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I hate how im always conscious about how i look even when theres no one around.

Like even right now im alone in my room with the door locked for privacy, windows down and theres no way anyone is watching me at the moment. But im conscious about the fat under my chin. I am by no means overweight. My weight is normal maybe even a little skinny depending on who u ask. But everytime i lie down i can just feel the fat underneath my chin against my neck. And i get conscious. I try to hide it even when im alone. I straighten my chin to reduce the fat grouping. I want my hair to look decent even lying down.

I also hate how i look ugly when i sleep. I wish no one pointed it out even if it was in a joking manner. I try to not sleep on my back so my face isn't showing as much. I sleep on my side i try to face the wall and have something like a pillow that i hug that closes my jaw so it doesnt open when i sleep. I wish there was a moment where i truly, fully did not care about how i look. A moment that wasnt when i was in pain physically and i was too fatigued or focusing on the pain to be distracted by how my appearance is.

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