Illuminating Lumas

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The others all leaked from the room, finding the rooms they were given by the TARDIS for a well-earned nap. Once they were all clear of the room, Astra was wrapped around the blonde. 

The shocked alien paused. She slowly lifted her arms. "You okay?" she asked. 

"Are you?" Astra asked in a laugh, though she was decidedly not amused. "When people need help, I never refuse," she repeated, somehow getting the accent perfect. 

The Doctor laughed a little coldly. She wasn't amused either. Good. 

"The others are gonna need a few hours sleep. We don't have to go straight home. Even if we made it, we'd have to wake or you'd be making house calls to deposit them right into bed." 


Astra leaned closer into her. "So... could we find someone we can actually help?" she asked. 

The Doctor side-eyed you with a growing smirk. "You really don't sleep as much as the others." 

Astra grinned back. "I last way longer." 

The blonde jumped into gear, pushing buttons and pulling levers until she did the big one and caught the flying cookie. She leaned across the console and grinned. "You're gonna help me fly the TARDIS," she sang. She finally bit the custard cream and set to work. She gestured to the girl to come around closer and Astra stood beside her. The older woman took her hand and pulled her into her. She pressed her front to Astra's back, positioning her hands on the keyboard before them. "This is a two person keyboard. And you need to practice telepathy. I'm going to make a telepathic connection and I'll tell you which buttons to press." 

Astra nodded and looked down at the keyboard. Warm fingers trailed over her hair, pushing it back from her face, before brushing over her temple. Once that bone was met, Astra felt the disturbance in her head. Instinctively, she flinched, and instinctively going backwards, she ended up settled against the blonde more firmly. 

"Good?" the Doctor whispered to maintain the delicacy of the situation. She was really pleased she wasn't a man anymore. She put her own hands on the outer keyboard and propped her chin on Astra's shoulder. When the girl nodded, she let her eyes slip shut and started typing on her own. The girl slowly picked it up and the thick of it hit. The Doctor was a bit worried when Astra fell behind, but she found her rhythm and kept a few spaces behind what the blonde projected and they actually ended together. 

Astra let out a gasping laugh once they finished. "That was..." 

"A new level of intense?" the Doctor offered, accurately. 

The brunette pointed at her. "...yes." She faced the screen again. "What did we do?" she asked. 

The Doctor smiled before taking the brunette's hand, leading her to the TARDIS doors. She covered Astra's eyes before pulling them in. She guided the young Earthling outside, letting her feel the solidity beneath her, before uncovering her eyes. "Okay," she whispered. 

Astra let brown orbs glance around and she nearly screamed when she saw nothing but space and the TARDIS around them. She tensed up when the Doctor took her hands. 

"Hold still." 

Droplets of silver leaked into an atmosphere-less sky. Dots spiraled around them. 

"What is this?" Astra asked, dazed at the view above them. 

The Doctor grinned as well, watching the near perfect spirals. "That particular TARDIS function takes two people and these guys only need a TARDIS' help once every few millennium." 

"Also you have a time machine, even if you can't land it properly." 

"Oi! Take a human somewhere nice and-" 

"First of all, not human. Second, I helped." She held out her arms. "Anyway, what are they?" Astra asked, looking up again. Her head fell back on the Doctor's shoulder at the angle she bend it at. 

The Doctor hugged her around the middle, something she wasn't sure she was uncomfortable with. "Literal shooting stars. The Lumas fall through space all the time. They need new places, literally feed off the unfamiliar space. We unlocked them and they'll be falling out of this one, into the next." 

Astra grinned. "Cool." She brought her shoulders up eagerly. "We helped." 

The Doctor smiled down at her. "We did," they celebrated together. 

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