(De) - (Con) + struction

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*The next day rolls around, and you get out of bed and make yourself a cup of coffee*

Y/N: *Yawn*

* It is 12 P.M., which means you only had 4 hours of sleep counting the two extra hours you've stayed awake when you got home.*


Y/N: Damn.. there's my phone... *Walks over and answers it* Hello?

Kieran: Hey!

Y/N: Oh hey.. *Rubs eyes*

Kieran: What are you doing right now??

Y/N: Trying to get woken up

Kieran: Oh... How about in a few hours, we meet in the Pizza-Plex?

Y/N: That's been my whole life for the past month and a half..

Kieran: It's close! It's convenient! And don't forget, delicious and fun!

Y/N: Okay, okay! Damn kieran... You trynna be the advertiser??

Kieran: Shut up! Just get over here soon!

*You hang up and put your phone down on the counter, make your coffee, and relax.*


Y/N: *Sighs* Hello??

Mr. Squire: Hello boy!

Y/N: Oh! Hello Mr. Squire!

Mr. Squire: Oh my, I seem to have called the wrong number.. I've been trying to reach Carl.

Y/N: Oh.. Alrighty then

Mr. Squire: Bye

*Hangs up and starts to head towards bathroom*


Y/N: RRRRRRHHHH *walks all the way back and picks up the phone*

Carl: Hey, Y/N

Y/N: Hey Carl..

Carl: Has- Hold on, Mr. Squires calling me

*You hang up and use the bathroom, finally getting back to your coffee and sitting down in front of your TV in your recliner*

Y/N: Finally..


*You look at around to realize that your phone was left on the kitchen counter, so you put your coffee down, pause your show, walk all the way to the kitchen, and as soon as you get to it, it stop*

Y/N: Grrrr *Clinches fist*

*You make it back to your chair and sit down, getting comfortable and cozy, unpausing your show to relax, and picking up your coffee*

Y/N: . . .


Y/N: DAMN IT! *Pauses show, puts down coffee, leans up, and picks up phone* HELLO!??

Carl: Hey! I'm back


Carl: Just making sure if Kieran told you about us meeting up at around 3 or so


Carl: Calm down! It's not like your phone has been ringing all day!

*You hang up on him in frustration, getting severely pissed off and trying to calm down, it's in this moment that you pick up your coffee and take your first sip while watching your show to reveal that it has now gotten cold. This was the final straw for you, and you toss your mug into the kitchen, having it shatter all over the place*

Roxanne Wolf x Male reader (FNAF SB)Where stories live. Discover now