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"Kyra we need to tell Shawn" she just sat on ny bed and cried. "Get some sleep please" she nodded her head and layed down. I went down stairs to see nash eating pizza. "Want some " i said no. He jyst shrugged his shoulders."can i ask you something but you have to answer 100% honest please".

Nashes POV
Chloe asked me if she could ask me something and i said ya. "When you slept with Kyra did you use a condom abd tell the truth?" I wonder why she us asking me this. "Ill tell you if you tell me why you want to know."

Chloe POV
"Bc she is pregnant" he said he did so i had to go wake up kyra. I started yelling her name and shaking her. Her eyes opened and she asked what was wrong with me. Im guessing she asked bc i was jumping around. "I asked nash if he used a condom and he saud yes so that means its Shawns baby we have to tell him". She started smiling like crazy. I ran downstairs and asked where Shawn was but he wasnt home. Me and Kyra decided to text him like a million texts. We heard his car and the door slam close,then foot steps coming up the stairs."why the fuck did you guys text me so many times" i couldnt hold it in "shawnkyraspregnant" he asked what i said "Kyra is pregnant". He ran up to her and picked her up and spun her around. Then he put her down, lifted her shirt and kissed her belly

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