🐝 Chapter 7: Breaking

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains:
Mention of self-harm (burning)
Mention of suicide

Read this with caution and if you're uncomfortable with it, I advise you click out now! Stay safe <3

Also now 500+? Wth.. thank you all so much :,)

Tubbo's POV:

I sat miserably on the floor. My eyes were soar and puffy, tear streaks stained my face. I just need something. Anything just a release. They- they took all of my blades. God what am I going to do now?

I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Or maybe I do? I think we have a few lighters. Yes.. we do. Perfect I'll just use that instead. I just need something, a punishment. I need to hurt myself.

Ranboo doesn't deserve to deal with this, he was supposed to have a good trip. It's not fair.










Then Maybe, oh OH just MAYBE then he'd have a good trip. But NO, I just had to break. I just HAD to be the little attention seeker I am and RUIN EVERYTHING for him.


I grip my hair tightly, my hands tugging furiously at my scalp. I need pain. I need to end this I can't take it. I can't do this anymore, I need help. Three words I'd never thought I'd speak..

My breathing becomes rapid and groggy, silent tears fall from my eyes. I can't do this. I just need help. Then, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Cradling me in a warm hug, I calm down. Sobbing, still sobbing violently. I cry and cry, the pain won't stop.

My heat is heavy, it hurts. This burden, the pain it's too much to carry. It hurts. I'm hurting. I'm breaking. I'm breaking down in front of my friends oh no, they have to see me like this.

They are seeing me break down snd lose it all. It's never been this bad, it has never been this bad. I'm breaking. They shouldn't have to see me like this. They shouldn't have to see me hurting like this. I can't imagine what this looks like to them.

Who am I crying on. Is it Wilbur. Most likely, I'm in my room. Wait I'm still in my room right? I can't tell, my eyes are blurred by tears. I'm still being cradled. Let me calm down! I can't be calm. My head is filled with stress and anxiety, let me be calm. I can't be calm. Fuck. Make this stop I can't take it.

What's happening fuck what is this? What is this pain, it hurts. I've never felt more alone and distant, I've never wanted to hurt myself so badly. I've never wanted to kill myself so fucking bad. Holy shit make this stop, this hurts. It hurts.

"Wil- wilbur?" I mumbled, my voice wavered.

"Mhm?" He hummed in a response. He's the one who's holding me in his arms, I could tell by the tone.

"I-I need-need help. I c-can't take th-this. It really f-fucking hurts right n-now." My voice cracked whilst talking. My gaze focused up on Wilbur's, as soon as I saw it my heart broke.

He looked so sad, his face was stained by tears. I did this. I hurt my friends, I made them hurt. My gaze then shifted away and my eyes made their way around my room. Tear streaks, puffy eyes. Fuck. What did I do? Why did I do this.. I should have kept this all to myself.

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