8 (The real one)

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(Btw all the ponies I added, are gone.)

Rainbow's P.O.V
Soarin, Glide, Ember, and I got ready to race to flutter shy's house.

"GO!" I screamed as we all zoomed through the trees.

Glide was in the lead with Me, Ember, and Soarin tying. I flew a little faster but Glide saw me and flew faster. We lost sight of her but met her at Flutter Shy's house "Oh, Your here!" Flutter spoke in "Excitement".

She grabbed a few cups and poured water in them.

(Time skip :D)

After everypony got there I decided to tell them that I would be adding on to my family. I told AJ first, and she told me SHE was pregnant too!

AJ and I would talk a lot about names. "Ih was thinking... Caramel Cinnamon Blend for a girl. And uhh, for a boy, Ih was thinkin' Apple Voice." AJ told me.

I thought for a moment. Chances are I would probably get two girls. "Maybe for two girls, Frigid Flurry and NightFall Ghost... But For a Boy and a Girl I was thinking Frigid Flurry and Cyclone Blink." I spoke.

Soarin and Caramel came over and helped us discuss names. We heard Pinkie bouncing to us and inhaling to say:

"Hey Guys! I was just wondering if I could join the pregnant party because I'm pregnant too and isn't that great?! But Pokey wanted to tell you guys but I'm telling you know and it's just so exciting! And, hey... Have you seen Flash?"
Except, just imagine that faster.


Ugh.. Hey guys! So how do you 'like the chapter!!?? Btw, comment on whether you want DASHIE to have twin;
Boy and Girl?
Girl and Girl?
Leave your answer in the comments, more chapters to come!! Follow, Comment, and Vote!! Bye ponies!

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