Chapter 12- Secrets Unknown

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Jakob had his blaster in his hand as he was searching on top of the buildings of Inkopolis. "...Inkopolis has always been pretty big…how could I find number 8? Huh…?" Jakob stopped mumbling until he heard his communicator turn on. "Number 4, have you located our number 8? I am highly concerned. Flynn is not answering his communicator, so I thought I might ask you." Said Master's voice through the device. Jakob was about to reach for the communicator in his pocket to reply, but he stopped and started thinking for a second. The brown octoling picked up and responded one minute after. "...Nothing yet, sir. I'm doing the searching on my own as always. I bet Flynn is doing the same thing as well." "Very well. Just glad to hear from one of you at least. Remember to stay hidden." Master said as he turned off the communicator. Jakob put down his blaster and sat down staring at the moon above Inkopolis. The communicator suddenly turned back on. "...Oh, and Jakob, I expect you to come back. Don't run away…otherwise I shall re-teach-" Jakob shut off his communicator completely as he didn't want to hear what the black octoling was going to tell him. "...What…can I…no, can we do…? Can we really not leave the race?" Jakob asked himself as he put his head down through the night.

Meanwhile at the race, Naoto and Kira's wounds were healed. It was 3 in the morning. The two of them finished their missions and were talking to each other. "Hope Flynn's okay. It's been 2 days." Kira said. "Yeah. Although, I'm a bit concerned. He's partnered up with number 4 who likes to work alone. Not to mention," Naoto was cut off. "...He's Master's favourite member." Kira said. Naoto nodded. "...Yeah, but I heard that he's afraid of Master from whatever that's about. I mean, even though Master favours Jakob, he always tells him to do his missions alone in private and expects a lot from him even though he is the youngest." Naoto added. "If Flynn screws something up, it's most likely Jakob will report to Master…I hope that doesn't happen…" Kira said as she looked around the room. It was silent as no one except the two of them were around. Oliver walked by the two of them in the room. Naoto and Kira looked at him with serious faces. Oliver caught them staring at him. "...What's up with your faces? It's just me. You guys should help around instead of talking to each other. There's only a few of us right now until number 8 comes back." He said as he left. "...This leaves me wondering something, Naoto." Kira said as she watched the octoling scientist left. Naoto turned to her. "What?" "Why did there need to be 8 special members in our group? I mean, not just to oppose the inkling warriors, but why do we need an inkling. SPECIFICALLY?" Kira asked the grey-blue octoling. "...I dunno. Master has given me the title of number 3 yet I don't even know anything. Don't ask me. If you wanna know these things, talk to Yuka or Oliver. Master specifically told them mostly about those questions." Naoto responded. The light blue octoling looked down. "...Ah…okay. If you say so. I'm gonna go now. I'll see if I can ask questions to Master or the others!" She said as she waved to leave. Naoto looked at her from afar and waved. "...Flynn…don't do anything reckless…" Naoto said to himself with a serious face as he walked back to his room.

It was around 3:45 in Inkopolis. Eliana was fast asleep in her room. Flynn bumped his head on the wall and woke up. "Agh…! Not again…dammit. I can't seem to sleep. I'm not even tired either. This is the time I usually stay up anyways. I should get some air." Flynn said to himself as he got up. As he was about to open his door quietly, he heard footsteps coming down. Flynn closed his door slightly. As he looked outside the door, he saw Lenard walking to the front door. He had his black sweater and cape on. Lenard opened the door and left. Flynn came out of his room as soon as he saw Lenard left. "...Wonder where he's going…could it be that he's gonna go somewhere…?" The dark green octoling wondered as he walked quietly to the front door. He put on slippers in the front. Flynn opened the door and looked around outside. The neighborhood was quiet as there was no one awake. Flynn looked up at the moon from a distance. "...Huh…I knew you were awake." A voice said from behind Flynn. He turned around and saw Lenard sitting on top of his roof tiles. "Don't scare me like that." Flynn responded as he closed his eyes. Lenard leaned down and offered his hand to Flynn. Flynn paused as he looked at the white inkling who offered his hand. But he took it, with no hesitation, without thinking that anything bad would happen if he took Lenard's hand. Lenard pulled him up on top of his roof tiles and they sat staring at the moon. "Why aren't you asleep?" The green octoling asked the white inkling. Lenard pulled his sweater up to his face again. "...I do this every night…waiting. To atone for my sins. I'd always think that…someone out there would forgive me. I just haven't met them yet." He said. Flynn looked at Lenard in confusion. "What happened? How did you cause this sin?" Flynn asked curiously. Lenard hesitated for a moment. "...You know  the cursed power I possess? I was not born with them. It's pure evil. Whenever I use it, I feel like I don't deserve to live." "...What do you mean?! How did you even get them?" Flynn asked. "...If I tell you, you must remain silent. You cannot say a word about it because…it's going to break her." Lenard responded. "By her, do you mean Eliana? If it's about her, I swear I won't say a thing. Especially if it's gonna hurt her." Flynn said as he looked at the white inkling with a serious face. Lenard nodded silently as took out the test papers he stole from Oliver back in the race. As he handed it to Flynn, Flynn's eyes widened as he read it. "...No way…this isn't true, is it? You're…and she is…" Flynn paused. Lenard stood up on the roof tiles. "...Now you know the truth about the race. It's something I cannot show to her because of her situation of lost memories. Also, I do not want to make the situation worse. You probably don't want to bring this up to her right away." Lenard said as he looked at Flynn with his glowing red eyes. Flynn had a worried face. "...The race is up to no good…! Master, Oliver and Yuka have been hiding everything about Eliana…I have to warn everyone like Naoto, Kira and Jakob, but on second thought…they most likely won't listen to me…and it's worse if Master finds out that I know the truth…" The octoling thought to himself. As Flynn looked up, Lenard jumped down and went back into the house. Flynn followed behind. "Wait! Lenard, here." Flynn stopped Lenard and was about to give him back the papers. The white inkling shook his head. "...Keep it. You have proof to show the other members if you're planning on going back." He said. "Okay. Thanks…" The green octoling said back as the two of them went back into the house.
Eliana had a dream of two figures. The two of them were so far away, that she couldn't tell who they were. She ran to one of them and as she touched their hand, they disappeared. Eliana had tears going down her face. 
...Why…am I...? Why...?
The female inkling woke up in the bed and the tears were still in her eyes. She got up slowly as she wiped her tears against the sleeve of her sweater. The sun was out reflecting against the curtain in the room. Eliana got up slowly and opened the door. Lenard was on the table reading again while Flynn was just watching TV. The two of them looked at her. "Morning…" She started as she yawned. "..." Lenard didn't say a thing, but he nodded. Flynn looked at Eliana, but he couldn't say a word to her.
…Flynn seems oddly quiet…for Lenard, I think that's normal. But…
"...Ever since what Lenard showed me earlier this morning, I…can't even think about saying a word to her…" Flynn said to himself as he looked at the purple inkling. "...Uh…morning." He said quickly as he turned back to the TV. Lenard tried to change the subject. "...Anything you want to do today? It's Sunday. Flynn didn't get enough sleep. Don't mind him." The white inkling said. Flynn had an annoyed face as he got up the couch. "What!? I'm not-" He yelled but paused when he noticed Lenard was trying to help him. Flynn sat back down slowly. Eliana looked at the male octoling. She walked to him and patted his head with a small smile. "...It's alright if you're not in the mood to talk." She said. Flynn took her hand off his head and placed it down gently. "...No…it's not that. It's just…" He looked at Lenard, shaking his head silently. "...Sorry. I'm alright." Eliana's eyes widened, but she had a smile again. "It's okay! Nothing to apologize for." She replied as she stuck out her tongue. Lenard looked at them and suddenly stood up without even saying a word and started to walk up the stairs. "Lenard, where are you going?" Eliana asked. "...Nowhere. Just…do whatever. I'll call Camille or something. She'll take you out this time if you want. I'm not in the mood." He said as he continued walking upstairs. "What? It's not going to be fun without you." Eliana said. Lenard stopped walking and looked at her from below. Flynn turned to Lenard. "You gotta have fun, Lenard. There's a purpose to life, y'know." He told him. Eliana looked at the male octoling and nodded. Lenard's eyes widened slowly as he walked down the stairs. "...Why? Why are you so persistent to let me join you? I brought you here to explore on your own. Morely, you have Flynn with you." Lenard told Eliana. Eliana thought for a second. "Well…you seem like you could use a friend or two. You're alone by yourself in this house everyday. I thought it'd be nice to be friends." She said with a small grin. "Yeah. Lighten up! We may not know a lot about Inkopolis since we're from the race, but it's great to meet new people like you." Flynn added. As the white inkling heard them say those words, he looked away and had a slight smile on his face. "Heh…I thought you both despised me. The first time we met, it was…different. Who would've thought I'd now share rooms with you two?" He said as he turned back to them with a smile. Eliana and Flynn looked at each other and then back at Lenard with smiles. "Oh! Hey, can I come up with a nickname for you since you know, we're close friends now?" Eliana asked. Lenard's smile went away and he made a disgusted face. "Whoa, slow down. Who said we were close friends?" He asked. Flynn turned to Eliana as they were coming up with a nickname. "Yeah…Lenard is a bit too formal…" Flynn agreed. "Oh! Can we call you Len?" Eliana said as she thought of a nickname. "Hey! Nice one, Eliana." Flynn smiled. Lenard scratched his head and looked at both of them. "...Don't get used to calling me that." He replied as he folded his arms.
…To be honest, I never thought I'd become friends with an inkling like Lenard. I hope he can learn to open up. There's so many things I want to know about him, like how he got his powers and all. But I don't want to ask that right away. I'm just happy that he actually took me to Inkopolis. If he didn't, I probably wouldn't feel this happy in my entire life in the race. I'm glad Flynn is also here too. He seems to lighten up my mood too as he's the first member that talked to me in the race. I feel like I can make new memories even if I don't remember my old ones with the friends that made me start my new life.

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