🐝 Chapter 1: Ranboo

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains the following:
mentions of anxiety
mentions of self harm
self deprecating thoughts

If you uncomfortable reading this type of stuff please go read something else! :)
Tubbo's POV:

God I'm so nervous, Ranboo comes tomorrow. What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't feel comfortable being here? God what if I annoy him?? These thoughts race throughout my mind as my hands tug onto my hair and pull it from my scalp.

"fuck." I say, tucking my knees into my chest, I silently cry. I mean I live alone who gives a fuck if I scream my lungs out and cry until my eyes become puffy and red? It's already 7:30PM. I should get ranboo's room ready for him, I don't want him to sleep on the couch. I walk into the guest room, I bought split colored black and white sheets for him and a matching pillow case! I hope he likes it, I want him to feel comfortable. I set a pillow at the back of the headrest neatly, and make the bed. I even bought his youtooz plush a while back! I set it on the bed, with a few extra things; like an extra charger on the nightstand. I also set up my extra PC under the desk in there, along with my old monitor.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, 8:15PM. I should make something to eat, maybe just uh pasta. Before I walk out it take one last glance at his bedroom, I think I looks okay. He is bringing more of his own stuff so he can make himself at home! I don't mind, I just want him to like it here.. shutting the door quietly behind me; I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen. Smells quite nice, like flowers. I spray this scent occasionally throughout the house, it calms me down when I'm anxious. I hope Ranboo doesn't mind it. God what if it smells bad to him?? I audibly sigh while pulling boxes and glass containers out from cabinets. Sauce, pasta noodles, seasoning, oil. I think that's it? Liting the stove top and set it to low, I fill a pot with tap water and let it boil for a bit.

That will take around 15 minutes, I'll go clean my room up a bit. I set a timer for my phone and exit the kitchen. Walking back upstairs I open my door, the scent of flowers is very strong in my room. That's why I keep my door shut. I start to make my bed, I have bee themed sheets. It's a little childish but I love bees so much. I put my bee plush back on my night stand, and put scattered clothes into my hamper. While exiting my room something metallic catches my eye. Shit. I get down on my knees to look for it, cautiously picking it up, I toss it in the bin. I have plenty more in my bathroom. (Each bedroom has their own bathroom btw!) Last night I cleaned out all of the bathrooms drawers for blades and put them in mine.

I wouldn't want to ranboo to accidentally find one with blood on it. While exiting my room my phone makes a quiet 'ding' sound. Water's done, I quickly walk downstairs; almost tripping in the process. Tossing the pasta and seasoning in, it'll cook for about an hour. Again, setting a timer on my phone. In the meantime I clean up the rest of the house. I'm really excited for ranboo to come but I'm also terribly nervous. I'm so scared he won't like it here and will want to leave early. Mentally sighing I sit down, guess I'll just have to wait.

🐝Time skip to the next day

(Still Tubbo's POV)

I rub my eyes and open them slightly, the rays of sun are peering through my light blue curtains. Realizing I'm hugging my bee plush, I set him back onto my nightstand. I groggily get up and stretch, catches a small glimpse of my arms. What will ranboo think.. I mean all of my scars are 2 months to 2 years old. I think I'll be fine - hopefully. Shit that wait, what time is it? I hastily grab my phone from my nightstand, 8:17AM I sigh in relief, I have to be at the airport by 10:00AM I think ranboo's flight gets here at 10:15. I throw on a striped brown and yellow sweater, and some overalls. Quickly brushing my teeth, and grabbing my keys off the counter.

Exiting the house, I lock the door and walk to my car. Hopping in, I sit there for a second.

"I just want him to like it here." I whisper to myself.

I start the car and drive to the airport. Putting on some music while I drive, some of wilbur's songs play, cg5, and other songs I've added in over time. About an hour into driving and I get to the airport. It's now 9:54. Now to wait until his plane lands.

Ranboo's POV:

I haven't flown in so long, it's nice. Makes be a little anxious but it's not bad I guess. Just 10 more minutes until the plane lands, I'm so excited to meet tubbo! We've planned this for so long. I can't wait to do things with him, I mentally sigh; in a good way! I think it'd be quite funny if tubbo forgot to pick me up, I don't think he would do that though. He seems to anxious to. He used to tell me over voice chats that he had lists for everything and always set timers for certain things. I guess he wouldn't want to forget. I really can't wait to meet him, I hope he's comfortable with me being there. I'd hate to be a burden to him.. I'm glad be lives alone. I'd be such a burden to him let alone his parents. Should I be thinking that way? It's fine, I'm sure tubbo will take my mind off of it.

Oh we've landed, I feel my heart pace faster and butterflies dance in my stomach; and a smile appears beneath my mask. This is it, the moment I meet my best friend. As I'm walking off the plane and into the building, I scan my eyes around trying to catch tubbo. After a bit I see someone in a striped jumper and overalls. I see him look up at me and smile. He starts running towards me.

"RANBOO!!" he shouts and hugs me. I return the hug.

"Hi tubbo!" I say giggling, this is so exciting!

"You're so much taller in person oh my god!" He says while laughing. "C'mon Ranboo! Let's go!" He says with a massive smirk on his face.

The car ride to his house was a comfortable silence, the occasional question like when tubbo asked me if he could play music. When he got to his house he offered to help with my things but I declined. I wouldn't want to be a burden to him. As I walk in the door I'm in awe. It also smells of flowers, very calming scent.

"Your bedroom is upstairs, the second door over. It's next to mine, I put a crown sticker on the door do you know it's yours!" Tubbo says smiling at me.

"Thank you tubbo! I'll be back down in a second!" I say back also smiling. That's so kind of him. He's such a good friend, I hope he's comfortable with this. I mean we talked this over many times maybe I'm overthinking this. I don't realize but I've made it up to 'my' room. Well he wasn't lying--- obviously. There's a small crown sticker on it. He's so thoughtful, I walk through the door my eyes widen in shock. The bedsheets are split colored? That's so cool! He didn't have to, everything is so clean and neat to.
I quickly set my things to side and exit the room. I then meet tubbo back downstairs.

"Thank you so much Tubbo! Thank you for making me feel welcomed and comfortable." I say with a soft grin

"It's no problem Ranboo, do you like it?" He says with a large smile

"Yeah of course! It's really cool! I really appreciate it." He smiles at that, and I do mean that. He didn't have to go that far just for me. I take a second to look around, and while doing so I catch a glimpse of tubbo's arms. Are those, scars? They look self inflicted.

"Hey tubbo?" I say with knitted eyebrows. They seem to be old, fortunately. He never mentioned this, of course I'm not triggered. I've self harmed before I'm the past. I'm three years clean.

"Yes ranboo?" He sounds worried, like there's a tint of concern in his voice.

"What are those on your arms..?"
1,494 words


hello!! I hope you liked this first chapter, I will be updating this once every week :D To anyone that has been reading one of my other 'books' Shattered Glass, I may or may not discontinue it. I've lost quite a bit of motivation to work on it. I'll be thinking about that in the time being. Drink water! Fresh water. Also if you're feeling down please talk to someone or look at my socials located on my profile! I'm happy to talk, keep the comment section mostly positive as to not harm others but do take care of yourself. I love u! <33

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