All Kinds of Time

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One month later,11 August, 7:30 am, Luna wake up in her dream, she look around saying where am i? she feel something is about to happen but she don't know what is or when and why, she was sitting on a football stadium looking up the sky she felt something she saw the sky was not normal she said something is not right i can feel it run everyone, she shout and a minute later a small fire liquid rain falling down on earth, everyone was shouting, running and hiding, the small fire was like a lava it was not big it was the size of small marble ball. Luna look up again something is invading earth she can't see who? she and her family run to the big house near the stadium and lock the doors and windows she let her family hide under the big table her family was not her earth family they are human but not her current family she doesn't have time to think or ask who they are and she was standing beside the table and said i have to do something but i don't know how, this is not normal somebody is looking for me, don't worry everything is going to be fine don't move and just hide under here. A minute later two lava rain drop down near the table Luna step forward and look the lava it was so small but it was melting the floor, later while she was looking she heard somebody screaming outside she peek to the curtain and saw people running around shouting, Luna felt sorry she can't save everyone she saw a bugs and caterpillars falling from the sky, she said what is happening? she run back to the table and said don't move and don't make a sound and just close your eyes, i know what to do. She stand up and waiting for the bugs and caterpillars falling from the roof, later one small white caterpillar fall down landed on the floor Luna stare and know what is happening if that bugs and caterpillar fall into the lava they grow big and become scary for human, she said i have to kill those bugs and caterpillars and insects whatever fall down, she pull up her both hand stare the caterpillar and twist her hand and the caterpillar broke a neck and die. Luna said i can do it! and she snap another and another one, it goes on and on she killed all of them, later she heard a voice saying into her head "you are in control". Luna said i know i can do it, i will save everyone. She talk to someone saying am i Lucid dreaming? this is a dream? The unknown voice said this is not a dream or a Lucid dream Lucid dream is different. Luna said then what is it? suddenly she was in another location she know a fire and a car accident is about to happen in 5 minutes can she save it? Lets go back to one month earlier, Luna was stop having a dream, traveling, having episode, her life was normal again she was happy, she had a good sleep not having anything, but one night after dinner, it was a monsoon season she wash the dishes and wash kitchen cloth she try to hang the cloth outside the balcony she look to the sky it was a bit foggy and the rain was sprinkling. She look up and saw a moon it was almost full moon it was so clear and bright she try to get back inside but turn around and look up again she saw 'Sar zam' (in her native language, when 'Sar zam is happening the tribe believe that somebody is going to die unnaturally like drowning, accident, snake bite or something elses, this 'Sar zam' can happen around the moon or the sun). She saw 'Sar zam' around the moon circling the moon, she said oh my, this is not good she get inside and tell her mother that mom, i saw 'Sar zam' something unnatural is going to happen to somebody in the coming week, her mom said wherever you go be careful everyone. The next night after dinner she saw again around the moon, Luna said to her mom, mom there is another one it's two nights in a row this is not good. That week nothing happen but the next week Saturday night after dinner around 7:00 pm, they heard somebody is drowning in the river near the city that person was from there neighborhood Luna's family personally know that guy they were so shock, they can't believe it, that day they heard from the news that a car accident is happening,the next day a teenager boy drowning in the river in another district. Luna said oh my it really is true i saw it two nights and accident is happening may there soul rest in peace.
Let's go back to the unknown dream, Luna was about to save a fire and an accident, she did save both but she felt like she wasn't feeling okay, she went to the bathroom she felt something on her right side face she look into the mirror her right side face near her right chin was bleading and the skin was pealing off she can see her bone but she didn't feel a pain, she look straight to the mirror and the face was healing slowly she felt like she was already dead and she can't feel nothing and everything was healing back to normal. She look herself in the mirror straight to the eye and said what are you Luna? who are you? what am i? and she heard a noise and she wake up from her bed.
Days go bye, 22 August she travel again she wake up in unknown place it was a dark planet like moon the soil was gray and the sky was gray, she can't move the gravity is pulling her like a magnet she was standing there a minute later she saw something coming somebody is running towards her, Luna shout hey!, but that guy look scare Luna felt somebody was chasing him. She try to talk to him but nobody can hear or see her, Luna close her eyes and open again she was in another location of that gray planet she was standing infront of a big mansion like house, the house was about to collapse she saw a man stuck and almost drowning but suddenly that man was suck out and fly to the sky like a ghost or spirit and two other guy was floating in the air like a smoke, the one that suck out join the two floating other guy, Luna look at them the two guy were look human but the one guy that suck out wasn't look not human his body is like human but his skin was white ish gray ish he doesn't have hair his nose was a bit strange, the two other guy appear infront of Luna and said thank you for saving our brother thank for coming here we wait for you so long, Luna said but i didn't do anything i just stand here? The middle guy said your presence here is a blessing for us princess, Luna said wait but why everyone call me princess? they don't answer her and Luna look at them they had a jewel in their collar the middle guy had white jewel like dimond the right guy had red jewel and the left guy the one that she save had a green jewel, all of them shape like a kite, while Luna look at them the jewel in their collar shine and Luna was in another place she look around and she was in a big flying thing and some people were sitting inside she asked where am i? what is this? is this a helicopter? nobody answered her she step forward and it was like a helicopter but the inside was big it has a big front window like a deep sea ship in a movie it was futuristic Luna look to the window and saw a buildings, people, and many other beautiful things she smile and say this is beautiful, she said is this the future this is beautiful and amazing!. the pilot stand up and said all right everyone we reach our destination, and some three other people get out from that flying thing Luna try to step out but suddenly the pilot said traveller and Luna look back and she wake up, she open her eyes she sat on her bed thinking another travelling and she get out from her bed and went to the bathroom. A day passed Luna stop traveling and she had a normal dream like normal human do. 3 weeks passed one morning she felt weak she went to the kitchen and saw a dirty kitchen and a messy living room she's a big angry and said to her youngest sister who is around 17 years old, Luna said you're not a kid anymore i felt unwell can you clean the house her sister doesn't answer her and the both had a little fight, that evening after dinner they had a little fight again with her mother again she went to the bedroom and sat on a bed and cry.
There is something you need to know about Luna. Her life was miserable, and unfair her mom was a city woman and her dad was a small town man, she was the first born and she was born in the city but when she was one year old they move to her father town she was the only child in her father family all the adults love her and take care of her she was born beautiful she doesn't look like her mom or dad her hair was a bit wavey and light brown she has a fair skin with a pink lip, she was naturally beautiful, all the town love her even her uncle used to carry her on a bag and went out with her at the street in the evening, before she turn two years old her mother got pregnant again they move back to the city and stay at her mother home 9 months later her sister was born Luna was 1 year and 10 months old when her sister was born, her grandmother (her mother side) take care of Luna at a very young age, a years passed her father went to military he went home only once a year sometimes twice a year Luna didn't get any love and care from her father at a very young age she had a younger sister and all the attention was on her sister, her mother did care her but her sister was just a baby she can't get the attention and love, she sleep with her grandmother until she turn 10, while they were living with there grandparent her mother younger brother was an alcoholic he was not nice to her mom and her and her sister her mother family was living in a one big compound in a colony, her aunt and her family live next door Luna's family was poor they live under her grandfather house her other family were nice and friendly and love them but sometimes they treat them unfair because they are poor. When things get lost sometimes they call them thieves and Luna family was living like they are slave,her sister and Luna went to school and her mother take care of everything she clean their house doing their chores everything Luna and her sister was so young and they didn't understand a thing. Luna was a kind hearted child like i said in chapter 2 and 3 if you ask the neighborhood who Luna was all the neighborhood will say how kind and respectful and thankful child how Luna was during her childhood. One year later her mother was pregnant again they met her youngest sister when Luna was 11 years old and her middle sister was 9 years old, when the youngest was born they feel alive they are happy when she turn 3 years old one day Luna mother had a fight with her other family when she came back home at night while they were sleeping Luna heard her mother crying she walk and sleep with her and ask mom what happen her mother didn't answer her but Luna understand why she was crying, she said mom stop crying God is with us everything is going to be alright at morning let's went back to dad town. But her mother told her we can't Luna you need to go to school you can't have a future in a little town. Luna didn't say anything and she went back to bed from that day she understands how all her family didn't treat well her family. A years has passed Luna was a teenager she has to take care of her sisters and mom her mother younger brother her uncle was married twice they live together with her previous daughter she was around her sister age, and his uncle has a son with another wife. One night after dinner her uncle give Luna money to buy a mint Luna came back and buy 2 mint her uncle slap her on her face and said i said a mint not 2 mint go and change it her grandmother said she's just a child she doesn't understand. From that day Luna understand again how her whole family treats her family, She get older even her cousins didn't treats her well, Luna was different she was introvert and kind and quiet teenager and every thing she said was always right and all her cousins treats her she has mental problems, one day she said she want to be an actor or a business woman they laught at her they said you can't, you're not qualify you have mental problems sometime they said she is an idiot and Luna hears everything they said. Sometime while his uncle is drunk he throw a plate on her Luna can't do anything she just used to cry secretly, A years has passed Luna had part time job nobody from her family congrats her, while one of her cousin get they praise and congrats her non stop, She was living in everyone's shadow. One time she had a fight with her sister everyone call her she is a monster she is evil and one of her cousin did a little crime they shut their mouth. Her cousins were popular in the neighborhood because they are rich in the neighborhoods they had a nice job they have money they have many friends people want to be their friends while Luna didn't have a friend nobody want her they don't want to know her that is how today's society work if you have a nice and respect job or a nice house or a money people want to be your friend they want to know you even you did a crime they will not care because you have a job or a house or money if this how society is going to work?Luna was literally living in the shadow nobody want her she doesn't have anything but love and kindness but she doesn't see anything in this world she began to stop having faith and hope. She said i don't hate anyone's they are still my family and i love them or anybody who mistreat me and hurt my feelings inside and out i will forgive them but i can't forget and will still remember. If this is how society work i want revenge but i am not going to take revenge one day i will get out of this and become a rich and successful and this people will want to know me but that time i will not know them that is how my revenge will work. And 5 years later Chapter 1 began and today she lost her faith and hope she can't have a boyfriend like i said in the previous chapter, today all of them are married and some had kids. Luna was still waiting her prince.

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