The number, the dead and the traveler

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2nd September she jump again she was walking inside a mystery building it was a bit dark not too dark it was bright but not too bright , she didn't say anything somebody said go to class no.4 she didn't say anything and she follows other people they were walking in line and some other went to class 6 class 7 room, Luna try to walk in class 7 because class 4 is for children and of course she love number 7 but one teacher said this is not your class go to class 4 down that way go to the stair follow others, Luna didn't say anything and step down to the stairs the light was flickering she was a bit scare and she saw class 4 on the top of one door, they were almost close the door and Luna said wait I'm here for class 4 I'm sorry I'm late, the professor said sit down, Luna walk in the class room was like a stone all the wall and floor was cream/off-white colour the wall was all little stone stick together she sit down and did not want to lean on the wall because she was a bit scare and she didn't want to touch it later the professor teach them while he was teaching Luna saw a nice and big mansion behind the professor and said is that the professor house wow its very nice home, wait this place is a bit creepy but when you get inside its beautiful, she was sitting with two other girls one was a grown adult woman and one was she look like a little girl but act like an adult she look to her right again and 7boys was sitting and eating lunch they eat chicken and Luna said what is this is this a school am i go back to school and all my classmate were weird the adult woman ask do you bring lunch, Luna said i guess, she open her back and she did bring tiffin she take out and open and there were meat, banana and many strawberries and she also had a strawberry juice in a bottle she eat and later one little girl said lets get out she pour the acid inside the vent and they give a drink to Luna and said drink this you will go back to where you came from, Luna said wait you can do this? the little girl said you do this all the time we always get out from here, drink fast before the professor came back , Luna finish the drink and the smoke coming out from the vent they get inside the vent and escape that place they were running and the adult woman said they know we get out run faster go back you don't belong here if they catch us they can't do anything to us but if they catch you run as fast as you can and go back, Luna said but what is this place? can you at least give me a hint? the woman said run! Luna said okay and she keep running as fast as she can and she wake up in her bed again. She sat up and said omg is there any meaning what was that? she look to the room ceiling and thinking, later she has no clue at all. The next day she found out that in South Korea the number '4' means death and also in some asian country. Luna said wait so am i escaping death? or am i the death? but why there is a professor teacher something and why its like a classroom and i look like i am important and i have know idea at all.! maybe it's just a normal dream, till today Luna didn't find out anything at all.
A days has passed one night she wake up in the unknown universe, she open her eyes and knew she travel again she look around hoping to see somebody but she saw nobody so she close her eyes and open again she was in a big and futuristic house she was standing beside the door near the bedroom she walk to the room there was a floor length mirror she look at herself she saw herself but she feel like she was in someone's body she said am i trap inside another me in another universe again!? she touch her belly she know that she was pregnant she touch her belly and said why am i pregnant? and the time skip she open her eyes again she was already having a baby she was holding in her arm and the doctors said congrats it's a boy and his father is coming, Luna look to the door the baby's boy father was the guy (the prince) she was so surprise she smile and cry at the same time the guy came why are you crying? Luna look at the baby and said to the guy look at him he look exactly like you, she touch his eye and nose and lip he look like you, the guy said smile they smile and laugh together looking at the baby and suddenly time skip again she open her eye she was standing again besides the door and siad no no no.. wait what was that no no.., she sat down on the floor crying she said was that the past or the future? please i have to go back and she wake up in her bed she open her eyes she was thinking what she saw she open her phone it was 3rd September saturday morning. That day she was thinking about what she witness/saw all day, not knowing what was happening and why? her life is full of mystery and unknown things. She try to find the answer but she can't figure it out.
5th September she walk in again she saw herself she was carrying a backpack on her back and holding a tote bag in her hand she was so hurry she walk to the sidewalk she went to the grocery store she carry a lots of chips in her hand she walk to the sidewalk she was in a hurry but she didn't run she just walking fast, she reach to the empty place like the size of a big parking lot, she look down on her left side she saw a little spark and fire between a two small rock she didn't look and she walk passed and the little spark was stop and smoke a little and died, Luna didn't stop she continue walking while she was walking she found out that she stop a wildfire if she didn't walk pass that little spark that spark will turn into a fire and spread and later it will become a wildfire, she was glad she stop that she almost reach her neighbourhood she reach the gate and and saw somebody from her neighbourhood she didn't talk to her they both smile and Luna heard her mother talking she look down from the railing she didn't see her but she heard her mother also buy a lot of chips and heading home the street was double like a double bridge. Luna said i will reach home before mom did she walk faster and she walk to the grass something glitch happen she walk to the pavement between the grass and reach a black forest the walkway was full of black flowers like roses, sunflowers, lily, tulip, every kind of flowers was there they are so big, bigger than normal she step one and look the trees all the plants and tree was black but there leaves were all green it was so beautiful, the walkway was all flowers she walk and smile and look around the forest she said wait i have to capture all this she try to take a video/picture from her phone she reach to her pocket her phone was not there she search her other pockets it was not there and she touch her bag she was holding she touch her phone and said oh thank God i thought i lost it. She didn't take out her phone she look around again and said i will enjoy this moment i am not going to waste my time on take pictures and videos she put back her phone and look around and step the flowers she said i have never see anything like this before it was so beautiful! she smile and time skip forward again.
She was with a group of teens and children some adults were also there they were between 5 years old to 40 years old, they were around 10/20 people, they all walk in to a big and giant hall it's look like a monastery but it's not, they all sit in the chair and look around there was writing and painting in the wall and ceiling, some were gold some were silver and some were bronze and some are fabric and some are normal painting and statues and sculptures, all the people get up and walk to a different direction, Luna just sat on the chair and look around she saw a big bamboo fire torch and suddenly the fire blew off Luna was a bit scare she stand up and one old man came up to her and siad follow me, Luna didn't say anything and she follow she was sitting infront of a big window suddenly somebody put a medicine on her back and massage her she can't move she said thank you i feel better and one old man he was like the leader of that place he dress like a monk he had a white beard and he was like a master like in the movies, Luna said what is this place is this a sauna or a wellness center? the old guy touch her back bone and said sit straight you are going to be okay you need to relax (luna was wearing a robe) and two girl came in the compound ground near the window okay miss Luna are you feeling better? the plane is almost ready do you have a ticket? Luna said what are you talking about i don't know! the other girl ask Luna can we do a rematch please so i can have a ticket, Luna said i don't know what you are talking about and yes i do want to do a rematch but i didn't know what it is so I'm afraid i can't I'm sorry, the girl said it's okay don't be sorry. The old man massage her back bone and said you have to be strong he touch her ear and siad now you have a wooden earing? Luna said okay stop i have to go they are waiting for me and what have you put on my back i can't move? the old guy said you will be fine in 3 minutes listen carefully you are very important in universe and suddenly one woman shout the plane is boarding everyone get inside, Luna said what do you mean i am important? the old guy said this place is a wellness center for all the universe all the travellers in the entire universe stay here i am the owner and the master of this center i can heal all your sadness and pain and you will be okay, and if you will ever came back remember what i said this place is a treasure only you can open the treasure of the entire universe and the evil guy will try to destroy it.We will be waiting for you and this is not your first time coming this is your millions times and every time you go back i rub all your memory that you were here that is why you don't know this place and everytime you leave this place a bad guy came and destroy this place everyone run away and some died only you can stop this guy he is wearing a black cowboy hat dress in all black carrying a walking stick he look like a gentleman but he is not only you can stop him this time i will not take your memory and remember you were here but only this time, Luna said i don't know what your talking about let me go! the old guy say you can go we will be waiting for you , you are our only hope goodbye miss Luna farewell, Luna run to the plane later the plane lift up Luna look back down she saw a smoke and the centre was destroy and heard the guy shouting will be waiting for Luna came back Luna part 2. and suddenly time skip forward again.
She was running down a hill in a hurry she reach the place everybody was waiting for her they were praying Luna cook the food making dinner silently all the people were from her church youth member they were have a picnic Luna said I'm sorry I'm late okay dinner is ready come sit all of them sit around in a circle and everyone praise her that she is a good cook the dinner was delicious, Luna said thank you everyone, and suddenly she jump to another place she was in a big and luxury resort they were 5 girls and 4 boys Luna was sitting in a daybed one girl came to her and said guys two handsome guy is going to join us hey Luna you should find your partner, Luna said I'm not interested but let's see. Later two guys come in and join them all the girl try to know the two guy they were talking with them and having a conversation, but Luna was sitting on the daybed looking out the window, later one girl came to her hey can i sit with you? Luna said yes, the girl said I can't believe this place is not before, Luna ask what's it like before? the girl said it was shining i mean there were neon sign and writing all over the wall before but what happen to this year i don't know, Luna siad i have no clue either. The girl said hey do you talk to the two new guy? Luna said no, I don't i think I'm not interested, the girl said maybe you try have a little conversation, and two guy came up and sitting near to them one was the new guy and one was the old(current staying) guy they talk and drink wine, the girl said hey Luna you should talk to this new guy near sitting us, Luna said maybe you should ask that drink, the girl ask hey can we have a drink too? the new guy said yes off course and he give one glass of wine to the girl and the girl give to Luna, Luna drink and later she talk to the new guy and having a normal conversation a minute later Luna said where is the other new guy? i didn't see him I don't know what he look like the guy said he was sitting over there having a conversation with others, Luna look and can't see him clearly wow he a has a long hair slick back hmm.. interesting but Luna didn't look back and having a conversation with the current guy and girl later Luna look to the window the sun was almost rise, it was dawn and Luna saw the sky was purple/pink/orange and said wow look guys the sun is going to rise look to the sky and everyone look and Luna saw again something it was shining in the sky sparkling Luna said is that a fireflies? guys do you see that do you see that fireflies look! near the mountain in the sky, nobody see it but Luna said omg it's so beautiful my little sister would love to see this its beautiful she look silently and later she wake up in her bed she open her eyes and open her phone, she open Instagram and the first thing she saw was the guy who she accidentally follow had a new post, Luna was shock wait your hair wait it's the guy it's you again the two new guy who came your the other guy which i didn't have no time to talk your the other new guy it's exactly like you your hair your dress omg! is this really happening? she look his photo and said i hope someday you wake up i will be waiting and if you don't i hope we will meet again in another world. You will always be here in my heart and i will pray for your health and happiness have a great and wonderful life, if you are happy I'm happy i have to leave you now find your love and i will find mine goodbye my prince.
She stop having an episode she stop having a dreams almost 1 months she has a normal sleep but one night she has a mysterious dream it was October 19 Wednesday night while she was sleeping peacefully she wake up in a house she was talking to two other guys one was a female and one was a male she never met them before or did not know them at all, every dream she had she can't see people's face cleary like the living world, but she can feel and know that they were her close friends, they all sit around and Luna said i have something mystery to do you guys join me? they said yes we do. Luna said we are going to get inside that one department of the government building and inside that they keep a secret i don't know what secret they keep but we are here to find out, are you with me? the two other guys said we are with you and they went inside at night time they open the secret safe there was a big book which they write all the work they did Luna took the book and get out as fast as they can, they went back to the unknown house they sit in circles and read the books and files and Luna saw one file, she open and read and she said omg, everyone should know this and they should be in jail, the other guy said what is it? Luna said guys a 4/5 years old girl was rape and she died. The other guy said what? Luna said she didn't died after she was rape she was kept in a hospital and investigate everything but the rapist was in high level person and they did nothing and later the girl was dead in a hospital, omg her dead was a mystery i can't believe what the department/ authority's did how corrupted this world is she need justice. Luna said I'm going to write an article and find out who is responsible, are you with me? they both said yes we do let's do it, but one of their friend came from the other room and said you can't write an article we are not journalist guys, Luna said true but trust me i can do it! They read all the stories in the file of that child and time skip forward, later they were in an old and empty mansion house they bring torch and wear gloves they all look around they were in the little girl home trying to find clues and evidence and answers. They walk into one room which was the little girl room there was a table all the family photos and frames and paintings were on the table her dolls and teddy bears were still there in the wall shelf, Luna put her phone down on the table and walk to the dolls shelf and look around and touch it and said sweet child what do you want me to find out? suddenly her phone rang, one of her guy friend said your phone is ringing it's from the little girl i guess, and he laughed Luna look her phone it's an unknown number, she didn't pick up and one of her friend pick up and joking around and mumbling and laugh, that very moment Luna look his friend and said wait who is this little girl we don't know her name what do she want me to find out did she need our help? and later she wake up in the middle of the night she was a bit scare she never had a dreams episode like that kinda things before she cover her head with blanket not to think. That morning she was thinking that what if that was not a dream what if that was real and somebody need my help but why from the dead? she was a bit scare and said who is this little girl who need justice i don't see or know her name what if she need my help and calling me from my deam. But how will i find out i hope this is not real and i hope it's just a dream.
One night she wake up in a small village it was very old she look around it was like she was in 1820 or something people dress exactly like in the movies, it was a small village not many houses but there was one big hall/auditorium, Luna didn't get inside the hall she was standing outside that hall and later sometime strange was happening all the people run inside that very big hall and Luna also run to the hall and she saw some people have wings and some people have ability they look human but they are not human they have their own village and hide from the living human beings and she found out this was a place for special people they were not many they were only 100 of them some are kids and some are old and some are youth. One man said welcome to our little home have a wonderful stay, and one man said we are waiting for you, Luna had no idea she look around clueless, later some are screaming they get out and one of their warrior woman said he is coming again guys prepare yourself get your weapon and ready to fight. Luna ask who is coming? what is happening here? the warrior woman said you forgot everything? Luna said forgot? and one guy said you don't remember? last time you came you save us you made an electric fence for us, she pull Luna and show the electric fence, Luna said i made this? no i didn't made this I'm not a scientist or engineer I'm just a normal girl i wish i can make this I'm not the guy you're looking for, the guy said you really did forget everything this fence you made for us safe our village for centuries. The warrior woman said come follow me they are coming and we need you your coming with us and fight. Luna said what! me fight? who? i don't know how to fight who am i gonna fight? The warrior lady said you will find out, Luna said i don't wanna find out can i stay with the other people I'm not a warrior like you and i don't know how to fight and the moment i step in I'm dead and i don't wanna be dead in my dream or episode or whatever because this is not real if I'm dead in my dream i will also be dead in my sleep in the real world " the living world" you know the living world right!? The warrior woman said are you done talking traveller? Luna said no i have so many things to said i don't want to fight! The warrior woman said you are not going to fight in fist your going to fight with your mind like you did before, Luna silent a minute and said, hmm... umm.. well that was umm...phew..and how does this mind fighting work? The warrior woman said how do we know? we don't know only you know, okay stop talking and follow me, Luna said wait and the other warriors push her and follow them, they went inside a place it looks like it was a train but it's not, there were a doors like a train sections they walk deep inside and they reach the very last door it was lock with heavy metals and the door was banging someone try to get inside the village, Luna ask who is that banging? they are all in the position and Luna hold a metal stick and stand beside the door. Later that thing is going to get inside the warrior woman said everyone fall back he's going to get inside fall back stand in your position and protect the village, they all fall back running Luna was running at the very second last, they run through the one section room and Luna said wait you don't lock the door Luna lock the door of the one section room door with wooden and the next door with wood and nails she stand and listen the sound and one door she lock was break and that thing get through the next door almost broke Luna said run he's gonna get through they run to another section and the next door Luna lock the next door with metal and steel and other heavy things and seal it, and that thing cant get inside he was banging Luna was curious and peek inside the hole to find what they were fighting and saw he's arm it look like a monster she only saw the arm, she step back what was that thing? the others said we can't tell you, the warrior woman came to her finally we are safe again with your help traveller thank you. Luna said i did nothing i was just locking the doors, you can fight without me guys why bring me into this? just lock the doors. The warrior woman said what is lock? Luna said Omg.. okay yes wait you said i will fight with my mind that's it, omg what is this place!one of the old man came to her and said everytime we need your help we know you are going to come again and again thank you traveller, Luna ask can i ask you a question? the old ma said yes, Luna said you said that i always came here before how many times i come here and what is this place and do i really made that electric fence? and what exactly are you? the old man said yes you always came here always and this fence safe us many centuries and you always came here with your past with your future self every universe of yourself always come here and she told me not to tell anything everyone of yourself so I'm afraid i can't answer that, and we live in this universe and this is not your universe your just a traveller, Luna said so that future of me was the real me and i am fake? the old man siad we don't know who is the real traveller but we know every time and every one of yourself did always visit us. Luna said so who am i? the old man said we can't answer, it's time for you to go, Luna find out she was not speaking the whole time her mouth was not open but they all speak and talk through their mind and she said wait how.. and she wake up from her bed she open her eyes and said another curiosity dream again which i can't figure it out, she get up and went to the kitchen to start the day again.

    *To Be Continued*

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