Pls cry or smtg idk

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It genuinely bothers me that i dont cry at sad scenes or parts of a show.

Maybe its because im young and haven't experienced it but my older sister hasnt either and she cries because she's empathetic. Am i not? But i think i am. But then why don't i cry?

Im not trying to sound edgy or anything like that. It just really makes me wonder if im okay sometimes. Like its sad, yeah. Like VERY sad but im not crying and i hate it????

I really wish i cried at those parts sometimes and i dont know why. Stop saying things like "omg u didnt cry? Wth" while smiling but in a judgmental way. Stop telling me "ok, edgy" when i tell you i didnt cry. Im not trying to 'be different'. I want to cry while watching it too.

This is something I think of everyday and every time i think about it i feel bad.

Sometimes i think im too happy or smtg idk. I really wonder if i deserve my self-love. I miss crying. Is that complaining? I hope not. If it is then I'll try to stop i guess?

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