chapter 15

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A/N:this chapter contains sexual contest,so if you are not the type that likes it, please skip the chapter.


I entered the room and saw her sitting down on the edge if the bed sobbing, Immediately she saw me she cleaned her tears and looked away..I dropped the bags I was holding on the couch and walked to her, kneeling in front of her I sighed

"Sunshine,I'm sorry..I could have listened to you earlier,I'm so sorry"

"Why did you change your mind and decided to take me here?" She looked at me and I can see anger in her blue eyes

"I..I just wanted to spend some time with you"

"Here,how about your house?"

"I didn't want ryan to take you out"


"because... because I'm jealous of the both of you"

"don't be silly Cam,you ain't my boys and I can go out with who ever I want to be with, never drag me with you again to some sort of hotel where I get insults from,do you know how bad I felt when everyone down there stared at me like that and called me names,you didn't even care or stop them...I just want to_"

"I love you" my mouth spoke to fast and I really mean it,I've never said this to any girl before

"You what?...Cam stop saying nonsense, if you think you can fool me how you fooled anne... you're wrong,I'm not that any girl who you can mess around with,so please I'm so serious of what I'm saying,I'm really mad at you now so please let me be"

"I really love you diana,I mean it,I Know you think I'm lying but that's fine with you if you wanna think like that,but I really love you...I've never been so in love with any girl before,so please give me a chance to prove myself right to you diana,I love you,and I'll keep saying that till whenever the world stops...I've never been so attached to a girl before and I don't wanna live my old life again,I want to start a new beginning with you,just you and no one else diana.... please..."

"What are you saying cam?,are you saying these sweet words to get me now?"

"No...the sweet words I'm saying to you now are all true,I know deep down in your heart that you feel the same for me and I want you to express it also... diana you bring out the best in me,you are my everything,my world...I fucking love you and I still can't believe I'm actually in love for the first time in my life to love a girl" I cupped her chin " please let me love you the way I want to...and_"she closed my mouth and smiled

"I know cam,this is what I want to hear from you right from the start...I think I love you too"

"Really.."she smiled and nodded,I stood up scratching my head smiling sheepishly.."I can't believe this Dian,you love me?"

"Yeah..I just said that"

"I'm in love gosh... sorry I'm so nervous"

"I understand you cam"

"So we are a thing now...for real"

"Yes"she chuckled and I carried her in my arms squeezing her as she laughed...


"Wait me?" I asked looking down at her red face,and she smiled.
"Baby..I love you and if you want me to love you more don't waste these precious tears of yours again"

"Okay" I kissed her neck.."I wanna take a shower cam"oh..I dropped her down like a gentleman and she giggled.

"Cam I don't have anything to put on after I shower"

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