Wake Up!

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She open her eyes and said "Who am i"?, she turn around and walk down to the mountain, she reach home and walk straight to her room, she grab her phone and check again, and said i hope it's not you? No, you are not him, i will meet him again in my dreams she put down her phone and said; from now on i have to forget you. That night while she was sleeping she had another dream she saw her father, her father told her to be a good girl and to grow up as a good woman and take care of her mother and her two sisters, Luna said father I'm so sorry i know i am not good and im sorry i didn't take care of you, why you left us so early? Her father said i have to go i don't have time and please don't come here, Luna said how can you talk to me? Her father said; there is one girl after me she had a little time to talk to a living world my time is up, My daughter please be a good person, and her father disappeared and Luna wake up, she doesn't understand what is that dream and what its suppose to mean! a couple of minutes later she was thinking is my father go to hell!? why did he said don't come here? No, dad you can't, she was so sad and said God, why did you take my father so early? i know he is not a good father and a husband but he is a good person, he can't go to hell, why can't i save his soul? No..., she cried, i hope it's not true and its just a dream, no it's not true. She get up, its 7:30 am she went to the kitchen and saw her mother, she look her mother and feel sad for her and said; am i going to tell my mother, and she will ask me what did your father said? no, i can't tell mom, she doesn't have to know she was hurt enough. She walk back to her room sit on her bed and said; maybe i should tell my two sisters, i will tell them when mom was not home. She went back to the kitchen to have breakfast. That evening after dinner she try to tell her siblings she went to the living room and sat beside them, she look at them they are happy and she said; i can't tell them they are happy i don't wanna bring sadness to them maybe it's good they don't know anything, and she decided to tell nobody.
A month of December Luna Birthday is coming, she want to celebrate her birthday with all her family and cousins, she prepared for celebration, but all her cousins were already made a plan it was around Christmas season everyone is busy with family and friends, Luna said to her cousin's, what plan do you have? one of her cousin said we are going to Christmas concert do you want to come? Luna said when? her cousin said 28th this friday. Luna said you know 29 is my birthday maybe i can come. Her cousin's said yes we can celebrate your birthday at the concert. Luna said yes, i hope. A days has passed, its friday one of her cousin call and said Luna we are so sorry i know tomorrow is your birthday but the concert was postponed for tomorrow and we can't cacel the concert we have a special item we can't we are so sorry Luna, Luna said it's okay you can go my family is here we can celebrate,. The next morning, it's Luna's birthday she wake up happily she look her phone and it was already 9:00 am, she close her eyes and said happy birthday Luna, happy birthday to me!, she get up and went to the kitchen and saw nobody she check her mom room and her siblings room nobody was there, she pick up her phone and call her mom, her mom pick up, Luna said; where are you guys? nobody was home? Her mom said you sleep tight we don't wanna wake you up, we are at the Christmas concert your cousins pick us up we have to go, happy birthday we put you present on the table, we will celebrate at night okay Luna? Luna said quietly oh, okay.., sure have fun she hang up the phone. She sat on her bed she was so mad and sad, she cried and said; i am all alone at home on my birthday nobody was there for me,why? what did i do wrong? she was so mad she cried all day, 3:25 pm her family were home with all her cousins to celebrate her birthday, Luna was at her room she locked her room, her mom said Luna we are home we can celebrate your birthday, Luna didn't answer, her mom call her again Luna! Luna said, i don't wanna celebrate, nobody care for me, i am all alone and hungry all day at my birthday i am suppose to be happy why!? Her mom said you said it's okay! sorry Luna we are sorry. Luna was so angry and she couldn't control herself and said i hate you all! Her mom said Luna watch your language! don't make me angry, One of her cousin came and said you said you are okay!, Luna said get out all of you i hate you all nobody care for me nobody love me, She lock her room and cover herself under the blanket and cried so bad. 2 hours later, she was still in her bed, her mom come to the room door and said Luna don't be naive your not a teenager anymore come out and have dinner. Luna said I'm not hungry,. She was still mad and said; i have never so mad like this before i know i not a bad but I'm so angry,. She didn't have dinner that night.
From that day her life was different she knows that nobody really care for her, she needs love, care, attention, she didn't actually hate her family, she do really love her family but she felt like she was away, she was left out, yes and she felt like she was left out from the society, sometimes she think that she was born in the wrong country, the wrong society, sometimes she wish she was born in another world where she can be love, where she can get attention, where she didn't left out, where she fit in. All alone by herself she fight the unknown world, she knows she can't tell nobody, she was tired, she don't know who she is, she can't stop having dreams she was so fed up. She try to foget everything she kneel to the floor beside her bed and pray, Dear Heavenly Father, i am so mad and angry forgive me, but why me? why am i like this? i don't know who i am anymore, i lost all my faith, i want to be happy i want to be good, i want to do something good, but i am not fit in, where am i? who am i? what should i do? what did i do? i don't know who i am? she cried, God, i know i am not suppose to be angry with you, but i am so angry, i need answer, she cried again and said; who am i to angry at God? I'm sorry God I am so sorry. She get up sat on her bed and said from this day i will know that nobody care me nobody love me, i am all alone i am the traveler, i can't tell someone i love i love him, everything is closed door for me. But i know i had God, God will take care everything, i know he has a plan for me, i have to trust him. She go to the bathroom and wash her face and went back to her bed and go to sleep.
From that day Luna change her life she decided to take everything positively, even she was mad,sad or angry she try to look happy and everything was good and great. Sometimes she look at the unknown guy she accidentally follow, she look at his picture and talk to him, telling how the day she had, and she did went back to the place in her dream hoping to see him again, but he didn't come till today. She try to accept her life and move forward.
2 months later, one day while she was cleaning the window a beautiful butterfly came inside the house, Luna try to make the Butterfly go outside, the butterfly did fly back outside but Luna felt like she hurt that butterfly, the butterfly was just looking for a place to hide/ stay, maybe the butterfly was hurt and need help, she felt so sorry for that butterfly, and she suddenly think that life was just like a butterfly sometimes we fall sometimes we spread our wings and fly high, sometimes we need shelter, sometimes we are the enemy, sometimes we are beautiful, sometimes we are just a cocoon, sometimes people love us and sometimes people scared and hate us. Sometimes we are lost and looking for others. That is just what is life like and that's who we are, all we need is to wake up and accept. She look up the sky and smile and said What a beautiful life!
A week has passed Luna was happy with her life even though she was hurt, she want to move forward and forget everything, One day her cousin call her, he was going to the mall and visit his workplace and went back home early, he ask Luna if she want to come with him, take a break and get out have fun, Luna said no problem pick me up at 10 am. They both went outside Luna didn't talk much after they went to the mall her cousin bring her to his workplace, there is one guy he's name is M, this guy kinda like Luna, after his cousin finish his little work they both went back home, the next day she went to her cousin house to stay for the day, it's Saturday and she was babysitting her cousin children, at noon her cousin told Luna that one of the guy in his workplace like her. Luna smile and said; wow, thank you she continue laughing she didn't care much, her cousin said Luna he was a nice guy he almost never really had a girlfriend, and he is rich and handsome, her cousin laugh and Luna said hey, I'm not a gold digger shut up!, her cousin said well, it's true he really is a good guy he is a husband material, Luna a guy like you give him a chance, and look at you you need a boyfriend or husband!, Luna said okay are you planning an arrange marriage?!, her cousin said no, just give him a chance talk to him you will know what kind of guy he is, if you don't like him it's okay, he's one of my friend please, Luna said i don't know I'm not interested in a guy or love life, maybe I'll think about it. That day she had dinner at her cousin home, she played with her cousin children after dinner they all sat together in the living room watching movie, laughing together, 10:35 pm, Luna said i can't stay for the night i have to get back. Her cousin wife said Luna it's late stay for the night your cousin will drop you home in the morning, Luna said i love to stay but i can't i will visit you again next week and next time i will stay i promise, her cousin said if you want i can drop you home, Luna said no, stay with your family i can go home I'll take a bus. Her cousin said Luna look at the time it's not safe I'll drop you home. Luna said are you sure? Her cousin grab his jacket and car keys and head to the door and said are you coming? Luna grab her bag and said goodbye to the family. Her cousin drop her home Luna mother come outside when she heard a car, and saw Luna and his cousin, she said; Luna your cousin drop you? he is busy you have to come home early. Her cousin said aunt, it's okay I'm free tonight I will not come inside it's late I'll head back home. Her mother said okay be careful and she went inside, Luna see him off and wave bye, he's cousin stop and said, Luna think about what i said, if you are together you both are going to be handsome and beautiful!, Luna said oh shut up! and her cousin drive away. Luna went inside and go to her room, cleaning herself and went to bed, she was thinking about what her cousin said, and think that maybe i should give it a try, i have to move forward i know i am not going to meet my prince in this world and he is not going to wake up, i have to be happy i have to forget him, he has a happy life and i should have a happy life too. She pray and went to sleep, that night while she was sleeping suddenly she was shock and wake up she felt like she was shock with electric to wake her up, she sit up she look around she saw nothing she check the window and door and went back to bed. A couple of minutes later she fall back to sleep, she was sleeping she had a dream again, this is the first time she had a dream again after one year, she wake up in the forest she look around and saw nothing and said am i in my dream again!?, she walk straight to the forest and later she saw someone standing beside the streams, she walk straight to the stream and it was a girl, she turn around and it was a young woman with red curly hair, in her other dream, Luna said it's you again where have you been? are you okay? last time i saw you you were in a hurry? and i have so many questions, the woman said have you found your answer? Luna said umm... answer to what? hey who exactly are you? the woman said you haven't found your answer, and she walk to the forest, Luna follow her and said i don't know who i am? what is this place? where am i? the woman said stop and go back, Luna said at least tell me something, the woman said this is the past this is not earth, go back you're not suppose to be here, Luna said i can help you and she was suddenly change her location she was in a desert again, Luna said what was that why do i felt like i fall inside a wormhole..wait do i really travel in universe! wait, what is this place she shout hello, nobody answer she move 7 steps forward and she was in another location/ place, she was in the city, it was clean and bright she look up and saw 3 moon and another planet close by, she look around she talk to people but nobody can see or hear her. She said; not again am i hologram again! she walk around to the city it was beautiful it's look like the future city, everything was amazing, people are happy nobody was sad or angry she can see in their face. A moment later while she was walking around she suddenly here a man voice again, saying welcome home Princess, Luna look around and saw nothing she talk to the voice and said: are you the same voice i heard in my dream? The voice said; Yes i am, i am your personal A.I ... Luna said: ok stop i know who you are? What is this place? where am i? you said welcome home aren't you? The voice said; I am not programmed to said the place. But i am here to help you, Yes, princess this is your home. Luna said if this is my home where are my parents? where is the palace? can i see it? The voice said; nobody can see or hear you in this place because you are not born here in this universe, yes your parents are inside the palace but you can't see them I'm sorry princess. Luna said; can i look around? the voice said; I'm afraid you can't this is the law even a royal blood can't see or get inside the palace if they are not born again in this universe, you are from another universe you are a traveller now. Luna said; wow, i have a strick parents. Okay can i look around this city? The voice said yes you may but you don't have much time enough. Luna said: yes i know, and wait why can't i see you? can i only here your voice? are you even real? The voice said; i am your personal A.I.. Design to..Luna said okay okay stop, i know who you are seems like the other universe is was much much more advanced they can make an A.l which i can't see.. intresting!.. 15 minutes later the voice said your time is up goodbye princess i will tell your parents you came, i hope you come back and visit us again. Luna suddenly wake up she sit up in her bed and check the time it was 7:15 am, she get up head to the kitchen to have breakfast.

*To Be Continued*

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