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You know what guys? Lemme just explain the story to you. I'm getting tired of it and want to start on my next story (the sequel)..

Apple spectrum in bomb pop are together. OMG this is really boring. Anyways let's see what else there is to the story. More new ponies on the way new faces new characters new everything. Well this really is boring. I'm starting the next story guys. you want to know what it's called? It's called "when corruption take place." I hope you are read it it's kind of their future. I'm so sorry if I disappoint anybody but I'm really not catching on to the story. It was kind of just like a one time thing but I only really like it in the beginning and right now on starting not to like it. Again sorry if I disappoint anybody. But I really didn't like the story now. It kind of just got boring for me and I didn't really like it anymore so again again again I'm so so sorry for any of you that don't like me right now because I canceled the story. But I'm sorry again but but Bubba Bubba Bubba Bubba blah bye-bye bye-bye love of a Bubba Bubba boo-boo boo-boo boo-boo bad boo-boo bad bad bad bad bad bad bad boo-boo boo-boo boo-boo. Sorry guys I'm playing with the voice thing

sorry though. I hope you read my next story and I hope.. I hope I get as many read as I did for this story because I've honestly never got this many read done any of my stories because I have multiple accounts. And this is my most popular one and I'm.. I'm really really proud of it

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