Blessed Warmth

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Team TARDIS traipsed through the forest, back to the timeship and the non-humans led the group. Astra and the Doctor were in a similar state of frozen. They walked close enough their hands bumped when their steps got out of time. Each time, one of them who twitch their fingers as if to comfort the other by rubbing the backs of their hands. 

As they walked, the king tried to get his way as usual before complaining, "She still does not speak to me, Ryan. Can you get through to her?" He was, of course, talking about the Doctor as he seemed to be avoiding acknowledging the woman he tried to duck. 

"Afraid not, sire. This is on you," Ryan side stepped. Good boy. 

James gaped at the TARDIS. "What apparition is this?" Sometimes, the way he looked, Astra could swear he was gay. 

The Doctor and Astra didn't stop walking until they were next to the box, but the Doctor seemed experienced enough to know to answer the royal. "Just another inexplicable wonder of existence you're not going to be able to tell anyone about." They turned to face him as the stepped by the door. 

Finally, the man regarded them seriously. "Doctor, I understand you are displeased with me."

"Displeased," Astra scoffed. She turned to the TARDIS. "How many times did we say it wasn't Satan. And you killed that woman anyway. She wasn't dead when she was overtaken. She might've still been alive." She put her hand on the door, prepared to push. "And now she's in an alien prison and has already been killed. And if she hasn't..." She sighed, laughing coldly before pushing the door in and stepping inside. She shut the door but for a crack and walked inside. Her toes were cold and wet and Astra looked up at the tech-filled room. "I don't suppose you have any towels on hand so I'm not dripping all on your sides?" she asked lowly. 

A beep from her far left chirped and she turned to see a small sitting area where only octagonal steps had been. It had a pile of towels and a freaking fireplace. A rug even lined the floor in front of the fireplace. 

Astra let out a sigh, her shoulders finally relaxing. "Okay, you are the coolest ship." She grinned and rubbed the wall real quick, walking in further. She picked up the top towel, unfolded it, then started drying where she could feel herself dripping. Her clothes were trash after she took them off. With a sigh, she set her jacket on a rack in front of the fireplace. She shook out her hair again, feeling it attempting to curl. Luckily, she sprayed her hair to straighten it usually so it was pretty conditioned enough to not knot wet. Or, not terribly. 

Ryan and Yaz finally stepped in, noticing where Astra was before approaching with equally grateful groans. Graham was by the door next, quoting something before stepping in: "upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger. ... Tarantino!" he answered whatever question had been put to him. He stepped in as well, Yaz holding out a towel. 

The Doctor stood by the door next, calling to the renaissance pair outside, "A brilliant man once said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We're just about to prove him right." She tipped her head, stepping inside with a grin, and took off with her go-to coordinates. Blondie leapt around the room. "That did not take long. Who's up for another?" 

Yaz grinned with a shrug, looking over at Ryan who nodded with his own shrug. "Yea, I'm good."

"Some place safe, maybe?" Graham volunteered hopefully. 

"Nay!" came the retort from Astra. She pointed at the Doctor. "You! ..have been wanting this for too long not to have any ideas." 

A slow grin stretched across the blonde's face, teeth bared but her eyes lit up so beautifully. She raced around the console.

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