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Right now me, kyra, and taylor are on our way to the jail to bail out jack.
*flashback of last night*
Johnson opened the door and said "you better leave now or he will actually kill you...Matt" fuck matts here and i started crying. Jack got up but Nash pushed him back down. Nash and Cam went to the door i all i heard was yelling witch nade me more scared so i started crying more. All of the boys were at the door screaming at Matt to leave so jack got up. Jack told the boys to come inside and they just left him out there with Matt. I started hearing stop and no more coming from Matt. I got up and looked at the windiw to see matt laying on the side walk out like a light i hope hes not dead. I also seen lights and sirens. I watched my own bf almist kill someone for me then get arrested for me. The boys stayed tge night so i wouldnt get scarred.
*End of flashback*
As soon as we git there kyra went running to the bathroom and i ran to the counter to bail him out. Taylor gave them the money and the door opened.... As soon as i seen jack and ran upto him and he picked me up and we kissed for about a minute. Kyra cane out and we went to the car. I asked jacj if he was ok like a thousand times and he said yes every time. "Chloe can you take me to the store please" i said sure and we took Tays car to the store. She told me to wait in the car so i did. She came out and i looked in the bag to see 3 pregancy tests. The way home was really quiet. I walked in to see all the boys sleeping all over the luving room. "Kyra just know what ever happens i will always be by your side and so will shawn and if hes not I'll kick hus ass" she just smiled alittle and walked down the hall. I sat on my bed and waiting for her. She walked in "i cant look im scared will you go look for me" and me being the bitchy friend i am i grabbed her hand and pulled her in the bathroom "1...2...3" and with that we both looked and they all said...positive. "If i tell you something promisr you wont tell anyone" i said promise and she started talking again. "So about a month ago i slept wity Nash but befire you freak out it was before i was with Shawn." I just sat down on my bed and looked at her "is there a chance this baby could be Nashes kid " She just broke down in tears. I feel so bad but idk what to do in a moment like this.

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