Three bloody days?

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I dont care if it seems like im running away from my responsibilities. That responsibility was supposed to be fulfilled last year and not this year. Whatever task given last year, i will do. Whatever task given this year? At such a hectic time it's unreasonable to even ask of it.

The fact that the task was given such a short amount of time alone is unbelievable. I already have to do it for a diff group. Maybe the argument of 'well then why didnt u refuse last year' can be brought up. But last year, i took note of the estimated time that might be given to complete one task. So using thatt time, i could do two of the similar task as well. But doing TWO of them in three days? Ur joking. Even if u did insist on me doing it it shldve been asked days earlier. Not now

And if i did accept the task, I'd have to juggle two of em. Problem is that if i do that, it will def not look great. So its better if someone else is given the task so they can make it actually look nice

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