The vision

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February 15 2022, One night while Luna was sleeping she had another dream/episode, she was sitting on a couch of an empty room she look to her left she saw a window she get up and look outside of the window, i was so dark and it was raining she look up to the sky there was lightning and thunder, she sit back on the couch and somebody came inside an empty room saying i have to go, Luna think they can't see or heard her again she just stare at them, that one person talking to another person, but Luna can't see, The woman take an umbrella and went outside, Luna just stand there and watch them hoping this is again another universe. A minute later the woman came back inside and said are you coming? Luna look around and saw nobody and said is she talking to me? Wait your not suppose to see me! Luna didn't want to go and said No, the woman silently went outside again. Luna silently follow she hide behind the door and peek to the door hole, The woman was talking to someone saying what if someone know who you are? Suddenly a guy appear out of nowhere saying no one will know me, nobody can see me, Luna was thinking that that guy was just like her maybe he is also another traveller, she heard a steps coming forward she run to the couch as fast as she can and sit there quietly the woman came inside again and look to Luna and said again are you coming? Luna said is she can really see me? hey can you see me? but the woman didn't answer her, the woman said again are you coming? Luna said no, i am waiting for someone, and the woman went outside again. Luna said she cant see me but she can hear me, wait who is she, if she can hear me i have to ask where is this place, she run to the door but she can't reach the door she shout hey, and she suddenly jump to another place she sat beside the pool she felt so sleepy she was lying beside the pool she almost close her eyes, she saw a guy appear beside her shooting a commercial, she was in a commercial shooting place, and nobody can see her, she suddenly wake up from her dream,. she sit up from her bed saying not again, i have no clue what my dreams is!, i am not going to solve anything im not that smart, it was so early and she went back to sleep while she was sleeping she felt cold on her left side of her face, she was holding that guy (the prince) hand, she suddenly wake up she felt like the prince visit her, she get up look outside the window but saw nothing, she went back to bed. She said: i know you are somewhere, is that you? why is your hand so cold i hope you are okay. The next morning she got a text from her cousin, her cousin said; hey, Luna did you think about what i said, i gave my friend M your number. Luna said well i think about it maybe I'll give him a chance, her cousin said take care bye, Luna hang up the phone and said what am i doing? maybe it's good for me.
That night the guy M texted Luna
M: Hi, how are you? your cousin gave me your number hope it's okay.
Luna: it's okay,No harm!
M: is your cousin told you who i am? I'm from his workplace we work together, you're cousin is a funny guy.
Luna: ya, he did mention you.
M: do you want to meet me? Let's meet on the park tomorrow, oh,and it's not a date.
Luna: umm ... okay tomorrow 2:30 pm?
M: I'll meet you there bye
Luna: Bye
She was thinking what am i doing, okay I'll meet him.
That night she had a dream again, she went to his (the guy she accidentally follow) country, now on the very universe of planet earth. He saw him cleaning his bike with his brother, Luna look at him and smile i can't believe i saw you, Luna stand behind the tree and watch them and later Luna said i look like a stalker or a spy she smile and watch them. Later, she heard a voice and she jump to another place, Luna said; wait, no i want to stay in that moment watching him, and she look back she saw a girl running inside an old hospital building, Luna said what is this place again! okay this is not another universe this is earth but is this the past or the future? i should follow that girl and try to find out, she went inside the hospital, it was not a very big hospital, she get inside and saw many people waiting for a doctor and she know that nobody can see her, she look around and saw one doctor was killing a patient, Luna was so scared she never had a dream like this before she try to run outside from that hospital, she almost reach the door but she stop and look back and saw many people waiting for the doctor, she look again and said:; the children, the old people, the pregnant woman, they are waiting for a doctor to heal them but they didn't know anything what is this place,is this even real, maybe i came here to help them, if it's real or not i have to help and warn them but they can't see or hear me what should i do!. She walk back and sit beside one of the patient, she just sit there not knowing what to do, a minute later someone came inside the hospital with a dog. The dog can see Luna and bark at her, the dog owner said what is wrong with you. That moment Luna had an idea she sit beside the patient waiting for there name to call. A couple of minutes later, she stand infront of the Operation Theatre room and call the dog. The dog run to her, Luna jump to the side before the dog jump to her, the dog jump to the operation theatre door and all the patient saw what the doctor do. People are angry the doctor try to run away but the patient and the people run to him, Luna stand in the corner and said oh my did i save the day!? she smile and walk outside the hospital she stand and look up to the sun and close her eyes she suddenly jump back to the guy he was still cleaning his bike with his brother, Luna said i hope one day you will wake up and find me. She close her eyes and she wake up from her dream. She check her phone open up Instagram and that guy posted one photo. Everytime she had a dream of him when she wake up this guy posted a photo or always had a story. (is this coincidence?).
The next morning Luna did went to the park to meet M , M was waiting for her , They both meet officially for the first time, having a conversation what they like about what life is about, An hour later Luna went back home, she got a text from M saying thanks for meeting me, hope I'll see you again. Luna just smile, that night around 10:57 pm Luna went to bed watching some videos from youtube she almost fall asleep and she heard some loud noise she listen carefully she heard again she get up from her bed, she go to the window looking for the sound she heard, the street was dark she saw nothing a minute later she saw a lightning and thunder far away coming closer and closer slowly, she said; the sound was just a thunder!, she went back to bed, later she said; wait i saw this in my dream the lightning the thunder the dark street. Did i can see a future from my dream? No, this is just a coincidence this is not a movie go back to sleep, she watch her phone again and later she fall asleep. 7:37 am, she heard her mother shouting saying what is that smoke! She wake up in a hurry went to the kitchen thinking something is burning, her mother forget she was cooking the house was fill with smoke, Luna open all the windows and doors to make the smoke out of the house. Later the smoke is gone, her mother said i was busy out in the garden i forgot i was cooking, Luna said how could you forgot! our house was almost on fire, her mom said i was outside you guys were sleeping inside did you not smell anything?! Luna said i was sleeping! how can i know? Her mom said it was my fault, Luna said mom when you were making something or burning something on the gas please don't get out of the kitchen ever again. Thank God we are safe. That afternoon 2:17 pm, she heard the news about a house is on fire in another District, Luna look to the news Oh My God this is so sad, She tell her mother and her mother said today is a very bad day, hope they are okay. 4:12 PM, she heard another news about a house on fire in another District, this time Luna was thinking wait, this is suspicious our family is safe but 2 house is on fire, am i cheating desaster!? No, Luna don't overthink, it's just an accident. Her mom said Luna did you heard the news some house is on fire again, i heard nobody hurt, prayer to them. Luna said yes i heard today is a very bad day. That night she got a text from M saying Luna do you want to date with me? Luna didn't reply and think about what happen today was maybe a sign. I know i am cursed, i have to follow my instinct and guts and dream that i have, she reply; M, your such a nice guy but i can't, I'm sorry we can be friend. M text back i will be there if you change your mind. Luna was thinking, I'm so mean, but i have to trust myself, I'm sorry. She text back just an emoji. Till today, Luna and M didn't talk again sometimes they saw each other at the mall but they just said, hi, hello, how are you?!.
A week has passed 29 Monday 2:37 pm, Luna was writing a diary, she finish writing it was a gloomy and foggy day, she was lying back with blanket on the couch of her room beside the window, she fall asleep, she wake up in a big house, her family was there her two sisters her mom and she also saw her dad, they were building a new house and they were moving and staying in that big old house before they finish building there own.Luna said what is this place? is this another parallel family my dad was alive in this place, Luna saw her two sisters pick a room upstairs she also got a room from upstairs, her mom and dad were staying one of the bedroom downstairs near the kitchen, and one room was ther near the living room, Luna didn't know there was another room, later she sat and watch TV with her youngest sister a minute later a wind blow one of the room door open, Luna look and said; hey, look there is a room she almost got inside, her sister said stop sis don't get in, she pull Luna and close that door and lock, Luna said; what happen, is something wrong? her sister you know this house is old right? that room belong to the previous owner he was possessed and died, you can get in. Luna said; what? your lying right? her sister said ask mother? Luna walk to the kitchen and ask her mother, her mother told her it's true Luna you can't open and never ever get inside i don't want trouble okay, Luna said, why didn't you tell me? Her mom said sometimes when i was by myself at home i heard some noise from that room, but i don't care i ignored it and the noise disappeared. Luna said why didn't you tell me? While Luna was talking to her mother at the kitchen they heard her little sister screaming they both run to the living room, they evil spirits inside that room got angry and pull her sister inside the room, her sister scream help! Luna mother shout Luna just stay there your father was in the garden I'll call him. Luna stand infront of the room door and saw her sister was slap and push down the floor, but didn't saw no one, she can't watch her she try to get in, she move two step her sister saw her and said don't come in, Luna just got in she was standing at the door one step inside the door she stand and feel the evil spirits was there she knew there are two, the spirit stop pushing her sister and Luna said they stop, run!, come out ! her sister run to her as fast as she can but Luna feel they are coming forward, Luna point a finger to them and said STOP! and the two spirit can't move and her sister crawl under Luna leg and she got out, Luna said, Stop, they can't move, two seconds later Luna said; get out from this house and never ever come back. and Luna close the door and lock. Her mother arrives with her father and some of her cousins, her mom said; what happened? her little sister told her mom everything what just happen, Luna didn't talk a minute later her mom said that thing need to get out! Luna said not just one there are two, they will get out wait 10 minutes, her middle sister said how did you know? Luna didn't answer and said; i will stand here at the kitchen door if they try to run away, they are afraid of me I'll stand here. Her mom said; you can talk to them? ask why they are here? Luna shout and ask why are you here? what do you want!? nobody answer it was a pin drop silence. A minute later Luna said they said they are stuck here they want to get out but they can't they are waiting someone to get them out, and they said why are you shouting at your mother?, Luna said get out from here and never came back, a couple of minutes later they get out from the room window and they disappear. All the family ask Luna how did you know, how can you talk to them, how can you see? Luna said i didn't i just can't see i feel them i here them in my thoughts. Luna said what am i? who am i? why they are afraid of me? why they obey me? and why i saw my family in this universe? suddenly she wake up from her dream. She was still lying on the couch, she look at her phone and it's 4:37 pm, that night was a church youth night she get up taking a bath and having a dinner and get ready for church. After youth church service she went home it was already 10:30 pm, she clean herself wash her face took a bath and went to bed, she watch her phone tweeting about the church youth service she had, half an hour later she fall asleep she had a dream again this time she went to the past on earth, she went back to her childhood she wake up in her middle school she was inside her little self body, she was sitting in the classroom her teacher ask a question she answer all correctly, her teacher said are you cheating? and she punish her and make her clean the classroom aquarium. Little Luna took the small aquarium and get out from the class, she clean the aquarium at the school courtyard, saying why i have to go back in this time? i am stuck in my little self, she put out all the fishes and turtles and clean and put them back in. She pick up the aquarium from the ground and bring them back inside the classroom and she wake up from her dream, Luna open her eyes and think that; what's that for why i went back to that time? she check the time and it was 1:15 pm, she went back to sleep, and she didn't have a dream anymore.

*To Be Continued*

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