Chapter 25- The final battle starts

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As all inklings made their way to Inkopolis square, by 7pm, Inkopolis plaza was pretty empty. Nothing but lamp posts everywhere. The sound of silence was almost too eerie for a city filled with so much noise. Eliana, Flynn, Camille, Josh, Ren, Susie and Sho stood in the middle of the plaza with their weapons.
…It's too quiet…
All of them looked in front of the lobby as they heard footsteps. There were 7 figures standing as well as staring back at them. Master was in the middle just grinning at Eliana. "...Hmm…if it isn't number 8." Master started. Eliana looked back at him with a serious face. "...Master…" Eliana said back silently. The other octolings stared at the other inklings almost as they recognized and memorized their faces. Yuka met eyes with Camille, who were both holding their umbrellas. 
Naoto looked at Susie as they both had their slosher weapons in their hands. 
Hiko stared at Josh silently while Josh gave him a non-serious look at both of their blasters. 
Sasha looked up worriedly at Flynn, who had a sniper weapon like she did.
Oliver had his splatling weapon in his hand while he saw Sho standing across from him with his splatling as well. 
Kira made an annoyed face as she glanced at Ren, who was looking at her with a straight face. 
"...Heh heh. How amusing it is to see your counterparts." Master said with a small laugh until he turned to Flynn, who was standing beside Eliana. "Flynn. I had high hopes for you. Why would you stand in my way now? Don't you don't see your friend Naoto here? You have just made your friend into an enemy." Flynn made a scared face as he saw Naoto staring at him with a stressed look, but then Flynn shook his head. "...Master, I don't care. Joining the race was not my idea, but I had no other option. You gave me no choice. But I still choose to side with the good and peace between both species. An enemy can be a friend…you're all just too afraid to see it. I know because one gave her life up so she changed me and my decisions. I'm not scared of how all of this will turn out, but I want you to know that I'm no longer a puppet of yours." Flynn said bravely as he stared straight into the black octoling's eyes. He held out his hand and the hero charger appeared in front of him. All the octolings gasped except for Hiko and Sasha. Eliana heard Flynn's words as well and felt such encouragement. "We want Lenard back too. No inkling or octoling should be a puppet to such a horrible Master." Flynn added as he looked at Eliana and pointed his charger towards Master. "Flynn…!" Naoto started. Flynn gave him a stressed face. "...No, Naoto. It's my choice. You can't tell me what to do." He said back coldly. Naoto's eyes widened as he heard his friend told all of those words to him.
…Flynn…I can't believe he would say all of that to his friend...
Master scoffed. "If you think a weapon of a hero can stop me, go ahead and try. At any rate, you shall see that hope of peace between two species is an illusion." He said back as he pointed his roller at Flynn. "...Master…! I want answers out of you! Why are you doing this…? Why me? Why Lenard? Give him back…!" Said Eliana as she looked at him. Master gave the purple inkling a smirk and he slowly backed away. Yuka and Oliver stepped in front of Master with their weapons. "...The infinite 8…is our goal." All the inklings, Flynn, Hiko and Sasha looked at them. "Our true objective was to find a strong and powerful inkling and by doing so, we used the inkling known to you all as Lenard, who will be tested to become the most powerful cephalopod created. After, if the test was a success, the plan is to use that power for us so we will become the most powerful cephalopods ever created." Yuka explained. Eliana stared at all the octolings worriedly.
Why…? Why would they want to become so powerful…?
"...No…that's wrong…" Eliana started. Everyone turned to her. "...Aren't you all…afraid of being too powerful…? Power leads to chaos and ruin…Lenard's powers are already frightning to this world…he doesn't deserve it because he didn't want it in the first place…! But all of you…do you have a choice…? Do you wish and seek destruction into what might happen to the future of Inkopolis? No one would be at peace! For inklings, octolings or any other cephalopods." Eliana said with tears in her eyes. Naoto and Kira looked at each other as he heard her say those words. Sasha held onto her e-liter tightly while Hiko put down his blaster. "We…don't have to fight…otherwise…fighting won't change anything. For us and for all of you." The purple inkling sighed tiredly. Master made an annoyed face. "Tch…! Don't listen to her. The Great Leader himself won't certainly allow. After all, our lives are at hands. If we don't do this now, we'll all die. Kill them. So they don't interrupt with our plans." Master told them as he walked back into the lobby. Eliana and Flynn wanted to go after him, but Yuka and Oliver both covered their way. Yuka was about to attack Flynn, but Camille stood in front of him with her umbrella. Flynn's eyes widened as he looked at Yuka. "Yuka…" "Orders are orders, Flynn…you betrayed us. Now you will die along with them…!" Yuka said back. Camille couldn't push her umbrella back any further. "Eliana! Get out of here…! We'll take care of them…! Flynn, help us out, will you?" Camille said as she tried to kick Yuka while their umbrellas were both pushing against each other. Yuka dodged to the side and focused her attention at Camille. Eliana and Flynn looked at each other. "Flynn, will you be alright?" Eliana asked. "Yeah! Don't worry about me. Get to Master and stop him as soon as possible! I'll try to reason with everyone down here! I'll catch up with you later!" Flynn said as he turned back to the octolings. Eliana nodded bravely as she turned into her squid form and headed to the lobby elevator. "Okay…!" 
I hope Flynn and the others will be okay...maybe some in the race would understand if Flynn and the others reason with them. But Master...he's on another level...too far from understanding...he controls the others, decides for them and punishes them if they disobey his orders...I don't think that's what any of the octolings in the race deserve. I will defeat him and get Lenard back from him.

Outside the plaza, Ren was dodging Kira's brush attacks quickly. He didn't want to attack her. "Hey…! Stop fighting! I'm trying to help you!" Ren said as he was dodging still. Kira had a face of disappoinment. "...How can you help? You don't know me." She said back. Ren put on a stressed glare as he finally used his brush to hit Kira's brush. "...We want peace…! Can't you see? Your leader is controlling you all! You don't need to be this way." Ren said as he gritted teeth and tried to push back Kira's octobrush. The light blue octoling's eyes widened, but she shook her head. "...This is the only way. But…you don't understand a thing about me, inkling. All the things I sacrificed, leaving my own sister, all to join this race. But I know this battle will change everything for me. You don't know anything about how I feel." She said back as she retreated her brush and jumped back. She pointed her brush at him, but Ren put his brush down as he looked down as well. "...Yes I do." Kira tilted her head and looked at him in confusion. Ren looked back up and shunned his head the direction where Sasha was. She was holding her e-liter trying to shoot the other inklings. Kira turned her head to Sasha as well. "..." "I had a sibling long ago. One day I came back home and she was gone. There she is now before my eyes. Her body has been rebuilt and joined with the enemy. But…" Ren paused as soon as Sasha laid her eyes on him. She put down her e-liter and smiled. "...I knew that I would eventually see her again. It's not the end yet. You can change and get to see your sister again. Master is not going to fulfill your desire. He's fulfilling his own." He said as he turned back to Kira. Kira's eyes widened as she heard him say that. "...So…the new member…she's your sister? That's impossible…" She asked. Ren looked away and closed his eyes, but had a grin on his face. "...Yeah. But just because her species changed, it doesn't change what her memories contain of me. That's why she knows the plan to stop Master. She's doing all of this so we can be together again. As siblings and for both species. I'm sure your sister would wanna see you too." He said as he put his hero brush down. Kira's face of startlement made her octobrush fall from her hands. "...I guess…you're right. I…thank you." She smiled straightly. Ren looked at her back and held out his hand. Kira stared at his hand and then back at him. "Ren. You?" "I'm Kira. Thank you, Ren." She said as they both shook hands. The two paintbrush enemies became friends. "...How are you planning to stop Master? He's not gonna stop his plan!" Kira said to the blue inkling. Ren folded his arms. "You can leave things to Eliana. She's doing the best for both species." He replied back. Kira looked at the lobby tower. "...I see. Eliana…" She mumbled, but she quickly turned to Ren as soon as she realized something. "Wait, how did your sister know about you even though you didn't recognize each other at first?" "She was given that daily dose made to forget her memories in the race. Eventually the effect of the haziness wears off if you don't take it everyday. Then eventually, you'll remember. When Sasha saw me, she recognized me right away. I was surprised, but I had this feeling like I knew that was her." He explained. Kira shook her head. "That doesn't make sense…why would Master or Oliver insert your sister with the memories from her previous body?" She asked. Ren put his hand on his chin. "...I don't know…I'm still trying to figure it out…" He said back. "I see…well, guess that I gotta help you guys out now." Kira said with a grin as she put her octobrush on her shoulders. Ren looked at her with a straight smile and nodded as they both went to the other octolings.

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