Time Travel

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Astra wasn't sure how many times the Doctor had landed over the course of her nap. She woke up in the room she'd not taken in beside the massive bed. Now rested and taking in new information, she gazed around. Massive didn't seem the right word for the bed. It.. was... ginormous. It had four posts and curtains to close around her. At the end of the bed, an intricate chest sit heavily. To the brunette's left, she saw a wardrobe. On the other side of the bed, a large window covered the wall. At the moment, it only shone deep space, nothing but darkness and stars, flecks of light. Small bursts of color shone in the far distance. Astra walked over to the large window and gazed in awe. Further into the room was a table and vintage chairs on either side. Perpendicular to that set, a chaise lounge pointed to the far wall which was donned with a large fireplace. To the right of the fireplace, another door met the wall of the window. The door opened away from the window, avoiding any chance of harm to what was undoubtedly not glass. 

Still in the same clothes as the last three adventures, Astra left the gorgeous room. She walked through the halls, back in the direction she came from. But the console room wasn't right there anymore. "Sentient," Astra mumbled, remembering the thought from the previous night. She wandered further up the hall. She crossed a kitchen and made a pit stop for an apple. She continued to wander, recognizing the ratio of bigger on the inside was a mystery so she could get lost very easily. She could be lost now. But she came out into the main room from the day before. The Doctor was at the door. Her head poked out the door before she ventured back inside. "Nearly."

"Sheffield?" Yaz called eagerly. 

"Almost. Really close," the Doctor answered monotonously. She walked back over to the console, stepping up to it. 

"So not Sheffield, then?" Astra called from the back. 

The others spun to face her. 

"Astra!" Ryan cheered, his hands raised. 

"You're awake," Graham commented needlessly. 

"We were worried," Yaz commented. "That you'd not be awake when the Doctor landed. But we couldn't find your room to wake you and the Doctor kept landing in the wrong places so we figured letting you sleep was the best option." 

Astra rocked on her heels. That was a lot of a lot in a lot of North British accent and it was a lot. And she was still tired. "Ok. Not your Sergeant. Don't ever do that again." She nodded firmly. "Next... How long was I out?" she asked, looking around. 

"Not a morning person," Yaz giggled. She cleared her throat. "A few hours." 

Astra deadpanned her. "Ok, pretend I'm your Sergeant. Define 'a few'." 

Yaz smirked at the reaction. "Four." 

Astra nodded. Then she tipped her head. "I've slept less on longer trips." She stepped up next to the Doctor by her console. 

The Doctor stared up at the main crystal. "You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?" she snapped. 

"Who are you talking to?" Yaz asked. 

Ryan turned to face her as well. "If it's me, I haven't touched anything."

The Doctor cut them off, asserting a little angrily, "I'm talking to the TARDIS. Because this is our ninth attempt." She ended the sentence with a flick of a switch. She glared up at the crystal. She didn't seem very upset. It felt like a front to the young witch. 

"-Fourteenth," Graham cut in. "You can't control this thing, can you?"

Blondie whirled to face him defensively. "Excuse me. Yes, I can. Most of the time. Just sometimes, like now, it has a mind of its own," she explained with a wince. She kept glaring around the ship, mostly for show. She didn't hate the company and she'd rather not think about and/or mourn Bill for as long as she could put it off. 

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