The beginning

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A/N: This is my first online story ever, so please be open to mistakes along the way.. The main character is based off of me, which is boxing, video games, and intense music, so if there are some things that you don't like.. I am sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it though!

It's been a hard day at school today.. I just want to come take a load off for the weekend and NOT do A THING. I sit down to play some Forza Horizon 5 with my friends on my computer, it's the middle of July, and 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 Celsius) And the air conditioner in my room sounds like an engine jet. I join their discord call and get set up for our race.

Y/N: Yo, you guys here?

Carl: Here

Kieran: present

Y/N: School sucked today, Mr. Payne was on my ass the entire period.. got me really pissed off.

Kieran: I know what you mean

Carl: Hey! By the way guys.. have you heard about that new "pizza-plex" they opened down town?

Y/N: a little bit.. how about you Kieran?

Kieran: NOT really.

Carl: We went there for my little brother's birthday 2 days ago, it's so sick!

Y/N: Carl.. if you think I'm taking my ass out there in this weather.. you are high.

Carl: Nah, it's totally worth it! Their pizza is alright I guess, but they have a HOT ass animatronic there! She is a wolf dressed in 80's to 90's rock band clothes!

Carl: I was able to get a picture with her! Her name is Roxanne Wolf!

Kieran: ....

Y/N: Sounds interesting.. I might actually check it out tomorrow.. I need a fun weekend.

Carl: They have pizza, Live music, 4 arcades, and more!

Y/N: Calm down carl.. It's not THAT great.

Carl: You'll see.

Kieran: are we going to play or what...?


"Im actually thinking about going tomorrow, What Carl said really stuck out.. I mean, it is the biggest place in the City.. I heard it was massive, and about Roxanne.. it was to new to Google so I had to go on FacePage (copy right purposes) and look up pictures of her there." I thought to myself.

"She is BEAUTIFUL.. her hair.. her tail.. her eyes.. her clothes.. I've never seen such beauty radiating from anything ever! I wonder if my friend would want to join me.. he could give me a ride over there as well" I also thought to myself.

*Starts to call my other friend Silas*

Silas: Yello?

Y/N: Hey man! What's up?

Silas: ah, just existing I guess, what about you man?

Y/N: I'm decent.. Would you be interested in going to that new "pizza-plex" thing tomorrow?

Silas: the one with the animatronics?

Y/N: Yes.

Silas: let's see.... I am off on Saturday and Sunday so.. I guess we could go, what time are you thinking?

Y/N: well, since the boxing gym is closed on Saturday, my schedule is vastly more free, how about 5PM? They close at midnight.

Silas: okay, that'll do man, see you then

Y/N: See ya.

*Hangs up*

I like hanging with Silas, I like pizza, I like live music, I love video games.. this place sounds pretty cool even with Roxanne out of the picture!

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Where stories live. Discover now