Planet #2

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Believing had been a bit of an ask as the ship had made horrid groaning sounds as it was pushed somewhere it didn't want to be. They had landed 3 times already, but they'd been other planets as well. Most were a swing and a miss, but this one had an alien SOS coming from a civilization. So the Doctor insisted she get involved and Astra insisted she venture out with her. 

She pointed her sonic at the TARDIS, the increasingly familiar whir ringing in the air, as they wandered from the . 

So they walked down a path through an open field to the town. "Had to park so far away so any hostiles wouldn't register the TARDIS as a threat," the Doctor called back to Astra.  

"Does she have weapons?" the brunette asked, following still. 

"Oh, no! She's just incredibly advanced. Though, someone smart enough could make her into a weapon." The Doctor looked to the forest they were about to enter. Maybe she'd parked a bit too far away. "Someone smart enough has, actually," she mumbled low enough that Astra couldn't hear. 

They followed down the path in relative silence there after until Astra's face split with a yawn. She twisted and her back popped. "I'm gonna have to crash back at the TARDIS after this." 

"I meant to ask, how often do you need sleep? You're clearly not exactly human, even if the TARDIS says you are." 

Astra smiled at the blonde's back. "You had the TARDIS scan me?" she commented to make note of it more than anything. 

The blonde paused and turned to face her. "Well, you started a fire with your mind. Not a very human thing to do." 

Smile turned guilty, Astra tipped her head consideringly. "I was born on Earth. Both my parents were. My entire legacy comes from Earth." She shrugged. "We're just a bit different." 

The Doctor's face cracked a bit with a grin. "I like different." 

"Me too." 

The blonde turned away, walking once more. 

They followed the path and Astra was distracted by the pretty colors. A grey petaled flower called to the hybrid, singing in a language the Doctor couldn't understand. She plucked it with no reservation and stuck the petals in her mouth. She pulled them off with her teeth and chewed a bit before swallowing. 

"You know, lots of the foliage-" The Doctor turned to face Astra and grew alarmed at what she was doing. "Alien planet!" she reminded harshly, as if Astra needed it. She lunged forward and pulled open the girl's jaw. 

"Do''or!" Astra protested around a wide mouth. Her jaw was released and she massaged her jawbone and gums. "I know it's an alien planet. But this flower is inherently similar to poison sumac." She waved an arm. "I figured I could use it, alien planet and all," she sassed, walking ahead of the blonde. 

The Time Lord watched her go. "How do you know it's like poison sumac?" she asked, trailing after the brunette. 


Turns out, the SOS was an age old crashed ship stuck on a loop. The Doctor shut it off to keep the primitive natives from getting involved in anything inter-planetary. The walk was the most tiring part of the adventure, but it was enough to exhaust the weakened brunette. So, as they walked back into the blue ship and the others looked shocked. 

"Don't!" the Doctor shouted firmly, pointing at Ryan who was mid-reach toward her console. 

"You two just left!" Graham gawked. 

Astra nodded in understanding. "That's what you did with the sonic." She mimed holding the sonic and pressing a button. She stumbled around the group. "Where can I crash?" she asked. 

"You'll find a door!" 

Astra frowned, walking only slightly down a hall. "Find a door..." she mumbled confusedly. She stumbled to the side, ready to lean on a wall. Instead, the air gave way and she nearly fell. She jerked awake, her hand slamming on a door frame. There hadn't been a door here previously. Astra looked up at the ceiling and the walls around her. "You're sentient?" she asked rhetorically. 

Further down the hall, the corridor shifted and gave way to a whole new path. 

Astra nodded. "You're sentient," she deduced. She turned into the room. 

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