The Race

850 14 7

A/N: Roxanne Wolf = RW Glamrock Freddy = GF
Glamrock Chica = GC
Montgomery Gator = MG


Y/N: *runs back to the table* Silas!

Silas: Yes??

Y/N: Roxanne Wolf her self invited me to a race taking place in 30 minutes! If we hurry, we can get you in too!

Silas: I... am good, thanks though.

Y/N: "I don't know what the prize is but it's worth a shot" I thought

* runs to the roxy raceway*

Y/N: wow, this is the map of the race track huh? It looks twisty turny... forming a loop of sorts

Y/N:  Well.. it about time to sign up and get ready..

As I enter in the competition, I realized there were not a whole lot of people.. 13 of including Roxanne, we got in our karts and I was number 10, roxanne had her own special kart.

Announcer: Start your engines racers!

RW: That is the first time anyone has ever beaten me on Mario Kart haha. Good luck kid

Announcer: follow the applied rules of the track.. wear your seat belts for safety, the karts can go up to 40 mph! And keep helmet on!


" He beat me in Mario Kart and he seems really confident climbing in that Kart, no way this kid is gonna beat me on home turf. No way." She told herself

Announcer: READY!


" here we go "


Y/N & RW: *intensly waiting for the green light*


Roxanne being first in line when the green light hit natural stayed in first, Y/N soring to 4th in about 12 seconds and gaining

Y/N: "I need to win this, I already beat her in Mario Kart, I need to prove myself the Victor."

RW: "he definitely does have skill, he started 10th now he is in 4th, and i can't let my Guard down with him.. even if he is cute"

*Y/N is in 4th and 3rd is not letting up.. every time he goes to pass #3, #3 cuts him off, its an intense struggle for power for  Y/N and #3*

Y/N:  "If I can cut corners.. I could get past him, I will time when he turns and I will turn a second later"

*Y/N trys out his plan, it starts to work.. he is right beside #3 and they would exchange their final words*

Y/N:  You just got to take chances! *Y/N yells to him*

Racer #3:  what??

  *Y/N cuts a corner barely and almost T-bones into a wall but manages to save it and now dominates In 3rd.*

*As Y/N is in 3rd he can not get past 2nd, he tries cutting corners more but nothing works.. he notices the giant curve up ahead and has an idea*

Y/N: " that curve up ahead, if 2nd loses some of their speed to go around.. and I maintain my speed and drift, I should gain enough momentum to pass before going on the straight way... I have never actual drifted but I'm not about to lose.."

*As they go and the curve, Y/N does a sharp turn and starts to drift, getting neck and neck with the 2nd racer, but Y/N didn't realize there was a second turn behind that one! He Jerks his wheel to the left real sharp whilst gaining speed, he eventually passes 2nd when they get on the straight way*

Y/N: "how is Roxanne so far ahead.. I need to close the distance before she crosses the line" Y/N thought to himself

* Y/N notices a pattern of roxannes that she breaks a little before drifting, Y/N takes advantage of this by gaining speed around turns by turning sooner*

RW: What the hell? How are you doing this??

Y/N: h-history repeats itself!

*The race comes to an exciting end when Y/N turns their steering wheel sharp and drifts ahead of roxanne by an inch, crossing the finish line*

*As all the Karts came in.. nobody for sure knew who won*

RW: better luck next time kid!

Y/N: I so won that!

RW: you wish!

* The playback camera reveals that Y/N did in fact cross over first.*

*an unbearable silence took over the race track*

RW: B-But how..? I'm the best!?

Y/N: *smirks looking at the playback screen*

RW: wow.. I haven't been beaten In a race or a video game in a long time.. and you beat me in both.. come by the sign in area for your prize..

Y/N: "this has to be the greatest moment of my life!" He thought

*You go to the sign In booth where they give you some sort of winners pizza coupon, than roxanne waves you over, you stand in front of this 90's styled neon background like it was school picture day, and roxanne holds your hand for a couple seconds before holding it up for a winner's picture*

Y/N: "Wow her hands are SUPER soft and warm,there Is no way I'm simping over a robot.. is there..? OMG I hope I'm not blushing when they take the picture" you thought to yourself

*they take the picture and they print it, roxanne goes over and signs it with:"

"Goodjob... maybe we could share that pizza sometime 😉"

Y/N: "I will keep this forever..." you thought..

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant