Chapter 10- Differences and Similarities

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As the round of turf war went on for 2 minutes, there were 30 seconds left. Eliana's team was in the lead as they covered for 60% of the stage. However, team green started fighting back until team pink all got splatted. After that, the turf war finished. "Alright! And the winner of this match is…?" Marie started. "...Team green! Led by Luke and his group of friends!" Callie announced happily. "But…team pink did put up a good match! Congrats to both teams." Marie said with a smile. Camille, Lenard, Josh and Eliana looked at the other team of inkling boys. 
...I guess we lost…that sensation…of battle…I definitely felt it before. I lost to something…or someone…although, I felt pretty useless in this group. Lenard and the others were fighting off the team members, I'm doing the colouring…I feel so stupid. Especially the fact that they might get mad at me.
Eliana started to walk away silently as Lenard and the others were looking at the opposing team. Lenard turned around and noticed Eliana walking away. He walked behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "...Hey. Where do you think you're going?" He asked her. Camille and Josh turned to Eliana. Team green noticed their conversation from afar and stopped celebrating as they stared at team pink. Camille had a worried face. "Eli~ what's wrong?" Camille asked. Eliana didn't look her teammates in the eyes. "...I'm sorry…you all were amazing splatting team green, and I didn't splat a single member. I just coloured the stage and felt useless…" 
...Useless…just like in the race. Everyone gets annoyed because I don't realize what I'm doing. Then of course, they complain…but then they change the subject and say that I'm 'special.' 
"What are you-" Josh was cut off. Lenard folded his arms and listened in silence. Camille was surprised about what Eliana said. "...You guys…no, Lenard said I was one of the greatest warriors before I lost my memory. I was starting to believe that's true until now. I couldn't be the greatest turf war warrior if I didn't get a single person...and worst of all, we lost. All because of me…you guys are all mad at me, aren't you…?" Eliana asked sadly as tears started flowing down her eyes. Lenard and the others looked at each other and then back at the purple inkling. "What the heck are you talking about? We're not mad at all!" Josh said. Eliana's eyes widened as she heard him say that. Camille hugged her. "A game is a game, Eliana! You can't expect to win everytime! Plus, this is your first match in a long, long time! Who cares if you were a warrior before? Don't let your memories bring you down to the point you can't take them! So why would you think that…?" Camille asked. 
…I…don't know…I just felt useless in the race…but from what Lenard, Camille and Josh said, it's somewhat...different then I expected them to react...
"...Whatever you're spitting out of your mouth isn't true. You just think that because the race reacted to your failures as a 'valuable' member. They're all bad enough as it is. Don't believe in their cursed words." Lenard said. Eliana's tears stopped until she heard Lenard say those words. "Don't take in a precious title from such a toxic group. Because you know, they don't really mean it." Josh said. "Mm-hmm! But when you're with us, it's okay! The world just has to know that not everyone is perfect. We know that. Not even we are perfect ourselves!" Camille said with a smile. Eliana wiped her tears and had a smile on her face.
...I needed someone…someone to tell me those words…all this time, I think I just needed a little encouragement…
Team green looked at their team. "They're an interesting group. I believe…they are really strong." Luke said to his teammates. "We almost lost. Even to that teammate of theirs who wasn't even helping them attack us." Lee told them. "And yet, they don't even get mad at her right after. I don't have that kind of attitude." Tommy said with a small laugh. "..." Jun nodded silently with a smile as the four of them watched team pink from afar. 

Eliana and the others left the Reef. It was getting dark as it was about 6pm. "So…what now…?" Eliana asked the three of them. "...Oh yeah…! We're gonna go home now! Let's go back to the train! I did promise to answer your question about our weapons earlier, didn't I? I'll tell you while we're on the train!" Camille said as they continued walking. Josh had a surprised face. "She knows?!" He asked in awe. Lenard folded his arms. "...Idiot, I told you that in the text earlier. Plus, you should remember her, right? It's only been about a month." Lenard said in annoyance as all of them kept walking. Josh remembered the text he received. "Right...oh! My home is this way, so I'll see you guys another time. Including you too, Eliana." Josh said with a grin as he waved to leave down an alley with many houses.
Eliana, Lenard and Camille went on the train at the train station. "Why do our weapons seem so different from others? Who are you all really known as?" Eliana asked as she and Camille sat beside each other. Lenard sat in the seat across from them. The train was pretty empty with a few heads popping out from the seats. Lenard saw a familiar head as he, Eliana and Camille walked by to their seats. "..." He made a serious face in silence. Eliana and Camille noticed Lenard's face. "Lenard? What's wrong?" Camille asked. Eliana turned to Lenard. "Hmm…stop hiding. I know you're here to take her back, but it's not happening. I'm not in a mood to fight either, so just come out." 
...Huh…? Who's Lenard talking to?
The figure in the seat behind the three of them got up. It turned out to be Flynn with a serious face. "...F-Flynn…" Eliana gasped softly. Flynn sat down beside Lenard. "Are you…one of the race's members?" Camille asked curiously as she stared at the male octoling. "...More importantly, you know octolings aren't allowed in Inkopolis. You're lucky this is just the train where any species could ride on. What are you doing here?" Lenard said as he looked outside the window as the train started moving. Flynn looked at Eliana. "...I came to take Eliana back, but…I was wandering around the Kambo Corporation's facility which is a train station. Eventually, I ended up finding a train that was running. So I decided to get on and hoped this was a faster way to find her." Flynn explained. Eliana didn't say a thing as Flynn started talking. "About your question," Flynn turned to Camille. "...Yes. I am the fifth member of the octarian race. I am not here to bring any of you back. Master said to bring one of the Great Warriors back if we find them, but I won't do that." He said. "You know going against Master's rules could kill you, you know." Lenard said as he covered his face with his sweater. "I can choose to disobey him. I never wanted all of this in the first place anyways…" "Pretty fake words from a member of the enemy." Lenard responded. Camille looked at the two of them. "What are you talking about? Since you're part of the Octarians and octolings, you shouldn't say those things too seriously!" Camille said. "I was chosen to join the race. I had no choice. Eventually as I grew older as an octoling soldier, I never knew that inklings and octolings would come to hate each other after the Great Turf War. After that, we've been assigned to kill innocents which is something I did not expect to do. So you see, I don't want to be your enemy. But again, I have no choice since my fate is sealed to the race." Flynn responded. Eliana looked at the green octoling as she heard his story.
So Flynn…had no choice? I guess some members may have situations I did not expect.
" what exactly are you saying?" Lenard asked him. It took Flynn a few seconds to answer. "...I want all of us to live in peace. Not just inklings or octolings, but both of our species. So…if it's alright with you three, I'd like to stay in Inkopolis for a while. I will not say a word to Master for a while until I make my final decision." Flynn said. Eliana looked at Flynn with a serious face. "...Flynn, if you choose to bring me back, I will not go easily. I don't remember who I was before I became a member of the race and I want to find out the truth for myself. All I know is that going back to the race won't help me remember everything. Master probably wouldn't even possibly let me live for long either. So…" She said as she looked down. Flynn put on a surprised face but he couldn't say anything back since he heard her answer. "..." Camille heard the conductor call out the next stop. "Next stop, Inkopolis plaza. Next stop, Inkopolis plaza." It said. The pink inkling gasped as she grabbed her belongings. "Well, that's my stop! And about your situation, Flynn, just try to think about it. Eliana wants to know her memories and a selfless octoling member like you in the race has to understand her. Give it sometime, alright?" Camille said to the octoling with a smile. Flynn looked at her and slowly made a small smile. "...Sure. Yeah." He said. Camille then turned to Eliana and remembered about her question. "Oh! Eli, I forgot about answering your question...! I promise I'll tell you next time we meet!" She said to her. Eliana looked at the pink inkling and shook her head. "...It's alright. See you soon, Camille." Eliana responded with a tiny smile. The train stopped in front of Inkopolis plaza. Before Camille left she embraced Lenard. "See you later my love~" Camille said as she hugged Lenard. "H-Hey…! You're going to miss your stop." He said in annoyance. Camille stopped and has a smile as she walked out of the station. Eliana, Lenard and Flynn looked outside the window and watched Camille waving with a smile. 
The train started moving again. "Is it okay if I stay where you're living? No need to if it's too cramped. Eliana already rests there, no?" Flynn asked Lenard. "...It's alright. I have an extra room I'm currently not using at the moment. You can stay there. But if I catch you doing anything to her, I won't hesitate to end you." Lenard said as he pointed at Eliana. Flynn put on a serious face as the two of them looked at each other angrily. "Is it okay if I still stay, Lenard? If I'm a bother, I'll leave and find a place of my own." Eliana said as she looked at the two of them. Lenard turned to Eliana and folded his arms as he didn't look at her in the eyes. "...N-No. You can stay. That's fine with me." He said. Eliana had a smile. "I hope the three of us can be good friends." She said gleefully. Flynn and Lenard looked at their smile and they both turned a bit red. "Yeah...!" The green octoling responded with a faint smile. "...Whatever…" The white inkling said as he looked away.
...I do hope the three of us get along…I can't wait to see more of Inkopolis while I spend time with the two of them…! I now realized that sometimes even the silghtest differences could be so similar to each other. Maybe Flynn's wish for peace between inklings and octolings to live in peace will become reality. There are no differences between our species. I truly believe...that both species could come together one day.

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