The Future (3)

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A week had passed Luna and the Prince always meet in that place. They both happy and laught together smile together share their dreams together, Luna always want to sleep and met him, sometimes she sleeps twice a day she always excited to go to sleep. One Sunday evening while she was watching a comedy show on YouTube she put her phone over her face and suddenly the phone slip and fall down to her face, while she was picking up she accidentally log on to Instagram and accidentally follow someone, she didn't know she pick up the phone and click back and continue watching the show. The next day was Monday she had an interview on a government job, she wake up early and get ready she went to the government office to had an interview. She went back home she took a bath, she get dress and head to the kitchen for lunch, while she was eating her lunch she check her phone open up Instagram looking up her feeds, and an unknown man photo pop up in her feeds. Luna was thinking who is this why is in my Instagram feeds when did i follow someone like this, she try to unfollow him and check his name again and said wait his last name is familiar and click to his account to check out, Luna said wow who is this guy he has so many followers is he a celebrity? hmm... and she scroll down his old photos he post and find that his brother is a celebrity, she look close and said wait your his brother?! wow when did i follow you! she try to unfollow him but she think again and not to unfollow him because she knows his brother is a celebrity and it's okay to follow some celebrity brother and she doesn't care much she log out again. Every week this guy post one photo, Luna didn't care much she just scroll down, sometimes she like his photo and sometimes she just scroll up and let it go. One night while she was sleeping she had another dream she was not in that place she look around to find the prince but she couldn't find him, she look around again and walk into one family trying to take a family photo. A mom, a dad and three kids, Luna stand behind the wall and watch them ,they were so busy trying their kids to stand still for the photo, Luna giggle and said ooh.. they are so cute, she look again and saw the youngest boy look familiar, she look closely and said wait i know that kid, but i don't know who he is, who is he? she wake up from her dream, she open her eyes she check her phone it was 2:17 am, she try to get back to sleep but couldn't sleep again she said who is that kid i know him from somewhere she cover her head with her blanket and try to get back to sleep, an hour later luckily she fall asleep again, she was standing beside the road, she look around it was earth but it's not her country it's look like another country, Luna look around again and saw a pick up truck heading towards her, she just look and saw a group of kids 10-13 years old boys on the back of the truck. The truck suddenly stop Luna look and say hi, but nobody answer or look at her. Luna said: hello kid you guys look happy where are you heading? Nobody answer or look at her. Luna wave to the driver and say oh my they can't see or hear me! not again! The driver said okay boys let's go, all the kids hop on to the back of the truck Luna hop on too she want to know what is this dream for?! The truck move the boys were singing, Luna smile and saw little boys are happy, she stand at the very back of the truck 20 minutes later the road get bumpy all the kids hold on to the truck, but one boy besides Luna almost slip out from the truck Luna pull him a little bit and save him. Luna look at the boy and it was that boy from the other dream with a family trying to get photo. Luna said oh my kiddo it's you again who are you? The kid also felt like someone is touching him he look around and saw nobody he touch his shoulder he was so lost. And suddenly Luna wake up again from her dream she didn't open her eyes and said not now i want to know who that kid is! maybe he need my help! She open her eyes and check the time it was 7:30 am, she get up and went outside for a walk near her home and to think. She gets back home she couldn't find any answer or clue, and say maybe I'll ask him ( the prince). That night she went back to that place the prince was there sitting beside the lake putting his foot into the lake Luna run to him and sat beside him she also put her feet inside the lake and said, i want to ask you something? i saw an unknown little boy 2 times in different locations in my two dreams, she told the prince everything what he saw. The prince giggle and said Luna i told you i can't answer you i wish i knew all your dreams, I'm sorry. Luna said don't be it's not your fault, ya i know you can't answer me but i want to talk to someone about this, it's okay. The prince hold her hand and said come follow me. They walk to the big tree and stand under the tree and the prince kneel down and hold her hand and said; Luna, take this ring; do you remember you saw this golden ring in your dreams, Luna said but.. The prince said; i know i promise you i will find you in your world i am still looking for you i know i am somewhere out there but you found me in your dream take this ring and you will always find me again if i didn't found you, and the prince put the golden ring in Luna index finger and kiss her hand. Luna said but this is who you are.. The prince say now we will always find each other again and again, Luna said; yes, i will find you, they both kiss and giggles and the prince said do you wanna dance Princess Luna? Luna said yes i am my Prince and they both giggle and dance under the tree, half an hour later Luna wake up, she look her finger she didn't saw any ring and said yes of course i can't see in this world, she smile and get up. The next night Luna get to bed to meet him again she fall asleep and went back to that place she look around and didn't see him, she search everywhere but couldn't found him she cry and said; where are you? why did you give me your ring? where can i find you? she sat down on the ground and cry.. and she wake up again. From that day Luna never saw him in his dream again she always go back to that place; she sat, she walks, she dance by herself under the tree she sat by the lake and she recall all the things they did together. One day she was going to the wedding one of her friends from high school is going to get married. She get dress she put earings and she try to put a ring on her finger she stop and look at her ring quite a minute, but she did put on the ring and head out to the weeding with her other friends, She was happy all day having fun that evening at dusk, while sitting with her friends her finger get itchy, at first she didn't care much she just pull around her ring and continue conversation with her friends, she twist around her ring all night, at 10:17 pm Josh drop her home, she went inside go to her room and take off her ring she look her finger it was all red, she wash her hand and put some powder and lotion and said i always put this ring but now why it's so itching!? maybe I can't wear silver, she didn't care much and change her clothes take a bath and went to bed. She doesn't wanna have a dream anymore, from that day she can't wear a ring anymore, she did can wear but she can't wear long 15-20 minutes later she always take off, One day she thought maybe he gave me his ring and i always put his ring in my finger and i can't see it! so, i can't put any ring or jewelry now, from now on i will not change the ring you gave me i can't see it but i can feel, i know you are always with me. A week, a month, a year passed, One day she went out to shopping with her youngest sister and that day Luna didn't fell very well but pretend she is fine after shopping they went home, that shopping mall was not very far from home and they decided to walk. They walk and talk and Luna said I'm so tired let's take a rest, her sister said are you okay? Luna said; I'm okay, let's sit here a minute I'll be okay I'm just tired thats all, we are almost there, if you want you can go I'll catch you up, her sister said okay I'll take your bag don't sit here too long okay? Luna said ya I'll be fine., and her sister go, Luna sat there she look her sister and 5 minutes later she felt dizzy she try to call back her sister she can't shout out loud, she look around she saw everything was getting blurred and blurred,a car drive pass she cant here cleary the sound of the car, she saw everything smaller and smaller she breathes heavily the sound she almost shut her eyes, that moment she thought she was going to die and she try to sit straight and to wake up, she look around again she can't see clearly it's getting blur and she look to the right side and saw a man watching her she look again he look like the prince she close her eyes and open again he was gone, she turn around looking but didn't saw anyone, that moment she was getting better, now she can clearly see everything now she get well again, she said was that you? did you just heal or save me? i know you are always with me she pick up her phone and walk back home.

*To Be Continued*

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