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Astra's bound wrists were pulled high above her head and the knots dug into her arms and hands as they were wrapped by another piece of rope, to a freaking tree. She groaned, leading back on the tree she was tied to. "I have got to be the only witch in history to be sniffed out by a witch hunt," she huffed. "And for the wrong reason!" she yelped quietly, to herself. She sighed, trying to shift in the rope for any way to sit with less digging. It really hurt! But all she got for her troubles was rope burn. She sighed when the pain became too much for her to keep trying, and she leaned back against the tree, her feet killing her. The witch knew she could roast the rope tying her to the tree then be able to look at the knot to burn specific parts to free her harmlessly. Or a simple unknotting spell to undo it for her. Or an unlocking spell to make the knot just give away.

But those were all really bad ideas to do when under threat of execution. That's why these times were so horrible. She could wait for the thick of the execution and escape death long enough to get a head start for a run, but she didn't know where the TARDIS was or where the Doctor was. The blonde seemed the paranoid type so she doubted it would be long before she ventured back to check in with every member of Team TARDIS. 

Finally, her internal ramblings were interrupted by another person's appearance. James came from behind the tree, ever so gloating. "Comfortable, witch? I do hope not."

Astra rolled her eyes, officially done with their shit. "Instead of making pointless remarks, how about you tell me why you're here," she offered. 

The ruler of England, who Astra had never been so happy to revolt again, go old, dead colonists, postured before her. "I shall take my opportunity to converse with an agent of Satan." 

Astra squinted at him, looking at him like he was stupid. "If I was Satan's agent, do you truly think tying me up would stop me?" 

"I am an expert on witchcraft," he stepped closer, "Astra, but I wish to learn more." He bent right to her face. "Before you die, I want answers. Your wand. How does it work?" He held up the sonic they'd taken off Astra. 

Brown eyes flicked down to it, doing their best to suppress the spark at her idea. She frowned suspiciously at the man. "Why do you want to know?" They hadn't actually done anything with the tech. He couldn't know what it was capable of, she didn't even know. 

James waved the sonic about as he explained, "I wish to know all the secrets of existence."

Astra made her you're-stupid face again and snarked, "Oh, who doesn't? But true knowledge has to be earned." She leaned forward as far as she could, bound as she was. "Tell you what. I'll trade you the wand for answers to as many questions as you want to ask." Technology was definitely something she felt comfortable using around them. Decidedly not magic and she'd prefer the Doctor never know she lost it. 

James scoffed, backing away. "I'm not a fool, Astra. I am King James, Satan's greatest foe."

Brown eyes tipped up and to the side in exasperation. "Yeah, yeah, I know," she sassed. She frowned at the man, quipping, "It must be comforting playing that role, hiding behind a title. No one looks too close." She tiled her head, eyes boring into those of a king of England.

Raising an eyebrow, the man got closer to her again. "Just as your friend hides behind Doctor, perhaps?" he offered equally knowing.

Astra felt her face pull with the instinct to bare her teeth. Damn, did time travel screw with the aggression of a regular moon cycle? "I guarantee she earned that title. And you? Who are you? Really; behind your exaggerations and drama?" When he didn't answer, she played on his pride. "What's it say on your garter?" His cape draped it so perfectly.

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