chapter 1(Newyork)

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Diana pov

It's been two months since my family moved into New York, we're really trying to cope with the norms mom has been pestering me about college,besides I'm not even bothered. My cousin Lexi has been staying with us in our house since she lost her parents at nine.She so cool and fun to be with but at times the opposite,I dropped my iPhone 11 pro max in the park on Sunday,and I really need to get a new phone before the end of this week.

"Baby, Lexi gonna take you to your school to get a room"

"What the?I'm living outside the school,I told you that earlier"

"Okay fine! I know you just want to have sex all day as soon as you step out from my house" my mom's so annoying.

"Mom you know I never said that, besides I'm still a virgin and boyfriends are not just my thing and also im not sharing a room with her"

How on Earth will I have to share a dorm with my cousin...

"But you need to get a good roommate,I don't want you to get influenced_"

"Influced badly,mom you've said this over and over,I'm 19...lexi let's get going".

We got to a dorm, standing in front,"hope this room isn't occupied I said..Lexi just walked in without knocking or pressing the alarm bell
"Lexi what if someone _"woah I found my mouth opened ''o'',it's so beautiful,the wall paint was white
and dotted with black...the room was so wide and beautiful and big. The smell of air in the room was so good,it has a air condition ,a television and two beds neatly arranged...the wall paper has a drawing of a boy,a really cute boy on it with perfect abs and a cute hair and eyes as well, maybe it was perfectly drawn.

"This room is killing Diana"

"Remember we ain't sharing"

"I know okay I'm already jealous...but what if some lives here,cus it has two beds, probably designed and the door was opened."

"I'm not sure about it, besides no one's here.."the door opened...and I saw a cute damming god staring at Lexi and I with two nylon shopping bags on his hands.

"What the heck are you two doing here?"he said walking closer to us

"Well..umm..this room is also my cousins room,which we paid for" Lexi snapped, I looked at her with a shocked eyes..

"Then if you're staying here,next time before you enter a room knock or call someone" he said, dropped his bags and a key on the right bed,"this are the keys to the door"he walked out.

"Lexi..what's wrong with you?"

"Don't you see this room,it's so beautiful and_"

"His a boy,I can't live with a boy in a room"

"I haven't paid yet,and mom's not gonna let me stay in a boy room"

"That's if she know...I won't let her come here or know... Diana this guy is killing,I still got my goose bumbs all over"

"I ain't seeing a killing thing in him,I don't even want to stay here"

"Please.. I'll do your laundry, through out this month"she smiled



"Fine,I will but stick to your promise okay"

"I will,thank you"she jumped on my body...

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