Gone South

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Bonnie was sufficiently drunk, dancing around the diner while Elena poked at the jukebox. Jo sat by the box, facing Elena, still eating ice cream. "So, basically, Damon did the vampire-version of a wedding proposal, and you just walked away?"

Elena jolted away from the music player. "I said I would think about it." Flushing suddenly, she tried to change the subject, stepping away. "Why are we talking about me? This is your party," she laughed, clearly bad at it. 

Jo stood, following before sitting at the table. "Trust me, I would much rather talk about that than the fact that I have yet to find a non-hideous wedding gown. Or, that I can't ask my sister to be my maid of honor because she won't return my phone calls." She suddenly turned to Astra who was already nodding. She fist pumped downwards before continuing her ramble: "Or, the fact that I cannot stop eating- literally, like ever. So, big decision. Go." 

Bonnie moved dramatically, pointedly adding, "I think you should take it. Decision made." 

Elena grumbled before arguing, "What if I miss the perks, like compelling the owner of a diner to close early for us?"

"I did that," Astra grumbled. The Doctor put her hand on her coated back. She looked over at the blonde with a faint smile. They shared a long moment. 

"Or what if I get sick?" Elena was still listing. 

Astra subtly cut in, "Or... what if Damon is a horrible human and comes to resent you forever?" She turned back to the women to find Elena glaring at her. "Someone had to say it," she insisted. 

Astra pinched her face in disagreement. "Damon is already morally grey. It's amplified through vamperism, but he's done horrible things." She turned to Elena. "I think he's changed for you and I think taking away his vamperism might keep him out of trouble." 

The Doctor leaned forward. "I don't know much about you lot, but I know a thing or two about living for a really long time. And those aren't reasons for a," she looked at Astra who inserted- "one hundred and seventy six year old" - she nodded, turning back to the group. "...to turn human. Can he be a functional human? You have to talk about it before he decides," she insisted wisely. 

Jo suddenly started her own ramble. "Deep down, you know who you are and what you want. Love's always gonna require a huge leap of faith. A big, scary leap over a hot pit of lava. And, you might end up heartbroken, but you might be the happiest person on the face of the earth. Personally? I'm glad I took that leap." 

Astra stared at her mother for a moment, mind racing. She didn't see - Jo did - but the Doctor looked over at her non-reacting form for a moment. 

Elena's phone buzzed and she mumbled, "Speak of the devil" cheekily. She answered, leaving the diner. 


Astra and the Doctor were loading up a to-go bag with food for Jo while the pregnant woman was still eating, enticing Bonnie to follow her into the pit of the food coma. Pulling away from her phone, Bonnie reported, "Bad news- Damon hijacked Elena. So, do you want to take this party somewhere else?"

Jo hauled herself to stand. "Yes, to my bed, if I can walk." She forced one foot forward, taking the bag held out to her when Bonnie froze. 

"Oh, my God," Bonnie mumbled. The others turned to look where she was and a woman with a nice jacket and red blouse stepped in elegantly. 

"Good evening, Miss Bennett," she greeted calmly, very in control. "I was out for a walk, and I saw you through the window, and I thought, 'I know her. That young lady ruined my life'," she gritted out. 

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