🐝 Chapter 8: Flashbacks

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains:
Mention of self-harm
Mention of sucide

Read this with caution and if you're uncomfortable with it, I advise you click out now! Stay safe <3

Also.. hello?? 1k+ reads?? On two of my stories?? Thank you all so much, it's really cool to be able to share my ideas :D
Wilbur's POV:

I sat the opposite side of Tubbo, I was trying to be as cautious as I could with the questions I asked. Though this was going to be a much harder process than I originally thought.

I knitted my eyebrows together and sighed. What can I do to help him? That's the thing I don't know.. well we'd have to find the source of all of this.

It's quite obvious that he may have depression and multiple anxiety disorders. But what else?

"Hey tubbo.." I began, he hummed in response. "Have you been diagnosed with other mental health disorders?" I asked slowly.

"Um, yeah. I've been diagnosed with depression, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, ptsd, and bpd." He finished, he looked on edge after saying that.

It stunned me a bit, I didn't know he was dealing with all of that too. I can't imagine what he's going through..

I looked back and Tubbo seemed to have himself curled up in a ball, and he was shaking.

"Tubbo? Tubbo are you alright??" I tried but to no avail. I didn't want to touch him because it may make it worse.

Third Person POV: (in his childhood)


"I'm s-sorry mom- mother! I meant mother I'm sorry!"

"You are no son to me, I didn't want a kid! You were an ACCIDENT! You hear me? ACCIDENT! But fortunately for you I couldn't dispose of you properly."

"Now, fix me another plate of food you worthless imbecile. And grab me another bottle of vodka!"

"Y-yes mother!"
(Back to present day)
Wilbur's POV:

"N-no mother please d-don't hit me!"

I was stunned when I heard that come out of his mouth. What was he talking about?

"Tubbo? Are you okay?" I said, my voice wavered. What was he talking about? Who would hit him?

Tubbo rose his head just a bit, tear streaks ran under his puffy eyes.

"I- wait Wilbur?" He said. He sounded almost confused of what was happening. His head moved slowly, left and right.

"Tubbo.. why were you scared of someone hitting you?" I asked.

"Oh.. that's- it was nothing will. Don't w-worry. I'll tell you l-later." He said, though he looked as he was about to break down again.

I leaned forward and lightly sighed. I hate seeing him like this, I feel terrible for him. I rubbed my eyes, this shouldn't have to happen to him.

Tubbo's so young.. what had happened that caused this? I furrowed my brows in frustration. I took Tubbo's hand in my own and asked again.

"Tubbo? What caused you to be uh.. you know what just happened?" I said. He looked at me with teary eyes and gave a slight sigh.

"When I was younger.. I l-lived with my m-mum. I lived with her until I decided I didn't want to be around her anymore." He paused and took a shaky breath

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