Love N' War (lemon)

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A/N: Check out my Buddy SuperProfMario and his story, the "web of lies", And definitely my other buddy, JustAnotherUser (Relaxerbater6000) and his story "Stranded In Tomorrow"

Y/N: He's just gone?

*You get lost in thoughts while walking to the atrium*

Y/N: "How could he just leave so casually?? How just to think he had Kieran bleeding out on the ground and Carl and I were helpless drives me insane. He could've killed me in the tunnels and definitely could've on the rafters.. next time I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER FIRST". *He thought*

* You get to the atrium, and it never ceases to amaze you how lit up the place is. It is mind-boggling.. and seeing her face all over the walls and in every game room makes you miss her even more*

Y/N: Oh, how I love her.. *you say quietly under your breath*

Kieran: What??

Y/N: Oh! Hey guys.. I didn't know I was here already.. haha..

Kieran: Why are you talking to yourself?

Y/N: It's nothing really

Carl: ...

Kieran: And why did you stay in Rockstar row after bird brain shoved me!?

Y/N: Relax Kieran, I'm just getting some work done early

Carl: Not like that actually helps since we're supposed to patrol constantly

Y/N: For closure Carl..

Kieran: What kind of closure were you getting in Roxanne's room!!?

Y/N: What!!?

Kieran: That's right! I peeped over and saw you enter her room after I left!

Y/N: I- I-

Carl: Spit it out

Y/N: Routine Check up on the band, of course! I went to all the other rooms as well

Kieran: Hmm..

Carl:  I'm going to check downstairs more than I have. Security tunnels, upgrade room, EVERYTHING

Y/N:  both basements?

Carl:  Everything.

Kieran:  I'm to afraid to go back to Rockstar row!  You guy's don't even know what it's like for an animatronic to go berserk on you! 

Y/N:  ...

Carl:  ...

Kieran:  ...                     sorry Carl... 

Y/N:  The Camera's have been fixed also and should be checked regularly.

Carl:  Don't tell me how to do my job Y/N. 

Y/N:  Well.. okay then

Kieran:  I Still have cheese in my Shirt!

Carl:  Chica is always at here fitness before the concerts you know Kieran.. Maybe you should attend one.

Kieran:  And maybe you should apologize to all the kids who said Monty was their favorite!

Y/N:  Guys! Guys!  HEY!  *Stands up and splits them up*  This is not the way to go about this at all.

Kieran:  I'm going to get food!

Carl:  I'm going to scout out the basement.

Y/N:  And I guess I will scout the Main games.

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Where stories live. Discover now