But you can call me Roxy

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| A/N: This story has had a lot of filler so far.. I know, but it will get better. I really hope you guys are enjoying my work in the story so far... talk to you later!


* It's been a day now, my would is still there but slowly healing, I keep reapplying bandage and gauze every 8 hours.. but that doesn't change a thing..*

Y/N: "I know she saved me.. I could not see her but that beautiful smell.. like bed sheets fresh out of the dryer. A faint scent of lavender.. I realized it was her when her room smelled like I was In a lavender candle.. I was to shocked to say anything about it though.. we are going are going back today.. I cannot really race with my side being how it is... my parents don't know anything about it yet.. I just told them I was staying at Silas's house tonight.. and that was it.." you thought to yourself


* You and Silas were on the way to the pizza-plex.. you have only one thing on your mind..*

Y/N: "this is crazy.. she doesn't like me.. why would she??"

Silas: HEY! HELLO?? earth to Y/N!

Y/N: *You snap back to reality* y-yes??

Silas: you have something on your mind? And How is that stab going?? No one know about it yet.

Y/N: I'm not really think about anything to be honest, and it's pretty traumatizing.

Silas: well.. we will be pulling up soon, we just got off the exit.

Y/N: "I have to get my mind off of her.."

* You arrive at the pizza-Plex, you and Silas have been talking shit to each other the whole way about Mortal Combat, How scorpion is a better written character than subzero. You both get out of the truck and start walking to the front entrance, the smell of pizza and intensity flows through the air..*

*You walk in and the air feels different.. the cozy temperature of cool but not cold air, Silas puts both passes down on the check in table and we go on our way*

Silas: I am going to whoop you ass scorpion boy

Y/N: Yeah Ri-


Y/N: ?

Silas: ?

* Roxanne Wolf ran over to the stairs where you and Silas we're going to head up*

RW: Y/N! How is that wound doing??

Y/N: it's doing fine, I'm on pain medicine and tons of cleaning

RW: I'm sorry to hear! Hey! Let's go, I forgot to give you a tour yesterday!

*She grabs your hand and starts to walk off, you look back at Silas and he smirks a bit*

Silas: have fun I guess! *he yells*

RW: so, how is that wound?

Y/N: you already asked me that? Haha

RW: oh, sorry * damn it roxanne! I can't trip myself up like that! He will think your an idiot!*

Y/N: how has YOUR day been?

RW: it's been alright, I got many autographs and pictures over with today, that means we won't be interrupted during your tour!

RW: And besides, you wouldn't want us to get interrupted.. would you?

Y/N: of course not! *Her hands are so soft.. how could her hands be this soft.. she's a.. ro..bot..?* you thought to yourself

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin