The Past (2)

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Luna had a health problem she was very ill day by day, one day while she was taking a bath she found out that her right side of her chest bone is bigger than her left chest bone, she check herself out in the mirror she was so afraid that she had a disease and she was going to die soon but it doesn't pain or hurt but then a month later one evening she felt pain in her right chest bone it was so pain that her tears came out,she called her mother her, her mother came and she had no idea what to do she take luna's hand and touch her head and pray for her, after praying her mom gave her a paracetamol so her pain can go away, a minutes later the paracetamol is working and she's getting better and better, the next morning her mom came to her room to check her if she was okay, Luna told her mom she was not in pain now and she was okay; her mom told her to go to the hospital but Luna said it's okay i'm fine now i don't wanna go to the hospital, her mom told her if its hurt again you have to tell me ,and she get out of the room. Luna thinking what is happening to her where did this came from and why is it so hurt?!, a month passed she felt her left chest bone pain again but this time it was just 5 minutes and the pain got away, the pain was come and go 2 years straight Luna didn't care that much at all now. But one day she felt very pain she was all sweating she take the medicine and thinking that mom was right i have to go to the hospital and find out what is happening, the next week she told her mom to go to the hospital with her, her mom agree and they both went to the hospital. The doctor check her he had no idea why her right chest bone is bigger than her left chest bone, Luna told the doctor sometimes it was so pain and sometimes it doesn't pain that much, she told the doctor everything, the doctor was thinking it could be a cancer or anything he send her to another doctor, they take her bone blood he want to take exam, the doctor take her blood and want to check her on ct-scan and x-ray and different kind of test but it was nothing they just found that her right chest bone is bigger than her left chest bone, the doctor didn't found anything, he told Luna and her mom that we found nothing it was just your right side chest bone is bigger than your left chest bone, maybe you were born with it we don't know!, Luna look at the doctor's and said but why the pain? what if i was born with it and where did the pain comes from?? The doctor's tell her that they have no idea and if you want another test or another exam we can reffer you to another country/state for a better exam, think about it and tell us again, and the doctor went out. Luna and her mom went back home from the hospital, at home they were thinking what the doctor said her mom told her if you want we will go to another country/state, but Luna told her mom that we can't afford that! the doctor's said maybe you were born with it! what if it's true? maybe i was born with this!? her mom look at her and said but Luna it's hurt right? what if this is something big? Luna said to her mom, maybe the pain was just the pain maybe i am born with this i am okay now tell the doctor that we don't want, her mom said are you sure ?okay I'll talk the doctor in the morning.
Luna was getting better and better, she believes what the doctor said and she cried sometimes because she was thinking people think i'm beautiful and perfect but inside i am a disabled person, this hurt her so much and she cried many times, she doesn't like to socialize and hangout with her friends and family, she closed herself she stayed at home, she doesn't want to go out anymore, she stayed like this almost 3 years, one day her grandmother friend cousin from another town came to visit her grandmother friend, her grandmother friend cousin was some kinda healer she prayed to Heavenly God and some people get healed, when her grandmother heard that her friend cousin came to visit her she was thinking about Luna to bring her maybe she will be healed, her grandmother asked Luna if she want to come with her, but Luna didn't believe any kind of this stuff if God want to healed me he will healed me, but her grandmother told her to give it a try and Luna agree.,they both went to her grandmother friend house, there was some people line up to get prayed, when her turn has come the old lady put her both hands on Luna head and prayed for her, when they both said Amen, the old lady told her you will be fine you are special God made you like that for a reason, Luna look her but how do you know? the old lady kept saying you are special God made you like that for a reason God blessed you, Luna get up and she was so confused, her grandmother said let's go home and they both went back home.
At home Luna can't stop thinking about what the old lady just told her, what if it's true, but why God made me like this i am not special, she hold her hand and prayed besides her bed saying " Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for everything you have done to me, please take my pain away, please heal me, and why am i so hurt i can't find myself this days, i think i lost something i don't know who i am anymore, i know you are going to heal me i trust in you Amen", She get up and went to bed. A week has passed she was getting better and sometimes her pain did come out but it's not very pain like before, but she sleeps a lot! sometimes during the day she felt so sleepy that she had to go to bed. She was thinking maybe if i sleeps a lot i am getting better and better. But she became so lazy and she didn't want to go out and socialize she stayed at home her cousin's and family think she had a mental health sometimes they laughed at her when she was saying something good or facts. Luna didn't care about them she just hope that they will understand her one day. One day one of her cousin's invite her to work with her at the company for intership,at first Luna didn't want she was thinking about a week and told herself that maybe if i work i will get better i don't have to stay like this i should give it a try! She went to her cousin house to know what the job is, her cousin told her everything about the job and she can start after 2 days, Luna accept the offer and decide to work as an intern at her cousin company. 2 days passed she was so excited she went to work, when she arrives the company people welcome her, she went to meet her manager, the manager told her what to do and all that kind of stuff, she felt better and she began to smile again she was happy and healthy like before again,a week has passed she work so hard she did a great job at work that two companies invite her to work in their company not as an intern but as marketing executive, she didn't believe that she got an offer from 2 companies, she called the 2 companies managers and told them to give her a time to think 3 days. The two managers accept what she asked, Luna went home excited to tell her mom and the family, she told everything the family, she went to her cousin house to tell everything and was it okay i work in this company, her cousin told her i will check out what the company is a good or fraud company, they both check out and 1 company is a popular and big company, her cousin congrats her and to work one of the company. She went back home to call one of the company she cancelled one and she accept the big and popular company, she called the big company manager that she accept the offer. The manager told her she can join the company in next week. Luna was so excited to join, she can't wait next week, she prayed and went to bed.

*To Be Continued*

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