in without his roller in his hand. Jakob went and tied ropes behind Lenard. "...What...?" Flynn asked. "Flynn, the imposter has surrendered! Master told me if we don't get number 8, it's to bring the imposter in. So let's go. Plus, since you and number 8 are friends, I'll give you a chance. Since she gave me one earlier." Jakob said as he looked at Eliana. Eliana had no words to say as he said that.
...I can't believe Jakob would give me a chance like that...but...why would Lenard hand himself over...?
As Flynn nodded silently, his charger disappeared. "...Let's go." He said as he, Lenard and Jakob started walking out of the church door. "...Lenard...? Don't leave me alone..." Eliana said from afar. Lenard paused as his hands were tied. "...You're not alone. Everything's going to be fine. The race won't need to come back for you anymore. Enjoy your life with Camille and the others in Inkopolis. You protected me once, so now it's my turn to protect you." Lenard said with a faint smile as he left along with Flynn and Jakob.
What does Lenard mean...? Did I save him? Is it a hint of a memory...?
Eliana's tears kept flowing as she saw Dalia asleep on the grass where the single flower grew. Eliana bent down and she cried silently.
...I wasn't so cruel...! If pain is coming at me little by little, I prefer not to live...but...I don't know who I am. I don't know what my life was like. Who am I? Why can't I find out...? What's the truth?

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