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Im insecure about my everything. I used to fake it until I believed it but it crumbles so easily.
I used to think my eyes are the prettiest thing about me. Now i think i look bald. My lashes arent long or curled. My eyebrows are messy and bald.
And i think smiles are the most beautiful thing about a person but when i look in the mirror... its so revolting on me. Im not sure what happened but double lines started to appear at the ends of my mouth. The wrinkles are hideous. I dont smile prettily. Everyone I've seen smile has the most gorgeous smile that suits them. Wheres mine. The thing i consider the best feature of everyone which is their smiles is horrendous on me

Im insecure going out without makeup. I will have to next week and im dreading it. To work. Im insecure the most of anything under my mask. Part of the reason i never want to go out to eat with my coworkers. I've been invited and been honest that i just didnt bring any cash with me. Then i realised thats a good excuse. And i kept saying it and its true because I intentionally don't bring cash with me.

What if I eat and they think i look horrible when i eat. Ive been wearing makeup to work up until now but when i remove it all next week what will they think. What if they think its ugly. My looks peaked when i was a small child. Its downhill since then. As i go into my teens and late teens i feel like i look so much worse. If only i didnt realise looks were important. I didnt as a child and never worried. I was told i was cute. I dont look cute anymore. I didnt know i was suppose to care but now i care too much

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