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Guys this is really sad and kyra im sorry im doing this i teally im.

Once i got there and they let me in the room Declin was already here. "Where is shawn ans the baby?" I asked Kyra and she said that Declin was early so they had to do a check up and Shawn was with him. I askwd her if she was hungry and she said yes. I walked down the hall and seen Shawn crying. I ran over to him. "Omg Shawn what happened?" He stopped breathing they are trying to help.him breath but they said there is only a 10 percent chance that he would live." I started crying to. I need to find a way to tell Kyra. What if she freaks out she is already to stressed. I walked in through the doors where they were. When i walked in a saw little Declin with tubes all over him. He looked like he was already gone. I walke dover to him and held his little hand with my finger. He wrapped his hand around my finger and we sat like that till Shawn and Kyra came in then he let go. We were all lookong at him when the boys came in (oh and btw matt moved away to africa idk sry lol). Kyra and Shawn both gave him a kiss on the fore head. I gave him one and held his finver again after they all went out. I closed my eyes then i heard beeping. I opened them and started crying. He was gone really gone. The nurses cane in and took him away. Kyra was so sad and shawn just looked plain depressed.
-2 weeks later-
Today is Declins funeral. It will be very hard for the all of us. The last 2 weeks kyra has sat in bed and cried. Shawn is getting better but hasnt been writing music lately. After they put his little mini cofin in the ground we all threw little blue flowers down on it. We all went home and went to bed. Why i was layinv in bed i looked up at Jack and started crying. Just knowing that i was holding his hand why he died hurts so much knowing that he will be our little angel in the sky.

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