Trying New Things

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Emotions were high around now. They likely always would be, Astra reflected. She knew how this worked, knew all the mechanics. She helped Ric run a school for supernaturals, for heaven's sake. She'd seen the mood swings from the newbie vampires, even an untriggered werewolf one time. She knew her body was made to be irrational. To lash out. 

But this... impossible, insane, unpredictable blonde looked at her... and everything stood still. It was like every atom in Astra's body was tuned in to the Doctor. It was terrifying. 

Her body was designed to prevent apathy from developing. Her emotions were always on high to keep her from wishing for death simply for living so long. The biggest motivator in the world, Hell, the universe; love. And as brown eyes lifted to watch the absent-minded blonde, Astra felt that particular emotion racing toward her like the Doctor was oxygen. It bonded her to the alien in a million ways. It drew her eyes to notice the smallest facets of the alien's personality. 

Astra hadn't realized how the Doctor ducked personal questions. She moved around so much and had so much energy, but it was really because she was scared of the moments in between the excitement and distraction. She didn't like to be trapped alone with her head. Something the two of them had in common. 

But she wasn't supposed to be thinking about that right now. She was supposed to be focusing on her telepathic connection with the TARDIS. This was one such problem. The blonde distracted her immortal companion without even being in the room. The TARDIS wasn't pleased about her distraction from the ship either and she made that clear by letting Astra walk herself around in circles until she was well and truly lost. The brunette had wandered quite far inside the ship's depths but this must have been a side location she had yet to discover. One door opened into an old room with dark, near-rust colored metal surrounding a center console, bars all around the platform as railings. A large bit of blank wall hovered above the console and she ducked back out, sure this way would leave nothing but confusion. Astra continued down her hall and found another door that automatically opened when she walked near it. Inside was a large room with a white console in the center. A glass case lined the wall by the door and a typewriter looking machine sat inside a clear column. The entire room was black and white. 

The witch left the room and followed down the hall again, trying to find a corridor she recognized. 

Hunger clawed at her insides after hours of wandering. Astra was beginning to feel wary, worrying how she'd react if she found the Doctor before she found some bloodbags. She'd barely had time to start that train of thought when the blonde came racing down the halls. 

"Astra!" she cried in relief. One such bloodbag rested in her hand. The brunette grimaced down at it, knowing she'd have to finish it before risking a hug. She took the food from her friend's hand and backed away to chug it without her elder seeing. She retreated from the shadows and Astra's arms circled the blonde, holding her tight. 

The Doctor laughed from where she'd been placed and spoke calmly. "Astra, I'm sturdier than the Team, Time Lord and all, but you can't hug them this tight," she warned. 

"Oh!" She loosened, pulling back. "Sorry," came the mumble. 

The Doctor's hands followed her departure, pawing pleadingly. "No, no. Come back." She brought her back into the hug, comfortable with the open affection. It was just the two of them anyway. "They wanna see you. They miss you." 

Astra buried her face in the Doctor's coat. 


It was Ryan's 20th and he insisted on sharing it with the Team. His plan involved alien drinks and a crowded building. The Doctor offered to skip them a little around to give her more time, but Astra insisted she could handle it. The look in her eyes made the Doctor doubt it, but she hadn't failed them yet. 

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