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I woke up by myself so im guessing Nash left. I checked my phone and had 5 miss calls from Johnson. 14 from Jack. And 3 from Sammy. Omg i wonder if they got a ride. I emidiatly called Johnson.

Phone Convo

C- omg Jack are you guys still at the airport im so sorry i fell asleep.

Then Johnson walke din my room. I ran and gave him a hug. Its weird but ever since me and Jack started dating me and Johnson have been like best friends. I started crying and he just held me. Then Sammy came into the room. Then us 3 just had a giant group hug. I sat down on my bed. "What im i suppose to say to Jack now?" Jack J and Sammh stared at each other. "To be honest Chloe how many times have you heard things about Jack messing around with other girls? I know Jack J has told me about 3." "Wait...3 SAMMY 3. AND JACK YOU KNEW ABOUT THEM TOO OMG. I only knew he kissed 1 girl at a party." Thats when i couldnt take it anymore i broke down in tears. I literally fell on the floor. I dont get what i did to deserve this. I trusted him with keaving for "tour" but i guess it was more of a "go fuck another girl for a week" kind of thing. Sammy ended up leaving the room and Jack J just sat on thw floor holding me. "What did i do to deserve this? Did i deserve it?" " Chloe you didn't do anything its just Jack being Jack. You just havent seen this side if him." my phone started going off it was Jack. I showed Jack J and he answered it.

Phone Convo
J=Jack J. G= Jack G

G-oh my gid Chloe you scared me why havent you been licking up your phone? Are the kids okay?
J-Jack stop with the fucking act she knows you were fucking Madison. Thats why me and Sammy came back. Like seriously wtf man. She has your 3 kids and she is the perfect girl to have. So why Madison she is justa nother slut that will leave you and when she does just remember you ruined your realationship with Chloe to sleep with a slut.

Then he hung up. I was so suprised becaus ei have never seen Jack J so mad before. Je got iff the floor and pucjed me up thwn put me in my bed. He layed down next to me and we just cuddled. Jack G kept cakling me but i just ignored it and so did Jack J.

So what do u guys think? What if Chloe ends up with Johnson?

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