This is Not a Pipe

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It was just Astra and the Doctor for now, the others going home to prepare for a hopefully less exciting wedding than Umbreen's. So, when the Doctor emerged from the deep hallways, holding a old, beaten down stone-looking box with strange carvings on it, the young witch wasn't sure how to react. "Stole this from a museum a few centuries ago. Should probably return it." She tossed it in the air, the carvings vanishing as the spinning box blurred them out of existence. "Fixed it with a low-grade perception filter. Should keep the writing hidden. Too low-grade for readers to pick up, but a good enough quality that no one can remember the writing when they look away. Developed it from a bloody bullet pulled from a Silence a few less centuries ago!" she chirped, typing in coordinates. 

"Doctor!" Astra finally got a word in, setting down her book. She walked up to the console, looking at the button she'd pressed. "I know the custard cream pedal-"

"The best pedal!" the Doctor interrupted. 

Astra paused with a smile. "And the take-off lever, but what do the rest of these do? How does this translate into coordinates? Are we turning in space out there and we just can't feel it, or are you always disappearing and reappearing?" she asked eagerly, finally able to ask the questions burning in her mind. 

The Doctor grinned at her excitement as she continued driving. She spun before slamming a button down then moved to pull the take-off lever. She slammed it down before propping on top of it to stare at the brunette. 

Astra stepped back, a little abashed at the attention. "What?" she asked. 

Grinning wider, the Doctor shook her head. "It's really complicated and I might teach you some day, but you're too new for now." She bopped her fingertip on the brunette's nose-tip.

Astra looked down with a faint blush, but nodded understandingly. She moved back to her seat, picking up the book. The Doctor left the TARDIS with the box and returned a few minutes later, looking as if she'd been running. Astra lowered her book to look over it. "They recognize you?" she asked. 

Huffing, the blonde grinned cheekily before racing up to the console, sending them into a shaking transit.

With a considering frown, the younger woman marked her place before leaning to the side. Astra pulled out her phone. "Hey, can I make a call back home from the TARDIS?" 

The Doctor froze for half a second, like a glitch, before turning to the brunette with a wide grin. She forced the TARDIS to land in some random quadrant of space. Gracefully taking the newer model phone than the last one she zapped, she channeled her ninth body's dramatics to sonic the tech. She tossed it back with a cheeky grin and a scrunched up nose. Her teeth were bared at the lack of restraint in her smile which prompted a grin of Astra's own. She looked down and away, shaking her head at the blonde's eagerness. "Anywhere in the universe now." 

The brunette looked back to her, floored slightly. "Even in other times?" 

Hands on her hips, the blonde nodded. "Even in other times," she confirmed. 

Smirking at the showing off blonde, the brunette scrolled through her contacts before finding 'Caroline' and hitting the shape of a landline.

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