Extra Stories/ Endings part 1

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[Kira's ending] The light blue octoling went out of Inkopolis and travelled to the one place she called home.
…I don't know what to say…here I am returning to my home town…what would everyone think of me? It's been years since I've come back.
She saw her town, highly improved. Last time she remembered, her town had wooden cottages in the middle of nowhere in the woods; where plenty of octolings lived. However, now the houses became made out of brick stones and now she is barely recognized almost anywhere. It looked like a smaller Inkopolis. Kira walked throughout the streets where a lot of octolings surrounded the area like a lively town. No octoling seemed to recognize her; they only saw her as a traveler with a black coat and a bag. 
I don't recognize anyone here…has my home town changed that much over the years? Huh…well, if I remember correctly, my family owned a small bar where everyone would go to everyday. Maybe…my sister would still be there.
The light blue octoling quickly started to run as she remembered the excitement of the bar her family of octolings once owned. As she got to the location of where her family bar was, it still remained there, only it had a more modern look. The bar was called "The Octo's Spot." It was known that her family made the bar for octolings only, but they had the most delicious grilled food there. Kira entered the bar, took a seat and looked around. She saw a lot of octolings hanging out and talking as they sat around the other tables. One of the octoling waitresses went up to the light blue octoling. "Hi there, what is your order for today?" She asked. Kira didn't look up, but she replied, "I'd like a-" She paused as she looked up at the waitress's face. She had cyan hair and small pigtails like she did. The octoling waitress stared back at Kira in silence. ".....'' The cyan octoling waitress broke the silence as she dropped the notepad and hugged Kira. "Kira! Is this you…?! It must be! I miss you so much! Oh my…cod!! I have so many things I want to tell you…!" She gleed happily as she hugged her. Kira slowly put her arms around her too. "Kari…I miss you too…I couldn't come back after all these years and I'm sorry for that." "No, don't be sorry! I saw the letter you received the day before you left and I was hoping you'd come back. And you did! It just makes me happy to see you again! Let me grab some food for you, okay? I'll be back!" The cyan octoling said cheerfully as she went back into the kitchen. Kira closed her eyes.
She's really happy that I came back? I'm glad…Ren knew that it wasn't too late. I'm glad I listened to him as well. Otherwise…I wouldn't get this chance to see my only sibling and family member left in my family.
[End of Kira's story] 

[Camille and Josh's ending] The pink inkling was at home, scrolling through her phone that had pictures of her and Lenard together. She smiled, but she swiped away from her gallery as she put her head down on her desk. 
I couldn't bring myself to delete these…but…for some reason I feel that Lenard doesn't feel the same way I do. So I'm wondering if I should throw away these pics or not…
Camille put her head up as she heard a doorbell coming from downstairs. She hurried down quickly as she was excited to see who was at the door. When she opened it, she saw Josh standing in front of her. Her smile turned into a straight face as she stared at Josh.
…Oh…whenever I think of Lenard, I get so excited. Too excited, I thought that he would come by my house, but he never did.
"Oh, Camille. You wanted me to grab ya some food today, right? Don't get mad–I tripped and spilled some of the curly fries." Josh said with a sheepish laugh. Camille shook her head as she put back on the exact same smile. "Heheheh! It's okay, Josh! I know your clumsy situation already." She said happily. "Rude! But anyways, you're welcome." He said back to her with an awkward face. For a second, she paused and put her smile away again.
I…almost felt happy. I never really asked anyone to stop by my house before. Guess Josh is the first one…
The pink inkling looked down and her feet started fidgeting as the turquoise inkling. "Um…do you want to have lunch together?" She suddenly asked him. Josh's eyes had a surprised expression. "What? What brought that up all of a sudden?" He asked her back. Camille didn't look him in the eye, but she had a small smile. "Why not? You're already here, right? C'mon!" She said with a happy tone as she pulled Josh into her house. "Okay. But promise me that you'll get lunch next time and swing by my place!" He said back to her with a deal. He held out his pinkie to Camille and she gladly shook it with her pinkie as well. "Deal!" They both smiled as they both ate lunch together that afternoon. 
Somehow…I feel like I now have the courage to delete those photos. Because now that we have saved Inkopolis, I plan to start a better life for myself. 
[End of Camille and Josh's story]

SPLATOON: The Octarian RaceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora