🐝 Chapter 3: Suspicious

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains the following:
Panic attacks
Slight mention of abuse

If you uncomfortable reading any of this please read something else! <3

Ranboo's POV:

I wake up whilst squinting my eyes, rays of golden sun peer through the curtains. I shift and rub my eyes, then grab my phone off the nightstand. 'it's only 8:15 am?' I think to myself, well I might as well get up now anyway.

Grabbing my suitcase from the floor, I take out a button up shirt with flowers and corgi dogs on it. Along with a white shirt and plain jeans.

I don't bother with my mask and glasses, I don't think I'll stream today; yet. I glance over to my door, still closed. Swiftly getting dressed, I open my door softly.

I take a few steps over to tubbo's room, it's slightly open. I peer inside. His blanket is nearly half off of his body, one arm is to his side. The other slightly hanging over the edge of his bed. I grin slightly, he's still wearing my hoodie.

My smile quickly fades, it was somewhat hot last night. I guess he must've kicked his blanket off as the hoodie was enough. I crack the door a bit more, what's that white thing on his arm?

He must be wearing a short-sleeved shirt underneath. Seems odd though, the texture looked off.. like a bandage. Maybe I'm overthinking this? Yeah. I won't say anything until I fully know. I do know that he was only 2 months clean from harming himself.

So his mental health may not be the best, though I'll give it a few more days. It also could've been from falling or something else, I can't just assume. I step back out of the room and head downstairs.

Breakfast may help him feel better, I'll make toast with eggs! I hope he doesn't mind. I walk softly as to not wake tubbo up. While pulling out eggs from the refrigerator, and bread from the counter-- I start to heat up the frying pan. I also grab some butter. Putting a bit of butter in the pan, then cracking two eggs into it.

I let them sit for a bit while popping two pieces of bread into the toaster. Then, flipping the eggs so they don't burn. I'd hate to be banned from the kitchen on my second day here. I make two more pieces of toast and two more eggs. I also set out butter and jam onto the table along with the food.

I'll wake tubbo up first. Heading up to his room, I hear shuffling from inside. He probably just woke up; I knock on the door gently.

"Hey tubbo, are you up?" I say softly.

"Yeah ran-" he yawns-- "boo!" He finishes after.

"I made breakfast, it's set out on the table!" I say excitedly

"Alright, I'll be down in just a minute!" He says in a joyful tone.

I smile and head back down stairs, sitting at the island. I'll wait until he comes down.

(I apologize for the repetitive POVs! There will hopefully be some new ones soon)
Tubbo's POV:

I was in the middle of changing my blood-soaked bandages when ranboo knocks. He tells me he made breakfast, I feel kind of bad. Shouldn't I be the one making breakfast? Well it's already too late so it doesn't matter. I finish wrapping up the fresh bandages and slip back on ranboo's hoodie.

It's so comfortable, I slept with it on last night. I hope he didn't mind? It's fine I can wash it. Not wanting to let him wait long, I start to go downstairs. Yawning again whilst I enter the kitchen. It smells of fresh toast. I take a seat across from Ranboo.

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