So it was you!

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Y/N: Stay calm, Kieran! We're on our way!

*they get to Kieran and quickly rush the closet*

Carl: There's nothing here!

Kieran: It seemed suspicious!! I- I SWEAR IT!

Y/N: Well, their gone now.

Carl: Did they say anything else??

Y/N: Umm, YEAH! The rafters above monty golf!

Kieran: we need to hurry and skiddadle before the wicked witch burns our cornfields!

Carl: Kieran, these analogies don't make any sense. Let's just go

*They run as fast as they can, having to pass through multiple dining areas and such before actually making it anywhere near monty golf*

Carl: A faster route would be through Rockstar Row, wouldn't it??

Kieran: You have a point!

Y/N: Let's not! We can make it there like this

*All talking whilst sprinting*

Carl: C'mon Y/N!

Kieran: You've been wanting to go there all night, Carl! Why????

Carl: For no reason, impeticular

Kieran: There's always a reasonnnnn

Kieran: Just like why Y/N was wearing that cologne! There's a girl somewhere in here he's been doodling

Y/N: Shut your big ass mouth, Kieran, and let's just get to Rockstar Row already

Kieran: C'mon! Where is she?? I know she's here!! Do I know her??

Y/N: *silence*

*As they finally reach the final strip of floor between them and the entrance to monty golf, they hear to what sounds like a metal grate hit the floor*

Y/N: Keep your guns drawn, I will open the security use stair way to the rafters.

Kieran: Just spill it, Carl! Why do you wanna go to Rockstar Row so badly

Carl: I've done some spying and have seen Y/N go there on the cameras. He stayed there for a while!

Y/N: *eyes widen and stops jiggling the keys in the door* You didn't see anything special, C-carl! I p-promise you!

Carl: *Grunts suggestivly*

*Door opens, They all run up the stairs and make it onto the rafters*

Y/N: We heard you up here a minute ago! We have you out numbered, and we will not hesitate to shoot! Come out now!

*Heavy walking starts to come out of the darkness slowly*

Y/N: *eyes widen*

Carl: *Clears throat*

Kieran: *GULP*

VOICE #2: Hahaha

Carl: It's you...


MONTY: That's the name.

Kieran: What are you doing..? W-w-why are you cutting the cameras..??

Y/N: And isn't there supposed to be two of you!??

Monty: I was changing my voice!

Y/N: LAIR! your model only has 1 voice box!

Monty: pretty clever *SNAP*

*A gunshot fires off from the darkness in the far right. Everybody's hair stands up before it sinks down into kierans right arm deep*

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Where stories live. Discover now