Who am I?

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FYI From the writer: Now it's been a couple a week i stop continue writing this story, everytime i finished writing every chapter something bad happen in the world. Is this a coincidence? Today Russia invades Ukraine. I have to finish this story as fast as i can.
Let's continue this Story!.
Luna Grayson Smith a girl who was born different, she was kind she saw the world different. She survived many accident, she was alone, she hurts many many times but she survived the pain the hurt the emotion, she witnessed the world beyond imagination, but all she need and want was "love".
Half a year has passed, Luna was living like a normal woman again, she was happy she try to forget everything from the past. September 7/2020.One fine morning she wake up late she had a dream that night she was standing on top of the rainforest mountain she close her eyes, she stretch her arm and feel the air the sound the birds chirping the sound of the wind waving the trees. She just stand there longer than 2hour and she wake up from her dream. She wake up but she didn't get up from her bed she was lying there and think about her dream, she doesn't had any clue. She look her phone and open Instagram app scrolling up and downs her feeds, an unknown guy she accidentally follow him in the other day just pop up with his photo, he didn't wear shirt he wear shorts and took a selfie, Luna just ignore the post and continue scroll up, a minute later Luna said wait and she scroll back to that post do i know you? i know you somewhere? where do i know you? she close her eyes and try to think and she recall the time she had s** with the prince in her dream, she open her eyes and zoom the guy body closely, and said; no, why do you have the prince body? it's exactly like him his shoulder his aps, please tell me your not him!, she zoom again his face and said are you him? no, this is not happening you can't be him, but why do you have the same body? i know I can't see the prince face clearly in my dream but i know and can see his body clearly, she check his account and see the other photos he posted,no.. tell me your not him., she found his childhood photo he posted she look closely and said; no.. it's you, it's the kid i saw in my dream! why do i saw you? did i travel in your childhood time? She open Google and search his name and find out he was way 8 years younger that her, she search his bio, he was also famous in his country just like his brother, Luna found his videos and watch it she listens carefully and said, and you sound a bit like him, she saw his mother in the video and Luna said no.. i saw your mother in my dream that lady is the mother of that family i saw !it was your mother! and that kid was you? no this can't be happening!, but why do i saw your family and your childhood? why do i jump to the past? i never jump to the past, and it's not even my past it's someone i don't know from another continent! did i skip the time!?did i switch the time again? no, tell me it's not you! no, I'm crazy! and she turn off her phone and went to the kitchen and drink water from the fridge, she walk outside she went to her cousin home try to forget everything and stay there all day. 4:25 pm, she went back home and went to her room her phone was still lying on her bed, she pick up and charge and went back to the kitchen to make dinner. After she had dinner with her family she go to her room it was 7:35 pm, it was Saturday night and she pick up her phone and watch movies, while she was watching movie she can't stop thinking what she just found out, she open up Instagram again and check him again, and she said; it's not you right? i know i want you to real but I don't want you to be in another continent, you told me maybe i was in your world and born in another country, how i wish to see you again i will come again in that place i will wait for you and ask you are you him? but in my world your 8 years younger than me, so this means when you say run and i will find you and i am born in this world and you follow me, if it's you why are you late!? her tears came down from her eyes., that night was a long night,.. she fall asleep she went back to that place she was waiting the prince to come again, but he didn't came. The next day afternoon she was lying on her bed she fall asleep again she went back to that place waiting for him to come, she was lying under the tree she look to the sky and say i know your not coming but I'll wait for you, she close her eyes and feel the sound of the wind, suddenly she hear water splashing she get up run to the lake and saw the prince throwing the little rock at the lake,, Luna run to him the prince turn back, the prince trying to hug her but Luna take off his shirt as fast as she can to check again his body, the prince said what are you doing?! Luna touch and look again his body and said; it's exactly like you! it's you, your him, he was you! The prince said what is me? what happen? what are you talking about? yes i am, i am your prince, and the prince kiss her and hug her and said; I'm sorry you have to wait me i miss you, i miss you so much, Luna got a little angry and said it's almost 2 years why? the prince said i know I'm sorry, time is not letting me,and he hug her tighter. Luna said; i saw you in my world? The prince said what do you mean? Luna told him everything and and said tell me it's not you? but you have the same body the same voice the same behaviour?! The prince step back and said Princess, now you found me, i promise to found you but you found me first you know what to do, tell him it is me tell him you are my princess tell him he is the prince tell him everything, Luna said but he live in another country and he's 8 years younger than me! The prince said if i am him ,now you found me ,Luna this is my last time you know what to do? Luna said wait, your not coming back? The prince kiss her emotionally and disappeared. Luna cry and said wait i want you to come back i can't tell him it's you. She cried and wake up from her dream, she continue crying all night. From that day her heart was broken and she didn't talk much she stay at home and barely go outside. A couple of months later, one night while she was looking at Instagram a post pop up from that unknown guy, she try to avoid him but she look again and saw the prince in him, she try to unfollow him but she saw a video with his family making lunch together, Luna look the videos and said he looks like a nice guy, and he's handsome too, now i can see your face, now i know what you look like ,she search his YouTube and watch all his video, she watch his lifestyle she watch all the interview he has, and Luna decided not to unfollow him and said; your behaviour your body language your smile your body your laugh your voice is exactly like him you remind of him., you had a happy life, you're famous, you had a good future, i can't tell you your him, wait am i a stalker? She smile and said, and your way younger than me but i know age is just a number, but i can't tell you, you live in another continent, another country i can't come, you can't come, you have a happy good life and good future you don't have to know me your out of my league. She put down her phone and said; i will not tell you who i am or who you are if you're happy I'm happy, i will watch you far away from here, i will cherish all the moment we had together in our dreams, i will always go back to that place and cherish all the moment we had. I hope one day you found me and you will wake up, or if you didn't wake up it's okay we will find again in another world., And if God didn't want me to know all the dreams and episode i had I'm not going to find out, when the time has come i will know everything and i will stay away from you, and will watch your okay or not from far away. Her tears fall down and put down her phone and cry and said; Dear God, why me!!? she continue crying. From that day sometimes she look at his photo and say i am okay, be happy, and till today she didn't interest in nobody, Luna is beautiful many guy like her but her heart was somewhere, she didn't interest in nobody. She check him once a week in his Instagram and youtube weather he is okay or not, she live like this till today and she write everything she experienced, that makes her feel better.
One day she walk up to the mountain and stand on top of the mountain, she close her eyes, i am an unknown princess from another world, who is my real parents? where do i came from?what kind of princess am i? Mother, Father, where ever you are I'm okay in this parallel world i am born in a great family here, i had a great family i love them. My prince, i know you were looking for me and search every galaxy and universe and follow me and you were born in this world too, but you are happy you have a wonderful family and friends, you live in another continent we can't be together again, and i am poor and not famous your out of my league, i can't tell you it's you I'm sorry, but i I'll cherish all the moment we had together, and we will meet again, we will born again and again until we stay together forever or in another world and next time don't be late. I don't know what the future holds maybe i am born to save this world one day, All the episodes i had, i hope there is a reason one day when the time has come i will know everything. I know this is risky and dangerous to tell my story some government or company or organisations can use me as a weapon, but this is not real, this is not a movie, this is just a dream. She take a deep breath and open her eyes and said "WHO AM I"!?.

*To Be Continued*

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