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Everyone has been so depressed after Declin died. Kyra and Shawn have locked there self in there room and ahvent came out since the funeral. I still cant get over the fact i was touching him when he died. Today is my baby shower and idk hiw to get them out of there room. I feel so bad that i cant help them. Nash, Cam and the other boys have been setting up the baby shower why me and Jack were finding a cake. After we got a cake we went home. I ran upstairs to Shawn and Kyras room. I opened the door and they were both ready and had 2 bags that i think were presents. "Hey are you guys ready to go?" They both said ya so we went down stairs and got in the cars. Me and Jack were in his car. Shawn and Kyra were leading because me and Jack didn't know where it was at. Once we got there it was at pizza hut. We walked in and saw streamers and presents and the cake me and Jack picked out. We played games and opened presents. Then we ate cake and ice cream. After everyone started leaving we went home. I was about to go to bed but Kyra stopped me. She said we had to do the baby bump thing you have a thing that is the shape of your stomach. After Kyra did that me and Jack went to bed. Why we were laying in bed I asked Jack. "Are you gonna stay after all we are gonna go thru?" Yes babe thru it all and we will get thru it and times maybe hard but we are strong and gonna get thru it all. We have the boys and Kyra and they are our family and that's all we need" He said kissing my forehead. Good night I love you. I love you too.

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