Hand Drawing

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Astra could hear Ryan's shouting from where they were in the forest and used that calibrate where to run. They reached the field of flowers and Yaz, who was talking to the transported men, pointed at them. 

"Get to the barn!" the Doctor shouted from behind her. 

"What?" one of the humans called back. 

"Get to the barn right now!" she repeated with a bit of flair. She ducked down to situate the transmat lock while the Earthlings made a full retreat. 

They got inside and she hoisted four more little locks to each corner of the barn. Astra's arm was going numb from holding the urn. 

"What're you...?" Yaz started to question. 

"Shh!" the Doctor interrupted, trying to focus. The door opened and the Muslim women walked in. The Doctor held up a hand in concern. "No! Stay out!" 

A loud whirring and everyone inside felt the instant headaches. The Thijarian pair appeared in front of them. Oh, not long eye, rows of dark beedy little things with a hollowed nose of just cartridge. "You disrupt our work," they complained. 

The Doctor stood, ignoring the pain to ask her questions. "Good. Now who are you here for?"

"We don't answer to you. You must leave or we will stand over your corpses."

Shuffling to stand taller, the Doctor mumbled, "Nothing like getting to the point."

Prem stepped up beside her. "Is it me? Are you here to kill me? Take me, and promise to leave the others." 

Umbreen lunged to the front of the group, gripping her fiancé's arm. "Prem, no. Not going to happen."

The Doctor hardened her voice, giving orders and spouting, "Both of you, I'm dealing with this. I've just nicked four of your transmat locks out of the forest. Good trick, by the way, forcing people back away from the boundary. Clever. So clever I'm using it myself, against you, locking you out of this farm." She turned, sonic pointed widely and it was very lucky the assassin's didn't attack before they disappeared, the lights turning red. 

"You killed the demons," Prem gaped. 

Blondie turned to face them, arms swinging loosely in her new relaxed stance. "No. Just exiled them for now. I've made a temporary transmat barrier around the farm. I'm hoping it'll keep them out for the next few hours. Enough time for you to get married and for us to keep everyone safe."

Manish stepped foward in shock, pushing through the group. "Are you serious? After what's just happened? Can't you see what's happening? You bring demons to life," he practically spat at Umbreen and Prem. 

The Doctor shook her head. "I don't think they're demons."

"Well, I do," Umbreen's mother shouted vindicatedly. "I'm with Manish."

"Because you are on the same side," Umbreen's voice brushed against Astra's. 

The brunette leaned over where she stood at the front of the barn, cutting off the arguing with a groan. She'd been getting the headaches all day and she was pretty sure she was getting an aneurysm. So, this is what it felt like. She should probably stop doing that to vampires. 

The Doctor swept over to her, holding her shoulders up to see her bleeding nose. "Who's got a hanky?" she called. 

The young witch flinched away from the harsh sound of her voice so close. It grated her ears, around her mind in an instant, if temporary, migraine. 

The blonde pressed a cloth to under her nose and Astra grabbed it, taking care of herself. She turned away more, groaning as she bent again, this time with a handkerchief. 

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