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I think a guy likes me. I think. I see some obvious signs. If its not its good

But anyways. I dont like it. Its giving me too much anxiety. I hate it. Bcs we just met. He seems like a genuinely good dude. I just dont like him in that way. Bcs like if he likes me just like that...its because he probably thinks im pretty. Well i dont feel pretty rn. And so what if he thinks im pretty. He wont like me anyways after he gets to know me.

I thought if u think someone likes u it would make you happy. So why am i filled with so much nerves in a not good way? I want out. I just want to be friends with guys as of rn. I dont want a relationship. I've already contemplated whether im demiromantic/demisexual anyways (not sure). Maybe thats why i dont like him. But like...why would u like someone in that wat before even having a full convo with them???? Like if its aesthetic attraction then yeah its fine. But if u say u LIKE them like them????no

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