The One

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After all things happen in an online games Luna went back to normal life, trying to forget everything about A, she still plays the games but not often as before sometimes she missed A as a friend.
It was a month of July and a monsoon season, one night she began having a dream again, she wake to an unknown world it was gray and she was sitting on a shoulder of a giant robot look, (Luna described the robot is not like we used to see here on Earth it was gray colour ginormous Cyborg, she was sitting on the robot shoulder thats how big it is,it's actually not robot but let's call it a robot for now). Luna look around the robot talk to her but not speaking, the robot speak to her in her mind, Luna also can read the robot mind and speak to robot mind. At first she was confused but the robot talk to her that i am your personal assistant, body guard, your knight, design to protect you and to show you the future, the present and the past, i am the last survivor from where i came from, i am here to show you a lost civilization. Luna was confused didn't say anything, the robot said look there, and a holographic map and unknown world pop up out of nowhere, it was so real that they actually walking in that time. Luna look to her left and saw human like people but they are not human they had gray skin robot look, like from the movie Prometheus. The robot said this is before our planet disappear, they are your people i am here to show you. Luna had so many questions but doesn't know which one to ask she look around and said but it's look like a spaceship are we in a spaceship? the robot reply, yes this is the last ship the last of your people they need you and they are waiting for you. Luna just look to the front without saying anything she just froze in time didn't know what to say. Later Luna ask but why? your kidding right? your just in my dreams. I'm not the one you're looking for sorry i have to go, the robot reply I am only here to show you for now. Luna ask so, is this the future or the past? or the present in another galaxy or universe? The robot didn't answer and Luna wake up from her dream, she open her eyes and said oh no, it starts again an unforgettable dream every little things she saw and witness was so details and so real like she actually there. She get up from her bed to start the day, she never told or say anything about her dreams and episode to anybody even her family because she said why would i tell someone, they probably will think i am idiot had mental issue or i made up things and just an imagination, no one will believe that. She was thinking that dream all day an had no idea, she want to believe but she's not sure to believe it or not.
A week later,she had a normal life no more dreams but one night she had another, this was so real than the previous dreams. She wake up on a ground she look around she was in a forest, she was thinking maybe this one is in my world!. She walks a mins to the forest and she reach some little town, one young lady said Hi, Luna said good thing they can see me here. Luna reply: hello, where is this place?(This town name really exist in the real world but for privacy and stuff i will made up the town name). the young lady said this is woodland are you okay? I'm your cousin, Luna said what!? she was so confuse and she act like she know her, she said oh yes right your my cousin sorry i fell in the forest i think i hit my head and don't remember but I'm okay!, Young Lady said Oh! well come I'll show you something, she grab Luna hand and they went inside one of the house. Young Lady show her a big tablet look , and said, look this is so cool did you remember we had this everyone on this town is rich, we can have everything we wish for look I'll click something and i can get the money i want,so easy. Luna look and said no i don't remember, this is a tablet! She look around, the people the town their living was so 2000's to have this kind of technology, Luna ask this is so advance in this time where did you get it? Young Lady said everyone in this town have it and nobody gets out and in from this town, our town is not exist in map or any location nobody will find us. Luna said oh, so where you get it? i hit my head i don't remember so!?.. young lady said we have a wishing rocks, Luna said wishing rocks? young lady said yes, a big wishing rock it was purple and it glows, it was so beautiful! Luna said can i see it? i love purple! young lady said i don't have it now, it was in the deep forest, and nobody can take it, it's like the rock is living. Luna said can you show me? young lady said yes come follow me, and they both went to the forest, young lady said look behind that big tree go, I can't go further because i already had my wish this week. Luna said oh that's how it works hmm interesting!. She walk straight to the tree and saw a big rock glowing purple it has an aura coming out and it was also purple in colour, the rock was black and glow in purple, Luna said it is beautiful! She step forward but she had a feeling of some high energy or frequency, she said to the lady did you feel the energy? young lady said what energy? nobody feels that! Luna said nevermind!. She walks again and she feel again like the rock was pulling her and she had a connection to the big rock. Young lady shout from a distance and said, if you are going to wish something put your hands on the rock and close your eyes and think it don't say it out loud!. Luna reply: I'm not going to wish anything! I'm just checking and look around!. Thanks by the way!., Luna get closer and she can feel the high energy and rock is pulling her slowly she walk closer and closer and the rocks getting brighter and brighter glowing and giving out bigger aura, she put out her left hand and touch the rock, suddenly the rock pull her she put her left face in the rock and her ear was sticking she can't open her eyes, and she hear a voice coming out from the rock it was a woman from, a robot voice an AI voice. The voice said i am waiting for you finally i found you, Hello Luna, Luna said who are you how did you know my name? the voice was so clear that she whisper in her ears. They talk through in thought, the voice said i know a lot about you, we are connected i am from the same place where you came from! i am stuck here in this universe, i am here to guide you i am your personal AI design to serve you, but i stuck here ,you are a very important in the universes, what do you wish for? Luna said I'm not going to wish anything, what are you? the voice said i heard you don't know who you really are! do you want to know everything? do you want to know who you really are Luna?. Luna said i do want to know but not everything not now I'm not ready, the voice said i can tell you everything you want to know, suddenly Luna saw every criminal record in the real world (earth)with their faces,her eyes keeps moving up, down and side by side fast like she was the computer and knows everything, Luna saw their face clearly with their criminal records,and all the criminal in the world .Luna said stop! stop it!. i don't know who they are? and she saw a number 08 and 3 on top of the right corner of the screen, what is this number? and last she saw a big tablet lookalike screen and saw how to control things, the border of the tablet was white and the screen was blue it was so high technology everything was in binary and waves and charts etc.lookalike, she doesn't understand and doesn't know how to touch, she try to touch and remember everything but suddenly she wake up. But she wake up in the dream not in real like she was in a bed, the young lady was still there, Luna said what happen? young lady said you were passed out near the rock, i pull you out? what happen? what did you wish for? Luna said i didn't wish anything but it show me something, i don't know what it is!?. she get up, young lady said where are you going? Luna said I'm going again to ask more questions? later she reach to the rock and get closer again this time the rock didn't pull her, they were talking in thoughts, Luna said what was that? the voice said that was just the tip of an iceberg do you really want to know who you are? Luna said i do but not in my dreams i want to know who i really am in real life with hear and see touch in real life. The voice said i know in your world how things work. The young lady still follow her and shout from the distance, hey, if you don't want that rock! we have another rock! but it's not glowing like that one it's just a giant black rock!. Luna shout back, what!? you have another rock? young lady said yes but this rock is so big it cover the entire waterfall, and this was is dangerous rock!. Luna said can you show me where is it? young lady said yes it's in the middle of the Woodland deep forest!. Before Luna go to the rock, the voice of the rock talk to her again yes go to the black rock you will find an answers, everything you wish for comes from that black rock, go to them they will give you an answer, the voice said I'm talking about in your real world. Luna didn't answer and said I'll come back to get my answer,and questions,. and she follow the young lady, a minutes later not far from the purple rock, they reach a cliff they saw the black giant rock, Luna said it was like the whole waterfall and lake was turn into a black giant rock. The black rock was so smooth like it was polish and it was black as midnight and a charcoal matte black, and they saw some people where floating on top of the black rock. Luna ask to the young lady, are they floating!? young lady said yes during they wish they float this is dangerous and many people in this town don't go here, while people were wishing if the rock didn't choose you your out!. Luna said out means? young lady said yes out means dead. But this 2 rocks protect our town. Luna said are they both appear here in the same time? young lady said you live here too why you ask many questions? Luna said maybe i lost my memory when i passed out!. Young lady said i don't know, they were here before i was born. Luna said let's go back to the purple one, and they both go back, Luna ask through in her thought again saying, were you and that big rock are came from the same place? came here same place same time? the rock voice said i know how your world works go to the black rock find your answers. Luna said why did you keep saying that? and what is the number you show me i don't understand any of this? i not genius I can't solve anything im just a normal middle class woman. Before she said anything again the voice clearly said in her ear again do you want to know everything Luna? it so loud and clear that she thought someone whisper her during her sleep and she wake up from her dream. She open her eyes she touch her ear and get up and look around but didn't saw anyone she lay back to bed and say a dream again!. but why it's so real.( Luna said the voice was so real that i still can here her voice and what it says to my ear saying my name clearly till this days). She said it's just another dream and not real, but she keeps boggling her and she remember the voice saying find the black rock, she saw this somewhere on the internet,she look up to an internet about black rock and she found out that a Black Rock company was exist. Luna was so surprised she never heard any company called Black Rock. She Google what is Black Rock company,(sorry BlackRock for writing you in my story please don't sue me! you're in someone's dreams, so i had to write.) she said it's just a company, what can a company will help me finds answers!. this is just a co-incidence, or i should contact them but how? they are in another continent i can't go there, Luna stop thinking it's not real, i want answer in real life not in dreams, and she remember the number she saw it was crystal clear and the tablet of the controller, she has an idea thinking what if that number is a binary code or something maybe they show and tell me in code!. But no I'm not genius i can't solve i don't know how code works. I have to forget everything maybe it's good i didn't know anything maybe it's good this way, i have to stop solving. (Luna said the dream was so real like i was there, when i saw the tablet of the controller, my mind was like if you remember this you will remember one step closer, and i was like i saw this screen before but where i don't remember its a very high technology to control that is to be a high civilization or living being,and it was gone before i touch it!. i remember this screen but where i don't know, am i in a lab!the experiment or am i the controller working there?I have so many questions?). Luna get up from her chair and said maybe it's better i don't know myself, she get out from her bedroom to start the day. She still remember every little details things crystal clear till this days.
A week later, while she was having a normal life, playing games to forget everything, she was having a happy life but one night she had a dream again!.It was the last week of August month. Luna was sleeping she wake up in a house a big house like mansion, but this house is old, it was an old mansion look like from the 50's /60's era. It was a new house but it was old the furniture the layout the coulor the interior everything was so old looking. Luna said ok a house why am i here let's find out, and suddenly she knows they were looking for a house to buy with her family, She went upstairs to look her family, her both sisters in real world are still the same in her dream she sigh, okay my siblings are same, she ask one of her sister where are our parents? her sister said downstairs talking to the realtor. Suddenly her dad shout you girls like this house? Luna run to the door looking for her parent, her mom and dad are not her parent in real life, they are someone else, Luna can't see their face clearly, she try so hard to look and to remember their face but she can't it was a little blurry because it was a dream!. She know they both are European looking and dress very elegant and wealthy. The dad said girls do you like this house? One of her sister said we will look the room around and will decide. The dad said take your time ladies. Luna just accept the dream and she look around the bedroom to choose which one will be her bedroom.This mansion is big there are so many rooms and doors. She walk into one room, it was the biggest bedroom other than the Primary/Master bedroom, She walk in, everything was old looking Victorian era, the bed was big, red curtain, big floral sofa etc. Luna said i like this room it's spacious had a big walkin closet, she step into the walking closet and she saw another door, she open the door it was just a big empty storage room. Luna get out to the room door and said i choose this room, her siblings also choose the room. Her dad said so, we are going to buy this house, and suddenly time skip and it was the next day, they bought the house they live there, but Luna had a feeling this house is strange, she kinda scared she had a feeling everything is fake. She know it's fake because its a dream but the house the parents everything is fake even in the dream. She kinda have a chill about the house the door in her bedroom what is inside that door it look empty but she has a feeling something is there. Suddenly time skip and she was in under the house like a basement but not cover in wall, it was all open her father was died and they buried there under the house Luna look they were all standing around nere her father grave. Suddenly Luna said this is not real it's fake everything is fake and not real( she shout) suddenly the house is shaking like a small earthquake. Luna shout run!! get away from the house!. They all run, they ran up to the yard, their house was collapse and spin around slowly her both parents were disappear out of thin air because they are not real they are hologram, her both sisters are still her siblings in real life aka Earth. They both were standing with Luna but they don't know anything and can't see what happen. Slowly the house turn into a spining look like spaceship,( it's not spaceship like in the movie but let's call it here a 'spaceship'). and she saw many people were sitting around they have white big wings dress in white and gold, Luna just look at them and think they were angels but they look like human being. They were arguing about something Luna doesn't know, One woman step forward to Luna and said Run!. You don't belong here get out of here they will hurt you,( Luna said i can't see her face clearly but i know she is beautiful she has a big golden sword and a big wings like she a warrior or something, she was the leader among them). Luna said who are you people.! The woman said your among us they want to test you, but I'm going to save you, the house everything is a test, Luna said test? like a lab?. the woman said what is lab? look i don't have time to explain everything you have to run now run with your sisters run forward and you will find a rustic step climb to the step and you will go back to your world. Hurry!!. Luna said yes but is my sisters..... the woman said yes your sisters are real they are sleeping they don't know anything they will not dream this too. Luna said and who are you ? The woman said so many questions Luna? Luna said; how'd you know my name?. Your very important person so i have to save you now stop asking questions and run now!!.Luna run forward to the step holding her siblings. She push up her siblings and stand in the step and look back the other's were fighting her. (Luna said it's look like the Greek Gods were fighting). The woman look back and said don't look back keep moving forward and run, you are important you have to be alive find your answers and never forget that you're one of us!. They were speaking through thoughts, Luna said one of you? are you my people? The woman said to her, look down look to your feet, that is who you are. Luna look to her right feet she has a one eye on top of her feet and a little wings to both side. She freaks the hell outta her. She look to the woman again, and the woman said that's who you are always remember. Luna said but i don't understand still what am i, am i not human? am i from out of this world? The woman said go!. and Luna has tears in her eyes and run up to the stairs and she wake up from her dreams. She open her eyes whispering another dreams!. 5mins later she was thinking about the dream look her feet and said what a dream journey, i will never solve and find answers and know again and she get out from her bed.
( A mistery dreams, unsolved dreams, travelling to the universes while sleeping, numbers, colours, pictures, everything has to be connect but Luna Gray still can't find the answer she was looking for, she also doesn't know why she look for an answers, she keep travelling to the entire universes looking, but she doesn't know what she was looking for and why she travelled!.).

September 18th, Monday night, while she was sleeping she has another short dream, she was standing infront of the mirror looking herself, staring for a minute and she wake up take a breath and said okay this time it's me!?. what about me? she look at herself in the mirror walk around look again and walk around again, she said what about me?. she do this almost 2hrs. At last she stand infront of the big full length mirror look right into her eyes for a minute and suddenly she feel a pinch from her left hip. She said ouch what is that!?. she take off her clothes and look the left side of her hip there is a big two scratch mark it's bleeding a little, Luna said it looks painful but why i can't feel it it's just feel like a pinch, she feel another pinch from her left butt near to her hip and another near to the left butt bottom. She open her pajamas pants and look again her butt pinch was a bit bigger, she look and saw there is a hole the size of a human fist and she can see her bone her artery her blood she can see everything inside her body, she freaks out, she look down another pinch at the bottom this is small hole she saw her muscles and everything. She said what is this?. This is painful why i don't feel a pain or am i dying inside!?. She has so many questions again!!. And why i don't feel any pain what is wrong what happen?. She look to herself in the mirror she cry tears coming out from her eyes not because of the physical pain, it's because of she doesn't feel anything and the pain the curiosity of answer. She look again into the mirror and feel herself saying " You are the One". She wake up from her dream, and said am i the one who? for who what!?.. why dreams left me so many questions?!.. she thinks about it again all day and why can't i feel that hurtful pain, the one for what!?. wait!, the one for the cure!?. am i the cure or something, the cure for what!?. Oh no! Luna stop overthinking it's just a dream again you're just travelling nothing is real. But, there is always buts, what if it's real!?. Oh Lord! i don't know what to do, help me! i know it's just a drems but i have a feeling it's real and everything has a meaning, answer. I think i just don't want to accept it!. Maybe it's good i don't know anything. Luna, just forget and try to keep it as just a dreams and you're just travelling in dreams.

Rewind: Before September 18th Monday night,
September 17th , Sunday night Luna had a dream this day she had a small toothache, she sleep early that night, she wake up in a rooftop of a tall building, she doesn't know why she was up there she look to the side some mean girls are laughing at her. She said hmm..... here we go back to mean girls high school vibe thing this time what is going to happen let's see. She was standing there like she was stuck and glue to her feet, she almost fall down to the building and suddenly a man jump to her push her to the side of the building save her from falling. Luna look oh no, i almost fall and you save me!. wait do i know you? i think i have seen you somewhere but i don't know. Luna try to look his face but a little blurry, she knows that he was someone she knows brother but she doesn't know who that someone is!. she knows that that man was secretly in love with Luna, and she knows that he was all along here nere her. But she doesn't know who someone is and who is he?. The man said I'm here now, Luna said but i can't see you this is a dream!. The man said i can see you your beautiful. I told you i will always find you. Luna felt emotion and almost cry and she suddenly wake up from her dream. After that dream that afternoon her toothache is gone, the pain disappear. Luna said i have a feeling all this dreams is real, connected somehow, somewhere, sometimes, or everyone is a version of me in the entire universes and I'm just travelling around to see who am i, every kind of version of me in this entire universe is looking for an answer. An answer to what!?.

*To be continued*

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