Chapter 7- Lenard

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Eliana was sitting at the male inkling's table. Meanwhile, he was just reading a book in silence. Eliana was bored.
...Man...he's as quiet as I was when I was still unconscious.
"...So what am I supposed to do, sit here and be bored all day?"  She asked sarcasticly as she stretched. Lenard closed his book as he put on an annoyed face and scoffed. "...Hah. You're free to leave. I'm not here to give you orders like that race, y'know." He said. Eliana had a surprised face as she realized that she's not usually used to doing anything without orders. "Oh. Right...okay." She said as she got off the chair. Eliana stood for about a minute and stared at Lenard. "...Why aren't you leaving?" He asked her in annoyance. "I don't know my ways around Inkopolis. Can guide me?" She asked. Lenard put his book on the table. "...What am I, your tour guide...?" "Hey, you're the one who brought me here to Inkopolis, said I could find my memories, and I would learn so many things outside of the race. So can you please show me around?" She begged him desperately. Lenard sighed, got out of his seat and looked at her. "...5 minutes. Meet me outside. Otherwise, the deal is off." He replied. Eliana's face had a small smile. "Yes!" She said as she grabbed her jacket from the bedroom. Lenard watched her grab her jacket. "Leave your stuff here. We'll be back later." "Ah, okay...well then, I'm all set!" She said as she walked to the front door without her jacket. Lenard walked behind her as he wore his long black sweater. He opened the door for her and as soon as she walked out, she had a smile on her face. The neighborhood had so many houses and some inklings were chatting outside their homes.
...Wow…! This is Inkopolis….? So many inklings…! I never would've thought Inkopolis looks this lively…everyone seems peaceful around here too.
Lenard locked his house door. "...Where do you want-" "Hey Lenard, umm…do you know everyone in Inkopolis?" Eliana asked him as she turned around. Lenard scratched his head. "...Well, not everyone, but the inklings in this neighborhood. They're called neighbors." He replied as he walked up to the curious female inkling. "Neighbors…so that means the octolings I live with-" As the two of them were talking, a female inkling was passing by. Lenard quickly covered Eliana's mouth. Eliana was cut off since Lenard covered her mouth. She was red entirely. The female inkling just stared at the two of them in silence and turned around to leave. After a few seconds, Lenard let go of Eliana's mouth. He didn't stare at her. The two of them looked away from each other for about 2 minutes.
...Lenard just suddenly...covered my mouth like that…but the way he did it- Oh my cod I can't stop turning red…!
Lenard had a red face as well. "...Sorry." He apologized as he still didn't look at her. Eliana looked at him and stopped turning red. "...It's...okay...but why did you do that?" She asked him. Lenard stopped being red and turned to her with a serious face. "...You must think. The Great Turf War ended about a month ago, and if any inklings hear you live and serve with those octolings, you're gonna be in big trouble. You have to watch what you're saying." He replied as he put his sweater up to his face. Eliana realized what she said before Lenard covered her mouth. "Oh…alright…I apologize." She said. "...Not looking for an apology, but just be more cautious as you talk." 
Good thing Lenard did stop me from talking…as much as he knows, I'm from a group of assassins that kill innocent inklings here. What more if these inklings knew I'm part of the enemy? However, that doesn't seem to bother Lenard…
"Oh, uh, I have a question." Eliana said. Lenard stopped covering his face and turned to her. "...I'm listening." "How do you know about our race? What do you know about me, mostly? You don't seem to be the kind of inkling who would be afraid of me; an assassin in training." She asked him. Lenard was quiet for a bit. "...This way. Follow me. I'll explain on the way." He started walking while Eliana followed him down the alley on the left. 

The two inklings walked in silence until the male inkling started explaining. "...I've been spying on the Octarians and Octolings for a while now. Since the Great War ended, we've heard one of our greatest comrades have gone missing so I've been instructed from the Great Squidbreak Splatoon to find her." He said. Eliana was curious. "...What was she like?" The female inkling asked. The male inkling had a serious face. "...The great inkling warriors of the Great Turf War all had different weapons. There were the legendary weapons. I wield the legendary hero roller. You wield the legendary hero dualies...the female inkling to gone missing was you." He said. Eliana had a shocked expression. "...How's that possible? I've only joined the Octarian Race last-" "...Month. That was the same time when the warriors of the Great Turf War heard that our dualie wielder had gone missing. You…have the legendary hero dualies, do you not?" He asked her. Eliana had her dualies appear in her hand. "...But...I don't remember anything…all I remember was when I first joined the race. That can't be true..." Lenard sighed. "...You wanted the truth and I gave it to you. However, I did not expect you would understand or believe me. After all, those octolings told you not to trust inklings." He said as they continued walking.
...I Lenard telling me the truth? From all the things he told me, it most likely could be true…! But again, he attacked me and the other members of the race…he most likely could be tricking me.
Eliana looked down and stopped walking. She faced the fence on the left and held it tightly. Lenard folded his arms. "...Lenard, I know what you're telling me could be true, but I'm afraid I cannot confirm your words until I've seen more proof…" She told him. "...Suspected as much. But my advice is to stay away from them. If you know what's good for you, don't take their words so seriously. Master says you're their 'valuable' member. For your own good, I suggest you stay here in Inkopolis away from him and all those other members." He said back to her with his deep red eyes. His eyes looked like he knew all the bad things in the world. "..." Eliana was silent as she couldn't decide what to do.
...How does he know about Master? Is there something he hasn't told me? It doesn't look like he's in the mood to talk about this though. For now, I guess I should try and find out the truth for myself in Inkopolis…!
A female inkling with pink hair embraced Lenard with a hug. "Lenard!!! I missed you so much! Where have you been this whole time?!" She asked in a cute voice. Eliana turned to the two of them. Lenard folded his arms. "...Why is it that you are so concerned?" He asked the female inkling. "...Uhm…Lenard, who is this girl?" Eliana asked curiously. The pink inkling stopped hugging Lenard and looked at Eliana. "Oh! I'm Camille! I'm Lenard's girlfriend!" The female inkling said with a smile. Eliana had a surprised face while Lenard had an annoyed face. "...Who decided that?" He corrected her. "Hmm… Hehehe-" She teased as she hugged him again. "Can you quit embracing me? He asked as he started to get annoyed. Eliana started smiling as she looked at the two inklings. 
...Lenard seems kinda annoyed by almost anything. Hehehehe. 
"Oh yeah...are you going to show me more of Inkopolis?" Eliana asked the two inklinge. The two of them looked back at her. "Oh! Lenard, is she new to Inkopolis?" Camille asked. Lenard nodded silently as he folded his arms. "Then let's show her around~! What's your name?" "E-Eliana." The purple inkling answered. "Okay~! Let's go! Lenard, you're coming too!" The pink inkling said as she pulled the white and purple inkling with both arms. "...Let go." Lenard said as he was dragged. Eliana was laughing shyly as the three of them walked to Inkopolis.
...I might not know a lot about Lenard, but he doesn't seem like a bad inkling. Even every inkling around here seems so friendly! However, what Lenard tells me about being one of the great warriors from the Great Turf War seems like it's possibly true. But why and how did I lose my memory…? I guess I'll need to find that out for myself and see if it's really true from what he told me.

The black octoling was in his room folding his arms. Yuka and Oliver were right beside him. Oliver had bandages on his head as he was injured the past day. "Master…the intruder got away with number 8's test papers…! He also got our valuable number 8 too…!" Oliver said. Yuka had a serious face. "...Sir, if she does not take the daily dose, she will start to regain her memories!" She said worriedly. The black octoling had a grin on his face. "...Don't fret. We will get our hands on number 8 again. Then you can start to give her the dose again as well. Yuka, you do know the intruder is 'him,' right?" Master asked. "...Yes. Apparently I noticed that he's our first number 8, am I correct?" "Yes. He's so easy to read. After all, we did an experiment with him. I already know what he's up to. Hold a meeting. Assemble everyone." The black octoling said as he exited his room. Yuka and Oliver nodded and followed behind.

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