Chapter 8- Worries

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Meanwhile, at the octoling base, everyone had a meeting. Flynn was feeling much better but he wondered what the meeting was about. He looked at Naoto who was talking with Kira worriedly. Flynn walked over to the two of them. "...Naoto, Kira, what happened? Why is everyone worried?" Flynn asked the octolings. Kira had an upset face. "The intruder got away yesterday! He kidnapped number 8 as well!" Kira said. "Kira…! It's not our fault. He was too powerful…Flynn, Eliana recognized it was the inkling that you fought the other day." Naoto told his friend. "...What?! Eliana is gone? Oh my cod…! And she's our valuable member too…! That inkling's gotta pay." Flynn said. "I totally agree, but this guy right beside me said we need to bring him in!" Kira complained as she pointed at Naoto. "Because Master said to bring him in! You can't disobey orders…!" Naoto responded back to her as they continued fighting. Flynn backed away from their conversation. "...Man…I wonder where that inkling took her…now I don't even get to hear what she wanted to say." He said to himself sadly. Yuka approached all members. "We have a meeting now. Please hear what Master has to say about our number 8." She said. All octolings in the room paid attention Master as he entered the room along with Oliver. "...Our number 8 has been kidnapped by the intruder. This intruder is identified as an inkling male with white hair and red eyes. I'd like two of you to investigate the city of Inkopolis where we think he might've took her." The octoling with black hair said. Oliver stepped up. "If you encounter number 8, bring her back. If there's a chance you also see the intruder, we ask that you bring him back as well." Oliver said. "What the fish?! He almost killed us! He should be dead!" Kira said angrily. Everyone in the room looked at her and Naoto who were still injured. "Y-Yeah." Naoto said slowly. "...These opinions and suggestions are not accpeted. We need the intruder because of our secret plan. Have you forgotten since the day you all arrived in our race?" Oliver asked. All the members remembered. Flynn remembered as well. "...The infinite 8. If you have all forgotten, you are not taking your jobs of killing inklings properly. Especially those inklings that oppose us. The 8 special and powerful inklings that made us lose during the war. I am highly disappointed that you all haven't found any of the 8 warriors and brought them in." Master said as he looked away. After a few seconds, he turned to Flynn and a male octoling. "...Number 5, number 4, I want you two to investigate Inkopolis. Do not perform an assisination. Bring back number 8 safely and if you do encounter the intruder, bring him in. No excuses." He commanded. Yuka had her eye on Flynn worriedly as she heard Master call him and the male octoling. "The meeting is over. Numbers 3 and 7, take your rest. Number 5, please see me after the meeting." Yuka said. Master and Oliver walked away and Naoto and Kira walked back to their rooms. Flynn made a tired face. "Man…what does Yuka wanna tell me this time?! Better not hear a single complaint outta her." Flynn walked over to Yuka. Yuka didn't look at him, but she talked quietly to his ear. "...Number 4 always does his missions in private. You might want to keep your eye on him from afar while finding number 8 by yourself." Yuka told him. Flynn looked at the male octoling with brown hair grabbing his weapon in the corner as she was getting ready to leave. "...Got it. I'll be back soon with Eliana, Yuka." He told her. Yuka made a sarcastic face. "You better. You owe me for all those medicine bottles." She said as she put her hands on her hips. Flynn scratched his head and had an embarrassed smile. "Yeah, yeah." He said as he left with the female octoling. "...Number 4 is Jakob. I nearly forgot he was part of our group. I never really know where he stays after he finishes missions. Great. Now I gotta watch him while finding Eliana myself." He said as he grabbed his E-liter.

Eliana, Lenard and Camille sat on the train that goes to Inkopolis square. Eliana was staring at Camille who was hugging Lenard's arm while he was staring outside the window. "How long have you two been together? You look so cute together." Eliana said with a small smile. Camille and Lenard looked at each other and then back at Eliana. "...I said we're not dati-" Lenard was cut off by Camille. "Yay! Thank you so much! We've been together since we were little. We're childhood friends!" Camille said happily. Lenard remained silent as he didn't answer anymore. 
...By the looks of it, Lenard doesn't seem to be so happy being with Camille. Maybe he's just too shy to admit it.
"...Heheheheh. I see. Anyways…what do you guys do around here?" Eliana asked. "E-Eliana, you say your name was?" Camille asked as she realized the purple inkling's name. Eliana nodded silently. Camille shook Lenard. "Lenard, Lenard! She's-" "...I know. But…don't talk about it now." He answered. Eliana was confused. "...Is this the fact that you two might know about me?" Eliana asked. Camille nodded slowly as she let go of Lenard's arm. "But…let's not talk about it now like Lenard said. I want to show you what the city of Inkopolis is like!" She said as she quickly changed the subject.
...If these inklings know about me…and if Lenard says the truth, how come he or Camille won't tell me my memory…? I don't remember anything…except I had a vision the first night I went with Flynn on a mission. Was it a memory?
"Oh! Look, we're here!" Camille said as she pointed out the window. Eliana and Lenard looked outside the window as they passed the Reef. "Next stop is Inkopolis Square. Inkopolis Square." The conductor said. Camille held Eliana's hand. "That's our stop~!" The pink inkling said as she and Eliana got up from the seats. Lenard put his hands in his pockets as he got up as well. "...I'll follow from behind." He said. "Okay! But if it bothers you, you can go back if you like. I mean…" Camille let go of Eliana's hand and walked to the white inkling. "...You already told her...right? It's my turn now…those octolings must've brainwashed her…" "...I only told the important things. But don't force it. If she doesn't believe us, there's ONE way. But it requires our leader, doesn't it?" Lenard answered. Camille nodded. Eliana looked at the two of them talking.
...Again…why does everyone keep things from me? Because I have no memory? Not only in the race octolings kept things from me, but these inklings do as well even if they might know my memory.
Eliana looked at Lenard and as their eyes met each other, Eliana had a tear go down her face. She quickly turned around. Lenard didn't say a thing as he saw her tears. "..." Camille looked at Eliana who faced the other way. "Eliana? What's wrong?" The pink inkling asked. 
...What…? Why did looking at Lenard make me shed a tear…? It came out of nowhere…
Eliana wiped it. "Hey, were you crying…? It's okay if something's bothering you. You can tell me if you like." Camille said to Eliana. Eliana turned around. "...Um...s-sorry. I don't know what happened. I just felt like…something felt empty inside of me for a second…" Eliana replied.
...As soon as I looked at Lenard, I had this tight feeling…is there something he's not telling me? Or is he showing me a weakness again? No...I don't think that's's something more...hmm...
Lenard didn't say a word. The train stipped in front of the square. "Oh! We're here! Eliana, I'll show you around!" Camille said as she pulled Eliana's hand again. "H-Huh…?! W-Wait…!" She yelped as the two of them ran outside the train. Lenard sighed and ran after them with his hands in his pocket.

It was currently 2 in the afternoon and Flynn was walking along with the brown octoling. "...So, Jakob, what do you do after missions? We barely see ya around." Flynn asked him. Jakob thought for a second. "...I like to keep my activities in quiet. I would tell you since it's just the two of us in this mission, but I'm afraid I can't trust you or anyone in this race yet." He said as he walked further. "What? Tell me! I won't say a thing. Knowing Master, I'm sure he wouldn't allow you to say these things. Same here, you know. I can't stand against his stupid rules." Flynn said back. Jakob looked at him with a surprised face. "You regret joining this race? Here, you play by Master's rules. I can't go against it and neither can you." Jakob responded as they continued walking. "Yeah…I kinda regret joining now that I know the fact that we're killing innocent lives and for what? I don't know what our goal is, but all I want to do right now is get Eliana back." The green octoling said as they continued walking pass the kettles. "You two close? I barely had a conversation with number 8 myself. After all, I am the youngest in the race yet I recieve the title of number 4." "Yeah! Well…actually we started talking a few days ago when she started becoming conscious. That other day when the intruder came, she wanted to say something, but I didn't get to hear it because I was too injured and she didn't have the time to say it either. Do you have anyone you're close with, Jakob?" Flynn responed with a happy tone. Jakob had a small smile, but it turned sad so easily. "...I see. You know, I have an elder brother. He's sick. Inside of him is a demon. There was nothing I can do about it. So I came and attended here knowing that this race may have great supplies to help him." He said sadly. "...I thought about running away. When I did try, Master stopped me. He wouldn't let me leave and made sure I payed the cost. And there's my brother…so far away and this race is keeping me from where I want to go. But I then learned Master can never allow anyone to neglect his rules." Flynn looked at the little octoling. "...Hey…it's okay. Maybe someday when we reach our goal, I know that you'll find a cure for your brother and finally leave this place." Flynn said encouragingly as he put his thumbs up. Jakob had a bright smile. "...You think!? Crab, I can't wait 'til that day comes!" He said. Flynn patted his head. "Heheheh! It will. Now let's get going." He said to the small brown octoling. "Hey! Don't treat me like a kid! Anyways, I don't know why I told you all of that, but I know you can keep it. I'll just do my mission alone. Let me know if you find number 8." He pouted and walked to the Inkopolis kettle. Flynn ran up to him with a tease. "Wha-?! You wanna go alone, little octo?" "Shut up!" Jakob said as he went into the kettle. Flynn watched the brown octoling go through the kettle. "Never thought that Jakob had a brother he wanted to go back to. Then he's always alone. Poor kid…he's the youngest in our race too. Hope he gets to see his brother. Anyways, since he wants to do his mission solo, I guess I should keep an eye on him from afar like Yuka said." Flynn said to himself as he entered the Inkopolis kettle as well.

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