Chapter 26

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Cameron pov

"Please I jus need help,my girlfriend was taken from me last week..I need help!" I shouted banging on the door.This FBI agent I contacted had an appointment with me today and I've been outside since morning,I'm not going to go back till I see him.
"Open up sir,it's me" I sat on the chair next to his door sniffing. I don't know where she is or where they have taken her to..I miss her,I miss holding her,why did they have to take her from me..what if something bad happens to her, the door opened and I stood up immediately cleaning the tears from my eyes

" Cameron?" The Buffy man asked and I nodded,I'm so sick,tired and hungry "come in" we walked into to what's like a living room and I stood behind him...he was staring at the television with his hands on his waist..I waited for him to speak..3mins..6mins...15!!!

" sir I need your help,my girlfriend is missing!" He looked at me and walked into his house
"What the fuck?!" I picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it against the wall.

" what's your problem boy? Wanna trash my house down?" A dark skinned huge man walked to the couch and sat. He was with a lot of pictures and files " will you sit down boy"
I sat down ruffling my hair...

It was quiet

"I came here for help and..." he showed me a picture of Diana and I was shocked,I took it immediately from's her..I giggled and cried, she's beautiful and... " sir it's this man,the man who took her " I pointed at the man who was begging Diana in the picture...she was wearing a white gown,her face was pale,looks like she hasn't eaten and her eyes were swollen..she've been crying...this broke my heart, I hate seeing her cry. Damon was behind her holing her arm with full grib,I can see her skin where his hands were red.. i miss her,I can't forgive myself for letting her go

" I have a secret agent society SAS" he sipped from his mug,I was eager to hear him speak " she's not in this state as my allies said,Damon is part of a mafia or would I say his father has a mafia making him powerful...these pictures.." he threw bundle of pictures in my front " are what we see about Diana and her boyfriend "
I frowned and hit the table with my fist
" I'm her boyfriend " the man looked shocked " I-I'm sorry,I overreacted "

I picked up the pictures, the first one was her sitting down looking at her hands,she's so sad,the second was her standing beside a large dining table gathered with people and I can see Damon there,that asshole..I looked at her face..she has a mark on her cheek..I threw the pictures away and broke down

"My allies are fully in work now,broke into his home as servants and took these pictures you see..I gathered round my strong team form my society and we will make sure to bring her back and Damon will be sent to jail but him staying in jail won't be more than three days because of the power he have" he sipped " nevertheless, Diana will be back,i assure you"

I can't just sit here and wait for some bunch of old men to help me get her I need to

" I'm coming along " I said and his eyes widen

" what?"

" I said I am coming along,I can't just stay here and wait for a miracle to happen,my girlfriend is in danger and I don't know what's happening to her right there right now"

" Cameron you can't,this case isn't for kids"

"I'm coming and you're not stopping me from doing that!" I shouted and he froze..can't he see how depressed and desperate I am.. I'm not even sure what's all his saying is the truth,I have to come along and be sure of Diana's safety.

He nodded"fine,get your things ready" huh?  Now? "We are leaving now?"

"I never wanted to leave this night for the mission but seeing how desperate you are..yes" he stood up and threw me his car keys "you are driving us...buff,Matthew we're going now come" I was so happy,finally I'm going to get my girl back and she'll be in my arms once again. We got into the car and zoomed off to wherever she is.
"Can you handle a shotgun?"

"Anything for Diana "

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